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- Injustice doesn't really promote strong rushdown in comparison to other games so it alienates fans of certain gameflows.
Im using Bane. All I play is up close, but the speed and blockstring style of rushdown pressure and high low mixups that defines the specific pacings of games like King of Fighters, or UMVC3, or Street Fighter or whatever...this game isn't the same. Remember when the game started? Folks were complaining about mad trying to figure out how to get in on stuff because the only real tool was dash then block and jump ins. Folks are largely used to more options vs zoning such as projectiles canceling each other out which is the biggest difference in this game.You are a fool.
The distinction is there. No roll, no wavedash, no projectile canceling...heck even the no block cancel dashing from MK9 made many decide it wasn't their cup of tea. Thats fine because to each their own but the footsies in injustice dont really leap out and speak to folks right away. I play the rushdown that exists in it and even I can admit its not like a normal rushdown gameplan using Bane or even my back up Hawkgirl.
Injustice rushdown doesn't really appeal in the same manner as the rushdown in other fighting games. It is it's own thing and it sadly does alienate some players. Doesn't make it bad, but I stick by my statement that it alienates some players to the poin that they dont click with the game.