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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange

HP Hatecraft

I am the beginning, I am the end.
I got some timid ghastlys with Disable. 31/x/31/31/31/31 three female, four males.
A male with 31/0/31/31/31/31

Adamant guts larvitar with pursuit, Dragondance, iron head, and stealth rock.
Female 31/31/31/31/31/x
x 3 Female 31/31/x/31/31/31
Male 31/31/x/31/31/31
Female with 31/31/31/31/0/31

Looking for 5IV pokes, preferably with egg moves, or HAs.

Friend code is 1048 8631 2378


Eternal Champion of Justice
Smogon is full of shit on that ban they themselves said there would be no lists made till may this reeks of WiFi battle butthurt
5IV Shiny Honedge comes out of the egg... I already had 3 with sword nicknames... so I nicknamed this one Ermac... and now it is time to train it
In terms of Banning things Smogon is about as bad as TYM handled the first 2 months of Injustice. They say certain pokemon are OP and ruin the game, yet they'll allow stealth rock. Spikes are fine due it taking a bit more to set up and having down sides. Stealth rock takes out "Focus Sash / Sturdy strategy, Potentially 25% and 50% health loss on ENTRY to a few pokemon EX: Talonflame / Charizrd, Takes a move out of someone's move pool to get rid of it and it stacks with Spikes/Toxic Spikes ect. That one move stopped me from doing anything competitive with any Pokemon game for a hot minute now. Oh and with moves like Whirlwind / Roar you can be forced to switch in. Since for the longest, EVERYONE ran it. Then I ran it for "testing/trolling" purposes. And people who did it to me end up quitting.

But then Smogon bans Excadrill to Ubers... he wasn't that bad. He had checks and counters.
Jimmypotato has a really strong friend safari. It fricken has Foretress and Ferrothorn! I know what im breeding in the future <3. As of now I guess I'll try Bulbasaur or Larvesta. Maybe Mareep again since I have a 3 IV one.
(Walling and stalling 4 lyfe!)


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
So i would like to make a competitive Drapion since he is one of my favorite pokemon. What should i do for EV's nature, moveset and ability. Figured i would ask and see what people thought.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
So i would like to make a competitive Drapion since he is one of my favorite pokemon. What should i do for EV's nature, moveset and ability. Figured i would ask and see what people thought.
Adamant nature, IV's all should be perfect except special attack,
for moves i personally would go with Ice Fang, Cross Poison, Night Slash, and Earthquake. just my opinion for a decent/good pokemon but if your going for tournaments it would be different depending on what tier its in and all that stuff i know nothing about