I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Sabrewulf is looking like a pretty solid character so far, and I thought it would be good to start a discussion thread for us to talk about some of the elements of this character and some strategy that we've come across so far.
The two things that are unique to Sabrewulf are his dash, which is faster than most of the other characters and goes through opponents to cross them up, and his rabid bites, which allow you to mash HP and/or HK during combos. Rabid bites are great for two purposes: you can either spam HK/HP during lockouts for big damage, or use them regularly to setup counterbreakers when opponents try to breaker.
It doesn't look like any of his jump ins can cross up (correct me if I'm wrong!), but the dash makes up for it by allowing you to be very tricky on the ground.
One thing I've been experimenting with that works pretty well is a late crossup dash followed by a neutral jump attack against opponents that are waking up. Pretty basic, but decently effecting, and allows you to do into a 50/50 situation if they manage to block, or go for a throw.
This is all pretty basic, but we're just getting started .
Anyone who has any high level match footage or things that demonstrate some solid play in general that they come across, please feel free to post it as well. I'll update this thread pretty often with anything and everything that's useful!
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