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Have we entered the Dark Era of The FGC?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
From my perspective since 2012 I've noticed the following:

Tournament entrants for all games have been lowered

Tournament money has been lowered

A few yearly majors no longer exist (I believe 3)

Believe it or not stream numbers have lowered for all games in FGC

Is this just a temporary situation or are we in the middle of the beginning of something?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this or am I just taking crazy pills?


Administrator and Community Engineer
Hmm.. To be fair though, we did get a new major this year in TFC, and we had increased presence at VxG even if it wasn't the biggest.

The viewership numbers at EVO broke all records, and Twitch streams are doing better than they ever have.

CEO was bigger than ever this year? I'm pretty sure.

Marvel hasn't been updated in forever. SF4 hasn't been updated for awhile, but USF4 is on the way, and Killer Instinct is back.

We had MLG in 2012 and we don't have it this year.

I think you could look at plusses and minuses in various areas.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hmm.. To be fair though, we did get a new major this year in TFC, and we had increased presence at VxG even if it wasn't the biggest.

The viewership numbers at EVO broke all records, and Twitch streams are doing better than they ever have.

We had MLG in 2012 and we don't have it this year.

I think you could look at plusses and minuses in various areas.
Ok true

TFC and vxg were great additions

But vxg turn out was very poor

TFC IMO was the best ran tourney of the year w great organization by all as well as CEO. Absolute great addition, if we didn't have TFC happen I have no clue what is think, imagine the gaping hole between Evo and Nec

Have twitch streams been doing "better than they ever have?" I've seen #s drop for all games for levelup , spooky, art, etc when I joined EM to watch

Evo turn out I thought was loweras well access the board

Could it be a combo of factors such as:
Those who traveled moved on
No youth influx
Better net code for stay at home play?

I'm interested in this discussion because I want that golden era back


Administrator and Community Engineer
lol you should probably not have mentioned vxg...
LOL, I know what you're getting at -- but despite the fact that the turnout/logistics weren't as big/good as they could have been, at least it was still a major that was heavily watched this year and had some big-name players. So it was something semi-new that wasn't around the same way last year.

Could it be a combo of factors such as:
Those who traveled moved on
No youth influx
Better net code for stay at home play?

I'm interested in this discussion because I want that golden era back
Yeah, it's food for thought.. I think to a large extent people are still playing TSOG -- The Same Old Games. I'm sure that when we're seeing Street Fighter 5, Marvel vs. Capcom 4, MK10 etc. there will be some sort of a bump.

Also with the new console generation introducing a lot of non-PC gamers to Twitch, I think that'll expand the FGC to a whole new audience over time.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
LOL, I know what you're getting at -- but despite the fact that the turnout wasn't as big as it could have been, at least it was still a major that was heavily watched this year and had some big-name players. So it was something semi-new that wasn't around the same way last year.
I think Chris G said that they still haven't been paid a few weeks ago.


Just a slightly above average player.....
I just think there are so many fighting games that the numbers are spread across the board both stream wise and tournament number wise. Think of it this way SC2 only has SC2 to compete in the RTS department that's why they get such a strong showing at their MLG and tournament settings. LoL has the company that made it and community that fostered the game back it up not to mention the serious incentives Riot has laid out for the players in the league setting. While in the FGC you usually get one major pay day for the most part in a games life and a community that seams to just want to throw dynamite at each others games scenes etc. Tbh we are where we are because we chose this path.


TYM White Knight
It has been heading this way for a while. Pots are getting to the point where they are not worth travelling for. No money = no participants...and it would take a lot of money to make my trip worth it :(

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
Dark Age? Hell no.

Slump? .................yeah, probably.

However, I do think that this discussion is slightly pre-mature. NEC is next weekend, which is looking to be a pretty fucking big deal. If it goes well, I believe that it will re-invigorate our scene with the games that we have at this very moment. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong: but will this not be our first really big major for this game since the new patch?

NEC is going to, not only solve unanswered questions that we have about this game, but it will probably also present NEW questions. I think that we should revisit this topic post-NEC and see if it still applies.


I dont think that better netcode hurts i mean fighting games are not a option for many ppl without a local scene and every time a new fightig game gets released you have to hope that the netcode is good enough to play online. Better netcode will only help. A good thing would be if the FGC wouldnt be so heavily split up in so many games. One big game would help more than just 3 games with "good" player numbers it did help the RTS scene aswell. And yeah no MLG.


Well for me I think this
Killer instinct is more like a xbl demo not a full game
No story mode no nothing just a 6players
Give it 3 monthes max and people will drop it
Injustice is dead I play it in eu online server can't see 20 peoples playing
*tried usa igau** dead aswell but a bit better then eu serv
Most of the player doesn't like igau so that made the scene a bit lower
Mk9/ssf4ae is old now so that's a point aswell
What do I think will happen ?
2014 ultra sf4 will bring capcom hype back
2014 PROBABLY mk10 trailer in e3 that will make everyone go crazy
Another fighting game that might join ? MAYBE ?
2013 was a bad year for fgc
But 2014 will be better
And 2015 will be amazing cause I THINK mk10 will be out in 15

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
From my perspective since 2012 I've noticed the following:

Tournament entrants for all games have been lowered

Tournament money has been lowered

A few yearly majors no longer exist (I believe 3)

Believe it or not stream numbers have lowered for all games in FGC

Is this just a temporary situation or are we in the middle of the beginning of something?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this or am I just taking crazy pills?
It's Obamacare clogging up the internet. As far as tournaments go I'll blame Obamacare for that too.


I think 2013 was not as good as 2011-2012 for fighters. Injustice, tekken tag 2 and umvc 3 haven't been that great to be honest..

I have no idea why UMK 9 won't be done, can't NRS see the success Capcom has had from updating SF IV periodically?

Let's not get presumptuous about KI. I fully expect to see fulgore, cinder, raptor, combo, tusk, that Amazon chick, eyedol and gargos being added to ki, plus about 4 more new characters being added.

Give people a few months to be able to buy the console for Christ sakes. It's Christmas, some of us might have other priorities like spending money on others.


Scenes are regional you cant lump them all together. Some are great, CEO, some suck balls and go out of business CCG.