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UFGT10: X - What would you like to see improved?


So a new UFGT was announced recently and I was hoping to get some feedback from everyone here. As you all remember, there was some controversy during UFGT9 that upset a bunch of people. This included the tournament organizer and a few of the competitors. Things got out of hand, especially from people who didn't even attend the event. I'm hoping all of that is behind us now.

There's always room for improvement and nobody wants any community to feel unhappy or unwelcome. So let's try to make things better for everyone. YEAH!!

One issue was MK9 top 8 being late Saturday and having Injustice top 8 early Sunday. Considering the community overlap, this was an oversight that I think can be easily fixed. My recommendation: Pay attention to the event schedule and bring up these type of issues as soon as they are noticed and before they are set in stone. It's much more difficult to do anything a day before the event or the day of.

What would you like to see and what would you like improved? For the competitors that attended UFGT9, what issues did you have and how would you like to see them addressed? Obviously people are going to mention the Injustice 9:30 am top 8 thing. I think that's fair to talk about, but let's try to be civil about it.

If we work together to inform Keits about what you as a community want to see, things will be a lot better for everyone. Personally, I liked that there was a character auction (why don't people talk about this more?). Those are always fun to watch and I would love to see something like that happen again. I would also like to see an organized team tournament of some sort. A 5v5 would be pretty bad ass I think. Did you guys like the "Testers Among Us" panel with PL and Tom? Maybe we could do something like that again (but better organized).

Also, I would like to see a side tournament arranged for MK9. So let's make that happen too.

GGA Dizzy
Perfect Legend
Tom Brady
AK Pig Of The Hut
(feel free to tag the appropriate people)

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I competed in both Injustice and MK 9 at UFGT 9. Personally, I found the experience there to be pretty good. Injustice had its own exhibition, which was hype. The NRS community even had our own discussion panel at the event that included Perfect Legend, Tom Brady, and yourself (though, granted, it was added last minute when Team AGE had to drop out).

I'd have to look at last year's scheduling again to see how it all went down, but I remember thinking that the actual Injustice tournament PROBABLY could have stood to have just a little bit more stream time. However, at the same time, Injustice DID have its own exhibition and it was streamed so maybe that evens things out a bit.

The one thing that I believe that a lot of competitors complained about (which is also looking like to be the same thing that's getting fixed, according to tweets that I saw Keits put out earlier today), was that the tournament stations suffered from lag. Could have been lag for being ran on PS3, could have been from running in 1080p, I honestly cannot remember for sure. However, it sounds like Keits is heavily considering running Injustice on 360 which I think is the right move to make.

Hah, in all honesty: the only real thing that I can complain about is the fact that everyone won door prizes consisting of fightsticks, cool artbooks, and other awesome stuff.........and all that I won for my door prize was a third-rate SNES game that I can't even sell on eBay for $5! :p Keits: 1 Semi Evil Ryu: 0

But seriously, both UFGT 8 and UFGT 9 remain as two of my most favorite majors that I've attended. I'd recommend to anyone that has a chance to go to UFGT to absolutely do it!


I competed in both Injustice and MK 9 at UFGT 9. Personally, I found the experience there to be pretty good. Injustice had its own exhibition, which was hype. The NRS community even had our own discussion panel at the event that included Perfect Legend, Tom Brady, and yourself (though, granted, it was added last minute when Team AGE had to drop out).

I'd have to look at last year's scheduling again to see how it all went down, but I remember thinking that the actual Injustice tournament PROBABLY could have stood to have just a little bit more stream time. However, at the same time, Injustice DID have its own exhibition and it was streamed so maybe that evens things out a bit.

The one thing that I believe that a lot of competitors complained about (which is also looking like to be the same thing that's getting fixed, according to tweets that I saw Keits put out earlier today), was that the tournament stations suffered from lag. Could have been lag for being ran on PS3, could have been from running in 1080p, I honestly cannot remember for sure. However, it sounds like Keits is heavily considering running Injustice on 360 which I think is the right move to make.

Hah, in all honesty: the only real thing that I can complain about is the fact that everyone won door prizes consisting of fightsticks, cool artbooks, and other awesome stuff.........and all that I won for my door prize was a third-rate SNES game that I can't even sell on eBay for $5! :p Keits: 1 Semi Evil Ryu: 0
Yeah, I've already made a case for Injustice being played on 360 to Keits. I don't see that being an issue. I really wish NRS sponsored the event (or any event...) so that the community could get some great prizes for being passionate about their game. There were no additional bonuses from WB at UFGT9 like the year prior. It's really a shame.

Make sure there isn't power issues where the monitors and systems randomly turn off lol. My match with Awesomo in losers finals of our pool was affected by this and it shouldn't happen.
:( that sucks. I know Keits tried working with the Hotel people about that problem. I do know that he talked to the bracket holders on how to best handle the situation. I'm sure that will be one of his main concerns for UFGT10:X.


The one thing that I believe that a lot of competitors complained about (which is also looking like to be the same thing that's getting fixed, according to tweets that I saw Keits put out earlier today), was that the tournament stations suffered from lag. Could have been lag for being ran on PS3, could have been from running in 1080p, I honestly cannot remember for sure. However, it sounds like Keits is heavily considering running Injustice on 360 which I think is the right move to make.
Correct, Adam did post that he wanted feedback for which console for Injustice, I suggest everyone reply to him on Twitter (and post here for Delriach) to let them know your console of choice (which seems to be primarily 360 so far due to PS3 issues).

Make sure there isn't power issues where the monitors and systems randomly turn off lol. My match with Awesomo in losers finals of our pool was affected by this and it shouldn't happen.
That sucked as a whole and was happening across the whole room. Unfortunate but hopefully preventable for next year.

I really wish NRS sponsored the event (or any event...) so that the community could get some great prizes for being passionate about their game. There were no additional bonuses from WB at UFGT9 like the year prior. It's really a shame.
That is a shame, I'd say maybe start bugging WB now to see if they can come up with something by that time. Especially since they are local developers and supporting the scene in some way would be awesome of them.


LIn Kuei Champion
I'm probably not going to another UFGT ever again. Not enough mk or injustice setups. I'll watch but not going to another one.
There were a lot of bs games being streamed imo.
Not enough mk or injustice streamed imo.
Games like tekken tag and persona got more stream time.
Not enough nrs game support is why I will never go to NCR again. Same reason I will probably won't go to UFGT again.
I do have family that lives around that area so there may be a small chance I might go again. The chances are very low for me tho.


I'm at work right now, so I don't have a huge amount of time. Just want to let people know that I am aware of this thread and I will be responding to whatever concerns people may have when I get a chance, hopefully later today.


CORN | gpmoney. Saltier than a bag of chips.
I'm probably not going to another UFGT ever again. Not enough mk or injustice setups. I'll watch but not going to another one.
There were a lot of bs games being streamed imo.
Not enough mk or injustice streamed imo.
Games like tekken tag and persona got more stream time.
Not enough nrs game support is why I will never go to NCR again. Same reason I will probably won't go to UFGT again.
I do have family that lives around that area so there may be a small chance I might go again. The chances are very low for me tho.
I was there it had an average stream time but yes it was lacking set ups but it just came out. Almost all tournaments do this not just UFGT. injustice did get some good stream but it was scheduled early. A lot of people didn't even know it was being streamed so they missed it. Outside of this it was nothing out of the normal


CORN | gpmoney. Saltier than a bag of chips.
I enjoyed UFGT9, great venue, the power issues where bad and there where alot of complaints with the scheduling of events timing wise but besides that it was awesome :D


I'm probably not going to another UFGT ever again. Not enough mk or injustice setups. I'll watch but not going to another one.
There were a lot of bs games being streamed imo.
Not enough mk or injustice streamed imo.
Games like tekken tag and persona got more stream time.
Not enough nrs game support is why I will never go to NCR again. Same reason I will probably won't go to UFGT again.
I do have family that lives around that area so there may be a small chance I might go again. The chances are very low for me tho.
There's a lot of misconceptions about this I think. Tekken, to my knowledge, was only streamed for Top 8. There were no pools streamed.

Injustice had the 5-7 and 7-9 time slots allotted for the stream on Friday. It also had the character auction event at 11pm.
Injustice Top 16-8 was on Saturday at 8pm. Persona and KOF had their top 16-8 streamed that day as well. Tekken Tag 2 top 8 was on Saturday right before MK9 top 8.

Injustice actually had the most stream time outside of UMVC3 and AE. The problem though is that Injustice is such a fast game that people were already done. That's why they showed filler once Injustice pools were done. They had to show something. Injustice was also not a sponsored game either.

As for the setups, Mk9 and Injustice had 4 setups each right next to each other. And there were at least 4-6 empty stations in the bring your own console area. I think we could do a better job at making sure people know that stations are available to use. That's a fair point I think. But there definitely should have been enough setups to use if it was needed for casuals. I know I saw 16bit playing casuals for awhile.


Galloping Ghost Arcade
I'm probably not going to another UFGT ever again. Not enough mk or injustice setups. I'll watch but not going to another one.
There were a lot of bs games being streamed imo.
Not enough mk or injustice streamed imo.
Games like tekken tag and persona got more stream time.
Not enough nrs game support is why I will never go to NCR again. Same reason I will probably won't go to UFGT again.
I do have family that lives around that area so there may be a small chance I might go again. The chances are very low for me tho.
I agree, too much stream time for mystery game/non-mainstream games over the game that had (I believe) the 3rd most entrants.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
You have to remember that UFGT 9 was during a time when no one really KNEW if Injustice was going to catch on or not. The game had only been out for a little over a month. I think that UFGT organizers approached this game with a little bit of caution by limiting resources dedicated to it.

I don't know. I may just be talking out of my ass here.


Here was the schedule for UFGT9. You can see all the diamonds that Injustice had. The only games that had more were UMVC3/AE. And that's considering the fact that Atlus was one of the sponsors.

Don't forget being told to run your own major.

Seriously, when shit goes south at a tournament, everyone forgets within a month. Stop having the attention/memory spans of goldfish. That's how history repeats itself.


I'd rather nothing NRS even be there. We should just have our own Tournaments, and build the community that way. NRS games aint gettin fair play with all these TO's being Capcom heads. Thats just how I feel though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've always wanted to do a NRS tournament type thing but that costs a lot of money and without resources or sponsorships I don't see how that can happen. It would require a lot of work and years to grow. And there's no reason to act like a separate community in the grand scheme of things anyway. We just all gotta work together.


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Just a few things off the top of my head:

-randomize the brackets for character auctions. I believe for all of them they were written into the bracket in order of how they were drawn. I think it would be more hype this way as well as making it so you don't get deterred from betting, knowing your opponent first round.

-The rules for inj were really whack. luckily the sane people in the community have won and the standard is now what it always should have been: random stage. But during UFGT9, the rules were set on something no one wanted, 50/50 every match. While I highly doubt something like this will happen again since the campaign of idiots for counter picking stages has died down, I still feel like it should be mentioned that this was a blemish on UFGT9.


Just a few things off the top of my head:

-randomize the brackets for character auctions. I believe for all of them they were written into the bracket in order of how they were drawn. I think it would be more hype this way as well as making it so you don't get deterred from betting, knowing your opponent first round.

-The rules for inj were really whack. luckily the sane people in the community have won and the standard is now what it always should have been: random stage. But during UFGT9, the rules were set on something no one wanted, 50/50 every match. While I highly doubt something like this week happen again since the campaign of idiots for counter picking stages has died down, I still feel like it should be mentioned that this was a blemish on UFGT9.
Random bracket for auctions would be great. If there is one next year that would be a good thing to implement. I have no idea what the schedule will be like next year though if that's even going to happen for any game.

Rules! Yes! This is a very good thing to point out. Since nearly everyone agrees with random stage select this should be set in stone for next year, i hope.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Some of the issues:

-There are people in Chicago who will stream pools, so that fans of the game can catch all of the action. Just like EGP streamed SCR, Art streamed Civil War, Pig did Final Round, and KN streamed everything else, it's become pretty standard for FGC majors.

But UFGT is the only major where this seems to be an issue, due to 'contracts' that allowed all AE pools but one to be streamed, yet a much smaller amount of IGAU.

That doesn't seem very community-supportive; it just seems like playing favorites.

-9 am CST is 7 am for the west coast, which means that a lot of people won't be able to tune in. That's understandable if your game didn't bring many entrants -- but why would you do that to a Top 3 community game, and a new one that a lot of people want to see?

Again, it seems very much like playing favorites. Where's the logic?
Last edited:


Some of the issues:

-There are people in Chicago who will syream pools, so that fans of the game can catch all of the action. Just like EGP streamed SCR, Art streamed Civil War, Pig did Final Round, and KN streamed everything else, it's become pretty standard for FGC majors.

But UFGT is the only major where this seems to be an issue, due to 'contracts' that allowed all AE pools but one to be streamed, yet a much smaller amount of IGAU.

That doesn't seem very community-supportive; it just seems like playing favorites.

-9 am CST is 7 am for the west coast, which means that a lot of people won't be able to tune in. That's understandable if your game didn't bring many entrants -- but why would you do that to a Top 3 community game, and a new one that a lot of people want to see?

Again, it seems very much like playing favorites. Where's the logic?
My recommendation is to have streamers talk to organizers well before the event to see what can be worked out. Nobody stepped up leading up to UFGT9 about any of this. Medina4life knows more about this situation than I do, so I'm sure he can explain. If you guys want a stream for pools I do think you should talk to Keits and see what can be done. The talks should start now, imo.


Administrator and Community Engineer
My recommendation is to have streamers talk to organizers well before the event to see what can be worked out. Nobody stepped up leading up to UFGT9 about any of this. Medina4life knows more about this situation than I do, so I'm sure he can explain. If you guys want a stream for pools I do think you should talk to Keits and see what can be done. The talks should start now, imo.
I will reach out to Keits and see what happens.

Btw, CurlyW is awesome.