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Return of the Bradycast


Blind justice....
Ppl should watch final thoughts before posting
Would be a lot easier if you just put one long "video" not 6 short (and like Ducky said you extend YT video length in a matter of few clicks) .

That a side, i never, ever before this thread called you a moron / idiot or whatever in which matter you referred to me in your "videos" . So yea, we can move past "all that shit" once you start acting like a normal human being. Now would be a good time.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Can you please re-post the video where you switched to Raiden and yelled IT FEELS GREAT!!! at the end.


Goro Lives 
INB4 "This Community is filled with [INSERT_DEROGATORY_TERM] and should just [INSERT_SELF_TERMINATION_VERB] themselves" and then "Why is everyone mean to me?????"


They love my Grayson

First of all - stop calling me a moron - you twat (quoting Ketchup).

If you can't even speak and act like a normal human being then i suggest you stop speaking about me or address me at all and for the record "this guy" got a nickname if you didn't notice.

I didn't blow u up in that DD thread it was a general advice (as i wrote there, go double check).

I did blown u up in some recent local tournament thread where you lost to a Bane player and then said on stream that this wont ever happen again or something among this lines.... and in next few minutes you got beaten by another Bane player. Nothing more nothing less.

I have nothing against you, i do not downplay youre achievements in fighting games. That being said, act like human being not like an ass....

Lou Kang

like it feels as if hes failed at everything hes done and has just fallen down from thing to thing to finally reach the bottom of things to achieve recognition for (playing video games seriously in his thirties) and has just blown his god damn lid when he couldnt achieve glory in that as well
like sure ya hes obviously decent among comp players but he talks as if any of us should give a shit

Lou Kang

lol yeah i guess im goin off a bit...clearly im just saying what i hear when i hear his rants, obviously he could be super successful and have friends and all that shit.....i just can't possibly imagine it, he just sounds too desperate