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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange


Eternal Champion of Justice
i have
6X 4 IV tyrantrums all impish with strong Jaw
2X 5 IV Timid Torrent Froakies
6X 4 IV Timid protean Froakies
4X 3-4 IV Magic Gaurd Abras
3X 3 IV Bold Prankster Klefkis
Looking for

3+ IV Kangaskhan Jolly Preferably also will take Adamant
3+ IV Timid Ghastly
3+ IV Adamant Moldbreaker Drilbur
3+ IV Adamant Honedge
3+ IV Adamant Charmander
also HA Fletchinder And HA Phantump as well

Pretty Much anything else good ill look at too been breeding it up

My friend code is 4940-5617-3918. Anyone can add me, just send me your friend code when you do. Also if anyone's friend code has a swift swim beartic, please add me! thanks


Shadow Priest
Played a couple of multi battles today. They're fun, but if you and your partners not on the same page then :( .

I had a partner who kept starting off with Grassy Terrain, but when I decided to pick Gogoat first he picked Delphox. -____-


Mid Tier
I'm in this shit now with a new 3ds


I'm just starting the pooh key mon game, kinda new to it I guess cause i'm old and always thought it was for 5 year olds. but I love Mario Kart and will be getting that again as well :)

So yeah, I found out one of my Vivillons had 5 IV's (31/31/31/31/x/31) Gonna get some Larvesta's and other cool bugs if you guys like.

But in a middle of a Vulpix project. This sucker has been taking all day because one of my 4 IV's don't want to pass on their HP. And when it does, the other doesn't pass on its Special Defense -_-.
physical, i thought about special but crobat naturally has higher attack and i think i know what moves i want. i actually ended up getting special perfect too
Your ideal spread should be 31/31/31/x/31/31 then. Do one of your pokemon have 31 Atk?

For the special one I guess you can use it for Sludge Bomb, Air Slash, Hypnosis, and a filler. (IIRC That was the special set for B/W. don't quote me on this lol).

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Your ideal spread should be 31/31/31/x/31/31 then. Do one of your pokemon have 31 Atk?

For the special one I guess you can use it for Sludge Bomb, Air Slash, Hypnosis, and a filler. (IIRC That was the special set for B/W. don't quote me on this lol).
yeah thats what im trying to get i have another zubat with 31 atk but it wont breed over

yeah for special i was thinking sludge bomb air slash dark pulse and hypnosis but decided on physical
yeah thats what im trying to get i have another zubat with 31 atk but it wont breed over

yeah for special i was thinking sludge bomb air slash dark pulse and hypnosis but decided on physical
Well, you just gotta keep going until the RNG gives you a break.

I can make use of your special Zubat if you don't want it? Is it male? It would work wonders for future breeding projects. I can offer one of my Drought Timid 4IV Vulpix =P.


Shadow Priest
Are you guys using Instacheck?

Plus, I finally got my Shiny Riolu which is now a Lucario. Got him out the friend safari. Not the nature I won't, but it's a horrible nature. I think it's serious, so he doesn't gain or lose anything on leveling up.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Well, you just gotta keep going until the RNG gives you a break.

I can make use of your special Zubat if you don't want it? Is it male? It would work wonders for future breeding projects. I can offer one of my Drought Timid 4IV Vulpix =P.
yeah its taking soooo long though
and i could trade it to you, im sifting through the boxes of pokemon in my pc right now lol

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Are you guys using Instacheck?

Plus, I finally got my Shiny Riolu which is now a Lucario. Got him out the friend safari. Not the nature I won't, but it's a horrible nature. I think it's serious, so he doesn't gain or lose anything on leveling up.


Shadow Priest
Fred Marvel

Copy and paste from Smogon:
with thanks to Mat and xfr for research, Kazo for creating the original Trade Checker, and runxiadianqui and Chris Pietschmann for the Virtual Router Plus code.

If you played competitive VGC in the last generation, you probably heard of Pokécheck, a fake-GTS site which many players used to quickly check the details of their Pokémon. We may not have a Pokécheck for Gen 6 for quite some time, but until then Instacheck Hotspot will let us do the same for our Pokémon in X and Y.

How does it work?

Instacheck Hotspot uses your computer's wireless connection to create a wi-fi hotspot, which you must use to connect your 3DS to the internet. Your computer can then analyze all network traffic going to your 3DS, and find the data of all Pokémon shown or sent to you in a trade. Instacheck lets you view their details - even of unhatched eggs!

(Note: does not work for GTS trades, as the GTS is encrypted this generation.)

Download link

  • A computer running Windows Vista or later (XP has not been tested)
  • The computer must have an internet connection, and have a wi-fi connection not being used for internet. (A laptop with a wired connection not using its wi-fi adapter should work.)
  • WinPCap must be installed.
  • Microsoft .NET 3.5 or later must be installed. (You probably already have this if you're running Windows 7. If you've used RNG Reporter on your computer before, you definitely already have this.)
Note: Mac and Linux versions are in the works.

Installation Instructions
  • Install WinPCap if you haven't done so already.
  • Unzip InstacheckHotspot.zip and copy the files to a separate folder of your choice.
  • Run InstacheckHotspot.exe. This window should appear:

  • In the Shared Connection box, select the network connection that provides your internet. If you are using a wired connection, this will probably "Local Area Connection".
  • Enter your desired network name and password, then click the "Start Hotspot" button.
  • Connect your 3DS to the newly created wi-fi hotspot.
  • Erase connection settings for any other nearby wi-fi connection your 3DS might attempt to connect to. If your 3DS connects to the wrong hotspot, Instacheck cannot check your Pokémon.
  • Once the hotspot is successfully created, click the "Start Instacheck" button. You'll see this window:

  • In the box above the Start Scanning button, select the network adapter providing the wireless connection for your 3DS.
  • In your Pokémon game, connect to the internet.
  • Click the Start Scanning button. While scanning, Instacheck will automatically displays the stats of Pokémon that you are shown in a trade, or receive in a Wonder Trade.

My 3DS connects to the hotspot, but fails the connection test to the internet.

You may have selected the wrong Shared Connection - try again with a different one.

My 3DS is connected to the internet, and I'm trading but nothing is showing up.

First, check to see that you deleted all other connection settings from your 3DS system settings. You may be connecting to the wrong hotspot. If that is not the problem, try trading while scanning with all of the different network adapters. You may have selected the wrong one.

I clicked the Start Hotspot button but it tells me "Virtual Router Plus could not be started." It worked before, why isn't it working now?

This is a problem that, for now, requires you to reboot Windows. A better solution will be available later in the week.

My 3DS just disconnected from the hotspot and I tried to reconnect, but it isn't working.

One thing we've noticed is that if the 3DS disconnects from the hotspot, the hotspot MUST be restarted (just click the Stop Hotspot button) before the 3DS can connect to it again. We're not sure why, that's just how it works.

I am technologically inept and have no hope of ever getting this working.

Well, the good news for you is that you don't need to get the program working yourself in order to check your Pokémon. All you need to do is enter a trade with someone who does, and they can check your Pokémon for you. But please do try to get it working, so more people are available to help others.