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Video/Tutorial Roundhouse Cancel 49% Combo (1 BAR, NO UPPERCUT, NO BUFF)

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I know this is a stupid question, but I haven't been able to play much with Rain, yet. The enhanced move in this combo is the super roundhouse, correct? That allows the combo to continue? What's the notation for this?


I love Rain, but I'm not sure I could pull those kinda db4 cancel strings even offline. My fingers go on strike with too many quick inputs. Good shit though


after b2 you can do a normal RH and cancel it into shit that combos, if you do a EXrh it just makes it much easier


"Strength isn't everything"
i dont get it. is exrh faster or something? why would you ex the CANCELED rh? :confused:
The EH Roundhouse Kick has two uses, and one of the uses is not for extra damage during a combo.

It is used for linking in normals to other normals such as, 43 EH Cancel into 24 EH Cancel into 12f4...

And to give you a super armour move, that will beat every wake up move in the game, and is used as an anti air to take the hit and launch your opponent for a potential 35-40%, it is his strongest tool when used that way.

I tried working around with two cancels in one combo, but getting 49% with one bar...what else can you ask for.

This is very hard at the start, but with practice it gets easier.

Paulo garcia put it on twitter as his favourite combo, and personally, I was going to ask him to make his EH Cancel hold the opponent down for longer and make combos like this easier to pull off, it will make rain more worth it, as of right now, you have to work like a slave to get results with rain.


"Strength isn't everything"
So you can cancel out of 43 with roundhouse cancel? Cool.
You can cancel out of his regular round house, for example, you would jump in on a blocking opponent and do 24, roundhouse, and the next time, cancel it, and move in for another string. Gets good chip, but you have to work like a dog for it and be very smart, also, you have to get the opponent afraid of taking a roundhouse to the face every time they see one charging up to get the best results.

Occasionally, they will get greedy and try go in for a poke and they will get launched, and you are safe on block, and if the opponent jumps at you, you can cancel into the EH Round house and take the hit, or teleport, or go into your upward splash kick thingy.

Like i said, hes hard work. But i think it will be worth it once everyone understands the threats he poses.


"Strength isn't everything"
There is still lots that could be done to rain to make him effective, for example.

His water splash's purpose is supposed to be an end of combo choice and anti air, exactly the same as reptiles acid spew, but, you get only 1% extra for doing a 43 Water push, instead of doing a 43b4, so he already has a combo end option.

And as far as an anti air goes, its bad, it doesn't have the range to be a successful anti air, but it is another safe option after combos, but why do that, when you could choose the round house and have the option to cancel also.

His wake ups are questionable, the only one worth doing is his EH Round house which will take a hit as it has armour, but some regular moves from other characters have armour, like raidens dive, without using meter, rain absolutly needs this on his wake up round house.

He could do with one more normal jab string that is 3-4 mid hits, and one standing low starter to break standing blocks, because as of right now, he can only go into 3 hit strings including a special at the end or get a safe jump throw, the opponent has no reason to block crouched at all.

He should also be able to get a free H2O buff or H20 Boost from a string, such as JIP, 2 H20 Boost, reptile can get a free invisibility with a 2 into invisibility, the 2 on its own will have the opponent stun for a little while, but if you dial the invisibility aswell,the opponents stun will be longer and you get at least a +2 advantage for a safe string.

He teleport should have dial options, such as a grab or combo start, or be safe, or be controllable, because it throws you right beside the opponent if you are looking to escape, he also has no zoning in the jump space, all he would need would be fast uppercut like, jax, sektor, cage etc.

Rain needs all of these, because right now, he is just above bottom tier if not bottom tier, but has the potential to be top.


The EH Roundhouse Kick has two uses, and one of the uses is not for extra damage during a combo.

It is used for linking in normals to other normals such as, 43 EH Cancel into 24 EH Cancel into 12f4...

And to give you a super armour move, that will beat every wake up move in the game, and is used as an anti air to take the hit and launch your opponent for a potential 35-40%, it is his strongest tool when used that way.

I tried working around with two cancels in one combo, but getting 49% with one bar...what else can you ask for.

This is very hard at the start, but with practice it gets easier.

Paulo garcia put it on twitter as his favourite combo, and personally, I was going to ask him to make his EH Cancel hold the opponent down for longer and make combos like this easier to pull off, it will make rain more worth it, as of right now, you have to work like a slave to get results with rain.
that didnt answer my question tho. why cant you do this with a reg roundhouse cancel?


Shang Bang
Is it possible and beneficial to string into Water Bubble after lightning and then end with string into Squirtle
that didnt answer my question tho. why cant you do this with a reg roundhouse cancel?
Why will no one answer this question???

Does the enhanced RH have a special property that makes it able to be cancelled earlier in the animation? With a regular Roundhouse, you can't cancel until Rain gets all the way into the charging stance. You can buffer the dash but it doesn't come out right away, Rain has to get fully into the charging position prior to the dash-cancel coming out. I can only assume the enhanced Roundhouse can be cancelled from a much earlier frame.


If you watch the video carefully, it looks like the enhanced version of the RH can cancelled almost immediately. Apparently the enhanced version has more intended uses than just getting armor or extra damage, it allows you to link normals for crazy combos too.

I've been working really hard on B+2 xx RH xx dash-cancel, 3 xx RH and continuing the combo from there. Here, you can link the 3 to a B+2 with a normal RH cancel, I never even thought to try the EX version.

I can't wait to get home and see what I can do with this new piece of information!


I simply cannot do this combo! I've tried for the last 45 mins...I cannot get the 12f4 to connect after the enRH dash cancel. I have the ai set to auto block and they ALWAYS block before the 12f4 starts going... I guess I'm just a hair to slow :(


so the enhanced roundhouse cancel has special properties that a regular roundhouse does not? interesting


TYMCP 1 and 2 Creator
EX Roundhouse~Dash Cancel is one of the fewer MK maneuvers easier done on a stick.

The reason why it's so hard to connect 1,2f+4 after 4,3~EX Roundhouse~Dash Cancel on pad is because the exact point in time when you need to hit the 1, your thumb is in the space between 4 and 1. This means you have to slide from 4 to 1 ridiculously fast after the Dash Cancel, which is a problem in and of itself because if you release 4 before the dash animation comes out, the kick will come out instead of the dash, even if your timing for the dash input was on point. The trick here is to keep 4 held down until the 1 connects, then release as you press 2, and press down on 4 again with forward. By releasing the 4 before the 1 connects the opponent, you eliminate the margin of wasted time that would occur if you released 4 after the dash. So, the input transcribed would look like so ([] means hold and ][ means release):

4,3~d,b+Block+[4]~f,f, 1,]4[,2,f+4

Ridiculously hard to do on pad since MK is a 6 button game. If it were a 4 button game, players could play "claw style" and the string would be exponentially easier to do. On stick, you play "claw style" no matter what, so one finger can hold the 4 down while any of your other fingers input the 1.

And to answer the question lots of people have been asking, EX Roundhouse comes out faster than standard. As a result, the dash cancel comes out faster too, allowing a quick 1,2,f+4 to combo. This is impossible to do with standard Roundhouse because it's just too slow.