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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Adamant nature, IV's all should be perfect except special attack,
for moves i personally would go with Ice Fang, Cross Poison, Night Slash, and Earthquake. just my opinion for a decent/good pokemon but if your going for tournaments it would be different depending on what tier its in and all that stuff i know nothing about
What about abilities? Should i go Keen Eye or sniper


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Adamant nature, IV's all should be perfect except special attack,
for moves i personally would go with Ice Fang, Cross Poison, Night Slash, and Earthquake. just my opinion for a decent/good pokemon but if your going for tournaments it would be different depending on what tier its in and all that stuff i know nothing about
Also i dont think he has a way of learning Ice Fang yet. In X/Y


Mid Tier
Jimmypotato has a really strong friend safari. It fricken has Foretress and Ferrothorn! I know what im breeding in the future <3. As of now I guess I'll try Bulbasaur or Larvesta. Maybe Mareep again since I have a 3 IV one.
(Walling and stalling 4 lyfe!)
lol so I've been told, I have no idea what this means yet, as I just got the game Friday and I'm still trying to get through the main game. Then apparently the real game starts.

I never played any of the other ones so just trying to figure out what the hell everyone is talking about is taking some time lol.

Tiger Wong

Dojo Trainee
I might try one of these. Plus, I've been looking at Skarmory for a while. I mostly use Mega Lucario, so I can't use Mega Venusaur.
Mega Aggron and Metagross are tanks as well.

I'd say Milotic but those are hard to get a hold of.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Not all of them though.. like Riolu.

OT: Anyone know some good defensive Pokemon?
For this gen or just any? Because this gen two of my favorites have been Goodra and Mega Aggron. Mega Aggrons base physical D is absolutely retarded. I think it's like 230 or something, and I made my own set with Goodra using an assault vest that destroys a lot of stuff. Ferrothorn is good, and so is Florges or Chansey Blissey. Dragalge is one that hasn't really been talked about a lot that I see some potential in. T-Tar is always a good one too.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Ok so do I need to see every pokemon in someone's safari before I can get their hidden abilities? I've been trying to get magic guard Abra for like an hour and a half now and I just can't. :\

I'm also still on the quest of trying to make Delphox usable lol. I'm going to give this assault vest set a try and see if I get any improvement out of it.

Delphox @Assault Vest
252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 6 HP

Mystical Fire
Fire Blast
Shadow Ball


Salt Proprietor of TYM
i have
6X 4 IV tyrantrums all impish with strong Jaw
2X 5 IV Timid Torrent Froakies
6X 4 IV Timid protean Froakies
4X 3-4 IV Magic Gaurd Abras
3X 3 IV Bold Prankster Klefkis
Looking for

3+ IV Kangaskhan Jolly Preferably also will take Adamant
3+ IV Timid Ghastly
3+ IV Adamant Moldbreaker Drilbur
3+ IV Adamant Honedge
3+ IV Adamant Charmander
also HA Fletchinder And HA Phantump as well

Pretty Much anything else good ill look at too been breeding it up

Yo' holla at your boy with one of those Abras. :p

Tiger Wong

Dojo Trainee
I believe in order to get the HA of an FS pokemon, you either need all the pokemon in their safari availlable or the friend needs to be online when you go throuh their safar.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I believe in order to get the HA of an FS pokemon, you either need all the pokemon in their safari availlable or the friend needs to be online when you go throuh their safar.
I thought it was something ridiculoust like that lol. Looks like I've got some Pm's to send out lol.


Eternal Champion of Justice
Yo' holla at your boy with one of those Abras. :p
well what you workin with ill be on all day

I also have everything except the phantump drilbur and honedges so if your looking for fletchinders, and ghastlies, kangas, i got those now too currently working on larvestas


Shadow Priest
I'd say Milotic but those are hard to get a hold of.
I've wanted a Milotic since Gen 3. I've never had one.

For this gen or just any? Because this gen two of my favorites have been Goodra and Mega Aggron. Mega Aggrons base physical D is absolutely retarded. I think it's like 230 or something, and I made my own set with Goodra using an assault vest that destroys a lot of stuff. Ferrothorn is good, and so is Florges or Chansey Blissey. Dragalge is one that hasn't really been talked about a lot that I see some potential in. T-Tar is always a good one too.
I already have Goodra with Assault Vest as well. Looking for another to help balance out my team. Can't use a Mega Evolution since I use Mega Lucario.

My Delphox hold a Flame Orb. I use Switcheroo to cut my opponent attack in half. Then I use Light Screen to defend against Special Attacks.