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Return of the Bradycast

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
It's weird seeing other people like Pig and Chef calling Tom Brady trash for some reason.


Blind justice....

First of all - stop calling me a moron - you twat (quoting Ketchup).

If you can't even speak and act like a normal human being then i suggest you stop speaking about me or address me at all and for the record "this guy" got a nickname if you didn't notice.

I didn't blow u up in that DD thread it was a general advice (as i wrote there, go double check).

I did blown u up in some recent local tournament thread where you lost to a Bane player and then said on stream that this wont ever happen again or something among this lines.... and in next few minutes you got beaten by another Bane player. Nothing more nothing less.

I have nothing against you, i do not downplay youre achievements in fighting games. That being said, act like human being not like an ass....

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Im on video 2 will comment as we go

Yea that sonya loss by me happened once

since then and before then combined

Pig 15
Sonyas 1

With all due respect TRASH OF TYM I have NO IDEA why you're bringing up shit people do not care about at all anymore, and i mean AT ALL.

The first 2 videos feel like an x-girlfriend calling me up today and yelling at me for some shit that happened 6 years ago

However maybe theres a point,im continuing on (video 3)