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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2

Iron Angel

Whose 23? I know I am, I just didn't know if there was any others my age. I thought everyone was either between the ages of 16-19 or 30-45 lol

EDIT: That's a joke.

Living Corpse

I haven't been one for a while.
Well, about the rule 34 thing, that exists for everything. Including things I wish it didn't (Mythbusters, Godzilla no! Damn you Internet! Is nothing sacarad? Oh look Darkstalkers porn......<<...>>....click and save) but yeah fanboys exist everywhere. I try not to let the Bronies get on my nerves cause 1. That what they want, they do it cause they know its annoying to others and 2. I like Zone Fighter and that's a show for kids, I really have no room call the pot black.


Plus on block.
Elbow Dropping, commentating, elbow dropping, elbow dropping, elbow dropping, eating slim jims, elbow dropping, talking

oh and elbow dropping

Actually it's:

Ooooooh-ing, Yeeeeeeeyah-ing, dressing stereotypically and flamboyantly gay without actually dressing stereotypically and flamboyantly gay, talking(about anything, for any reason whatsoever), elbow dropping, gangster rap, and Miss Elizabeth(schwing!).
Typed up a rant about bronies-
Rant about Bronies-
The Brony community is a fandom of often male fans who watch the newest iteration of the franchise. This community has grown and grown since it’s inception on 4Chan but it is beginning to die out to a degree. I got into the Brony community a few summers ago because my friends coerced me to watch the show. After watching it I realized the show was actually ok and after hitting episode 4 I realized how much fun the show was. I continued as a Brony for a year until I went back to JPL after a period of leaving. While I had problems with Bronies before coming back showed me the main problems with the fandom, and has over time made my interest in the show less then it used to be, and has made me completely lose interest in being in the fandom. The issues highlighted below are my personal biggest problems with the fandom.
Not willing to see faults in the show
The biggest problem I notice with the brony fandom is that unlike other fandoms, who can sometimes be TOO critical of things, the Brony fandom has the exact opposite problem. The show’s fandom often overlooks big problems with the show and it’s episodes. An example is the reaction to the Season 3 finale. This finale included the controversial decision to turn the main character, Twilight Sparkle, into an Alicorn. An Alicorn is a Pegasus/Unicorn hybrid who are basically gods. Up until this point we only had three, Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. The reaction to this was understandably negative. However many Bronies simply insisted to look past this when evidence pointed towards it being used to sell toys. Many bronies left the fandom over the negative reactions to their complaints. This leads into my second point. The reaction to complaints is often hostile and aggressive, with insults often used. This reaction creates a permanent bubble of happiness about the show that prohibits growth or constructive criticism.
I never thought of that, probably because I'm not present when this shit happens.

Just love and tolerate
As expected the reaction to grown men watching a show intended for younger children created a negative response. This negative response lead to much flaming and arguing, and eventually the fandom came up with a phrase to troll haters. “Love and tolerate.” This phrase was used until it eventually got a new meaning. It came to mean “Love everyone and tolerate everyone.” This corruption of the phrase eventually replaced it’s original meaning. This meaning eventually was forced to mean the second definition and was often forced onto Bronies who didn’t want to follow this code of thought and is often used to belittle other Bronies and is often used as an insult, or as a way to make those who followed this, superior to those who didn’t.
The faults of humans. Their own superiority complexes.

My show is better then yours
On a forum of mine I got into a debate with a Brony over which villain was better. Discord or Joker. Discord was a villain introduced in the Season 2 opening two-parter and was played by guest star John DeLancie. The god of chaos and disharmony, Discord was a serious villain and nearly won. However being compared to Joker was simply ridiculous. The arguments made were even sillier. Such as “Discord doesn’t kill”. This made me realize how deluded the fandom was in how good the show was. With Joker being over 70 years old and being cemented in the public mind with such things like Mark Hamil’s various performances is Batman media, and Heath Ledger’s award winning performance in The Dark Knight. Compared to Discord who recently turned two years old it is simply silly to compare the other. No other fandom I’ve encountered have tried to do something as preposterous as this. Now while the above may seem opinionated and perhaps it is, it does show how much the Brony fandom thinks that their show is better then media that has been around long before it. This is very different from other fandoms who often respect things older then their show.
Stupid humans let things get to their heads. Never seen before due to a special instance with this fandom.

Corruption of something innocent
The final problem with the fandom, is corruption of something as innocent as the show and turning it into sexual, violent, or disturbing with such things like Smile Smile Smile HD where one of the main characters viciously kills her friends. This same character was also used in the infamous Cupcakes where she tortures another one of the main characters to death and then bakes her into a cupcake. For sexual content, while so called “Rule 34” is common in fandoms I have not seen it as prevalent as I have in the MLP community with Ponies often drawn with sexual organs or in sexual poses. While you can argue that anything can be corrupted what purpose is there, for something about colored ponies, to be turned into this.
This is an essence of human corruption.
A perfect example of the phrase: "The more pure something is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it". For your information, Mulder, my hatred for humans was partially influenced by the corruptions of the characters.
(I put little comments in the spoiler)

The best you can do, my dear Mulder, is to detach yourself from the fandom. Detach yourself, and let everything about them go. When you feel ready, put the imperfect crafts of the humans behind you, watch the show again, and enjoy it once more, if you can at all.
"Corruption of something innocent"
This however... GTFO bronies.
Just so you know, towards the first year or two of the fandom, there was a big division between those who despised the corruptions, and those who promote it. When the good humans fall out, and the imperfect take over, then I will consider the fandom to have died – when the fandom almost completely falls out of the original message of the show.


King of Heroes
(I put little comments in the spoiler)

The best you can do, my dear Mulder, is to detach yourself from the fandom. Detach yourself, and let everything about them go. When you feel ready, put the imperfect crafts of the humans behind you, watch the show again, and enjoy it once more, if you can at all.
Just so you know, towards the first year or two of the fandom, there was a big division between those who despised the corruptions, and those who promote it. When the good humans fall out, and the imperfect take over, then I will consider the fandom to have died – when the fandom almost completely falls out of the original message of the show.
Thanks for the comments AS. While I was directing the rant at most Bronies I do not hate all Bronies, and I do consider the show fairly good.
I haven't watched a second of MLP.
That's too bad. Is thirty-seven seconds okay?
Thanks for the comments AS. While I was directing the rant at most Bronies I do not hate all Bronies, and I do consider the show fairly good.
You're welcome.
Great! I wish you would specify that in the post, though. I can get quite....heated about humans, though I don't usually show it.
That's good.

Iron Angel

So entered myself to do an 8-Bit Art contest where you create your favorite character in 8-Bit format. The winner receives that really nice version of the Dark Knight Trilogy set (which I've been wanting).
So, here's my entry, I know I won't win, but what do you guys think lol


The King
So entered myself to do an 8-Bit Art contest where you create your favorite character in 8-Bit format. The winner receives that really nice version of the Dark Knight Trilogy set (which I've been wanting).
So, here's my entry, I know I won't win, but what do you guys think lol
The CineFix Contest, I know all about that.

Edit: No offense but I don't think you'll win with that 8bit Red Hood, someone will probably do much better.

Ways you could improve it, make his eyes white and maybe add some white highlights to his helmet and make the bat symbol more batlike. Also it's a bit lopsided. His left foot is about twice the size of his right.

Iron Angel

The CineFix Contest, I know all about that.

Edit: No offense but I don't think you'll win with that 8bit Red Hood, someone will probably do much better.

Ways you could improve it, make his eyes white and maybe add some white highlights to his helmet and make the bat symbol more batlike. Also it's a bit lopsided. His left foot is about twice the size of his right.
I just did it in a rush, just to say that I did, I never really win this kind of stuff anyways.

EDIT: I am super offended lol

Iron Angel

Not sure if joking or not......*narrows eyes* :joker:
I don't take criticism well.......:joker:

I want you to win, that's why I gave you the criticism. Apparently you don't want the crazy super epic edition of The Dark Knight Trilogy that much. :p
No, I just anticipate getting it for Christmas or someone's gonna get merced! lol

EDIT: Also, my birthday is December 15, so if I don't have by the 25th, it's double merced!