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Justin Wong Wins - Killer Instinct Ultra Fighter Tournament. Jacksonville, FL


Just a slightly above average player.....
Whether he will stay relevant or not ... who cares? the dude got a load of free stuff easily worth over $1000 ...
actually I think he got the standard prize which was 5k plus a console and other things for just winning the local store one. if I am not mistaken the final prize was 25k? I could be wrong still this will most likely be the highest pay out ki ever see's unless a corporation puts it in circuit play.


Justin Wong, and Tokido are basically the golden players of fighting games. Whatever fighting game they touch, they do well in. Chris G is on the way to being on that level but needs way more time to proof himself.
c'mon ! this tourny is bullshit .. xbox doesnt even have 48 hours and they are making this nonesense national tournament, when people doesnt even have enouch practice with the game???
just few people could play KI on xbox one before the launch and J wong is one of them among others like CD junior, Ryan Hart etc ...
this tourny is not fear because wong already know the game against other people that barely grasp the game's strategy

i really wanna see J wong winning a nacional tourny again but in 4 o 6 month from now ... when all the people have enough time to practice..

dont call me hater but for me to call him a KI champion is bullshit !!

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
c'mon ! this tourny is bullshit .. xbox doesnt even have 48 hours and they are making this nonesense national tournament, when people doesnt even have enouch practice with the game???
just few people could play KI on xbox one before the launch and J wong is one of them among others like CD junior, Ryan Hart etc ...
this tourny is not fear because wong already know the game against other people that barely grasp the game's strategy

i really wanna see J wong winning a nacional tourny again but in 4 o 6 month from now ... when all the people have enough time to practice..

dont call me hater but for me to call him a KI champion is bullshit !!
Jwong has been a top player in any game that he has ever gave a fuck about. You REALLY doubt that he would have a shot at being the best if he focused on this game? Don't be an idiot.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i don't get how KI even works, but anyways, interesting to see wong still competing.


Victor Guapo

Why shouldn't Jwong get the victory? he dedicated most of his life to fighting games, he deserves to be where he is because of the effort he puts in, if you think you are better or anyone else than do the same thing, get the early access and beat him, sounds EASY right?


Ahh, Wong does this all the time.

Give it a couple of months when most people have leveled up and he'll go back to UMVC3 muttering about imbalance.


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
Congrats to Mr. Wong, however this is the norm he always owns a game in the start then sadly stops playing it. MK9, Injustice are to examples and i believe he even started Virtual Fighter at one point if i remember correctly. I sometimes wish he would stick with these games a bit like ChrisG and others do. It looks bad IMO when a person who was 1st place/champ drops a game shortly after for a game thats older/just as broken at times. Again no offense to Justin #justmyopinion

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
c'mon ! this tourny is bullshit .. xbox doesnt even have 48 hours and they are making this nonesense national tournament, when people doesnt even have enouch practice with the game???
just few people could play KI on xbox one before the launch and J wong is one of them among others like CD junior, Ryan Hart etc ...
this tourny is not fear because wong already know the game against other people that barely grasp the game's strategy

i really wanna see J wong winning a nacional tourny again but in 4 o 6 month from now ... when all the people have enough time to practice..

dont call me hater but for me to call him a KI champion is bullshit !!
AK L0rdoftheFLY


Justin Wong had over a million bells in animal crossing the first week the game came out. It's true! I twitter stalk him lol he's just beastly at everything he plays.

I'm glad though, he's a very nice guy and really fun to watch. I hope he stays.. I'm not so into KI yet but dat "Wong factor" might lure people!
Ok all you guys losing the point here! i never said J wong has no skills.. PLEASE...

read between the lines.. i said, THAT TOURNAMENT WAS MEANT FOR THE TESTERS NOT FOR US.. why????

what are the chance for any of us to win a nacional tourny like that when we barely have the game ? versus all these people like CD junior , J wong who have the game weeks and weeks ago!!!
do you think u gonna win a tournament against testers who have have been playing this game for weeks against us that we only have 2 dias with the game? LOL...


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Serious players had ample opportunities to play the game at last EVO and various play tests at E3 and majors. Sure, certain regions had big advantages of having the game in their backyard... most M$ stores had the game to play for at least a week before X1 launch. If you were serious about this "tournament", you would have done what you needed to to get better and compete.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
c'mon ! this tourny is bullshit .. xbox doesnt even have 48 hours and they are making this nonesense national tournament, when people doesnt even have enouch practice with the game???
just few people could play KI on xbox one before the launch and J wong is one of them among others like CD junior, Ryan Hart etc ...
this tourny is not fear because wong already know the game against other people that barely grasp the game's strategy

i really wanna see J wong winning a nacional tourny again but in 4 o 6 month from now ... when all the people have enough time to practice..

dont call me hater but for me to call him a KI champion is bullshit !!

Bro it's mesofly! Long time man...



i heard the setup was on a giant screen and CDjr had trouble seeing from 50 yards out ....