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damn ur right he did do that damn its been years since i seen part 2 n 3 of friday the 13th :wow: honestly i wouldn't complain if i seen jason now and it woukd be even better even though i know its a loooong shot if crystal lake was a downloadable stage i just wouldn't know what the stage fatality would be:confused: but i change my opinion and now i could see jason as dlc since his fatalities would be short but brutal
Although it wouldn't make sense it should be to knock them in the lake then child Jason pulls you under the lake like in 1 and 3 =D.


Lose without excuses
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I'd love Jason to be in the game. Even if was shit I'd still try and make him work.
Just an idea I had for what his story would be.

Smoke shows up and and then a machete is thrown into the ground, a hand picks it up and the camera pans up to show Jason.

"After Shao Kahn had brought Freddy into Outworld the necromancer Quin Chi saw the need of stronger servants. Seeking out the most powerful dead warrior he could find his quest eventually lead to Earthrealm where he found the Crystal Lake serial killer, Jason Voorhes."

Jason does several punches and slashes before doing a hammerfist down on Smoke's head followed by a knee to the stomach.

" Sensing his immense power he woke Jason up from his watery grave as a secret weapon."

Jason back hands Smoke and then uses the blunt side of his machete to smack Smoke in the face. Jason then headbutts Smoke so hard that he falls backwards.

"However Jason's undying loyalty to his mother gives him unbreakable will making him uncontrolable, even for a necromancer."

Jason suddenly runs forward and bodyslams Smoke hard. The announcer says finish him.

"Now on a rampage Jason will seek out the one who summoned him, killing him and anyone who gets in his way. He will not rest until he has finished them all off."

During this we see Jason punch his fist into Smoke's body, then plunge his machete into Smoke's chest, pulling out his other arm to with an organ, rip off both of Smoke's arms, then grab his head crushing it with his bare fist and then pull out his machete and to cut Smoke in half.

Announcer says Jason wins, fatality.

Yeah I know the fatality sucks but that's the best I could come up for a brute like Jason and I was really more focused on giving him a decent backstory.


El Psy Congroo
I think it'd be funny so I'm all for it. A giant slow moving but super strong guy... would probably suck but I'm sure NRS can think something up. Armor on all specials? ;)

D. R.

As was mentioned earlier, Freddy and Jason were leaked to be in MK9 at some point, but the "rumor" was deterred only to now be proven true, halfway at last. Now think of this, Freddy vs. Jason 2 has been in development for years now, slated to release in 2006, 07, 08, and 2010. Is the inclusion of Freddy and potentially Jason down the road an indication to this? Hopefully. I'm sure we can expect something around Halloween from NRS concerning Jason. This is probably Warner Bros. way to gauge interest and an iconic horror franchise and see if a reboot is worth their time.

Concerning Freddy vs. Jason 2, Micheal Myers was rumored to join the cast as well. More future dlc? Fuck it, bring it on. More overpowered guest characters. *In half hearted reply* Yeeeeeeaaaahhhhhhh..... :\
I think it's pretty much guaranteed that Jason is going to be released. They probably started doing him along with Freddy.

I think Jason is definitely more popular...and they'll probably release him around Halloween.


Hey I'm all for it. I loves me the ol'school horror flicks so adding one more boogeyman wont make much of a difference to me lol. But please NRS, at least when you release him let our projectiles hit him and not go through him LMAO Whateva man, more money for NRS/WB is always a good thing for teh future of MK. We keep supporting them and I'm sure they'll reward us back with the ULTIMATE MORTAL FRIGGIN KOMBAT of all time.

D. R.

Why do people get so butt hurt over cameos? It really baffles me.
Because they are always tier in fighting games and a waste of potential moves for other characters. It takes away from the integrity of the franchise when the character overpowers the majority of your cast.

WB should just make a horror movie fighting game starring Freddy, Jason, Myers, Leatherface, Chucky, Leprechaun, Alien, etc, etc. Leave MK MK.

Massive Kano

Black Dragon
Why do people get so butt hurt over cameos? It really baffles me.
Even if they're well done, there's always such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Unless showcasing characters from outside the studio's regular series is the entire overt theme of the game (Vs. series), one or two is quite enough. And two is pushing it. MK9's already to this point.

D.R. is right. Every dubiously relevant old horror movie bad guy under the sun brawling is a fine theme for its own game. There's no law that NRS can only work on MK titles.


Digital Pro Sports
So if they instead had a character with the exact same move set as Freddy but with an original MK character model everything is all hunky dory? Who gives a shit? Even if he was bottom of the barrel trash people would still complain like angsty teenage girls who just found out Justin Beiber has a girlfriend. The awesome game you've been playing is still the awesome game you're currently playing, cameo or not. I understand complaining about his broken features, but complaining about his inclusion at all is the type of fanboyism that makes me want to choke a bitch.

Edit: @Massive Kano - I wont argue that fact, if they started doing nothing but cameos I would find it bothersome as well. But Kratos (as a system exclusive) doesn't even count in most players books. He's banned from pretty much everything.

D. R.

So if they instead had a character with the exact same move set as Freddy but with an original MK character model everything is all hunky dory? Who gives a shit? Even if he was bottom of the barrel trash people would still complain like angsty teenage girls who just found out Justin Beiber has a girlfriend. The awesome game you've been playing is still the awesome game you're currently playing, cameo or not. I understand complaining about his broken features, but complaining about his inclusion at all is the type of fanboyism that makes me want to choke a bitch.

Edit: @Massive Kano - I wont argue that fact, if they started doing nothing but cameos I would find it bothersome as well. But Kratos (as a system exclusive) doesn't even count in most players books. He's banned from pretty much everything.
People bitching about the character is foolish, yes, but my arguements been when you have characters in the game lacking certain moves that would give them a better fighting chance (ex: Noob's very punishable and his speed and mobility suck) and then you introduce a guest character with all the tools, (ex: Noob could greatly benefit from Freddy's nonattacking mobile teleport) it's like, wtf NRS? Thats my biggest gripe. Freddy needs to be good to draw sales I understand, but damn, he's near perfect. And he'll be allowed at tourneys? :doh:


Digital Pro Sports
I have respect for your argument D. R., you bring up valid points. But there's been lots of mindless drone bandwagon bitching even before his release, like his inclusion ruins everything NRS has busted their balls to give us. I find it ignorant and childish.

Edit: My apologies for being rude to you specifically.

D. R.

I have respect for your argument D. R., you bring up valid points. But there's been lots of mindless drone bandwagon bitching even before his release, like his inclusion ruins everything NRS has busted their balls to give us. I find it ignorant and childish.

Edit: My apologies for being rude to you specifically.
Thanks, but no need to apologize man! It's an open thread for discussion, so people are gonna have differing views on things. I come off as an asshole at times I'm sure and others do the same, but I just let it pass over my shoulder. As I said, it's a thread. You can't tell if someone's joking with you or hates your fucking guts. It's all in good fun to me and kills time.

I don't wanna be the guy to derail this thread, so back to Jason discussions! I'd love if they included during his intro you hear the classic "CHSSS CHSSS CHSSS, HAA HAA HAA..." Like the camara would be focused on something, you'd hear that, then all a sudden it pans over really fast to Jason walking up to fight. Win. :jason:


Twitch - 12DollarStreamMonster
The story would probably go something like this:

Jason Vorhese derpa derpa derp. But then.. Shao Kahn herpa derpa derp.

Derpa derpa derpa doo.

Herpa derpa..... Derp.

Rated PG-13

D. R.

A fatality idea:

Jason grabs the opponent by the neck with one hand, starts choking them, then lifts them up, takes his machete and impales them. You see this look of shock/ pain on their face. Then, while they're impaled, Jason slams them into the ground, thus impaling them into the ground. As the opponent is suffering, he comes close to their head, they scream and he stomps on their head, crushing it to nothing. He then retrieves his machete.

Jason wins, FATALITY!
Speaking of guest fighters I'm actually pretty shocked at the lack of Kratos vs Freddy videos. You'd think the haters would make videos of these two killing each other to vent or hell the fanboys for either one would make a video of them fighting.
Just a wave of interest from the fans would most likely be enough to ensure Jason, even if he hasn't already been worked on. It's not like WB would be against it.


Buick LeSabrewulf
May as well include him now, since Krueger is in. I was hyped when I saw the rumor when it first came out.

The Elm Street Nightmare v. the Crystal Lake Cutthroat. Get it done, Netherealm.
May as well include him now, since Krueger is in. I was hyped when I saw the rumor when it first came out.

The Elm Street Nightmare v. the Crystal Lake Cutthroat. Get it done, Netherealm.
thats what kind of makes me chuckle. pretty much everyone was loving the idea of freddy and jason coming when the rumor first surfaced. but people made a complete 180 once freddy was actually revealed. what changed thier mind?
thats what kind of makes me chuckle. pretty much everyone was loving the idea of freddy and jason coming when the rumor first surfaced. but people made a complete 180 once freddy was actually revealed. what changed thier mind?
1. Bad timing. If Freddy had come out in October as a Halloween DLC with Jason people would have been OK with it and think it's a funny and cool Halloween joke.

2. I think a lot of people who were expecting a new MK fighter for the 4th DLC fighter or an old favorite were disapointed that it was a guest fighter.
Freddy I have no problem with, though he's bound to be patched soon.

Saying that about Freddy...Jason would be a bit overkill. They don't need anymore movie related characters because it would take away from what the game is about. Freddy works well because he is a unexpected guest character, Jason would not work because people would easily see that coming.If any other DLC is released it should be MK related only.

See it goes like this, Freddy was to grab newer people's attention to the game. Now is their chance to capitalize on it and having Jason just ruins it.