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MB F3/B3 v1.06


Goro Lives 
I'm creating this topic with 2 objectives in mind:

1. Discuss the metagame changes the coming patch will bring.
2. Clear up some misconceptions.

The official changes are listed as follows:

Directional Hard Attacks
· Applying a Meter Burn to Directional Hard (Back + Hard or Forward + Hard) Attacks now inflicts 50% more damage.
· You now take 50% less damage when hit during the armored portion of a Meter Burned directional Hard Attack.
It is important to include this other system change:

Meter Burning Through Interactive Object Damage – Fixed an issue where some Interactive Objects were still inflicting splash damage after the opponent armored through them.

The key element to notice that some players have overlooked is that this changes are exclusively to the Meter Burn version of the Bounce Attacks.

I've read several posts in character forums discussing about the improved damage output for combos that already use F3/B3. This is not the case. The only way to get the potential extra damage is by spending the bar of meter to Meter Burn the Bounce Attack mid combo.

With that out the way, let's get into the main discussion points:

Will the reduction in absorbed damage foster the use of Meter Burn Dash Cancels (MBDC) ala Focus Attacks in SF4 series?
MBDC are already present in the current metagame, however, underused. This is because of the Interactables issue mentioned in the patch notes and on certain situations all it accomplished was wasting meter.

With the Interactables issue fix and the damage taken reduced in half, MBDC might see a rise in the future metagame. It's issue will be specially important within footsie range.

Damage output increase.
Until October 1st arrives there's is no telling how the 50% damage increase will work. Judging from the wording alone the damage increase ought to apply only to the damage of the F3/B3 attacks by themselves, not the whole combo off of them.

Either way this change coupled with the absorbed damage reduction have the potential to improve the spacing and baiting game greatly.

How will this changes affect Meter Burn Bounce Cancels (MBBC)?
This is a mechanic that sounds good in paper but has failed to deliver in actual competition so far. The reasons are well known: a) it is very expensive to use (2 bars of meter), b) scales combo damage.

It remains to be seen whether the damage increase mentioned in the patch notes will apply to MBBC as well. And if it does, will damage increase be enough to encourage the use of this mechanic despite the hefty expense?



MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Directional Hard Attacks
· Applying a Meter Burn to Directional Hard (Back + Hard or Forward + Hard) Attacks now inflicts 50% more damage.​
· You now take 50% less damage when hit during the armored portion of a Meter Burned directional Hard Attack.​

The key element to notice that some players have overlooked is that this changes are exclusively to the Meter Burn version of the Bounce Attacks.

I've read several posts in character forums discussing about the improved damage output for combos that already use F3/B3. This is not the case. The only way to get the potential extra damage is by spending the bar of meter to Meter Burn the Bounce Attack mid combo.
Where does it say that the F3/B3 have to be bounce cancels? I don't see it... You get the extra damage for using MB not for bounce canceling.

EDIT: I misread, sorry!

Also, taking 50% less damage while armored is a HUGE buff for absorbing interactables!


Goro Lives 
Where does it say that the F3/B3 have to be bounce cancels? I don't see it... You get the extra damage for using MB not for bounce canceling.
You misunderstood whay I said. I'm calling F3/B3 "Bounce Attacks" maybe I should call them "Hard Attacks".

Look at the third point in my post. I know the patch notes doesn't explicitly state MB Bounce Cancels.


Mid Tier
This will help Arrow, his best combos come off B3 starter, and MB b3 is something I do alot, Also nice that they want to see people MB canceling through intractable, almost not worth it right now.

I wonder how this extra damage will scale though, like if you do 2 MB B3s for unclashable, will it be 50% more damage then it is right now?? these are the questions my friends.


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
I'm assuming the buffs affect MBBC as well, since it is essentially just a MB f3/b3 inside of a combo. They're pretty useless in their current state, so I think this is one of the reasons for the change. The other reason being absorbing interactables.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I'm assuming the buffs affect MBBC as well, since it is essentially just a MB f3/b3 inside of a combo. They're pretty useless in their current state, so I think this is one of the reasons for the change. The other reason being absorbing interactables.
I've been doing some math on KF combos using MBBC and she will get 50% + 50/50 for two bars now so it might be worth looking into to close out games.


Goro Lives 
Where does it say that the F3/B3 have to be bounce cancels? I don't see it... You get the extra damage for using MB not for bounce canceling.

EDIT: I misread, sorry!

Also, taking 50% less damage while armored is a HUGE buff for absorbing interactables!
Hopefully the complaints about interactables will cease now.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I've been doing some math on KF combos using MBBC and she will get 50% + 50/50 for two bars now so it might be worth looking into to close out games.

MBBC is being underused I think. 2 bars is nothing considering meter building in this game. And a lot of people already do 2 bar combos anyways.

Start implementing it more in your game you'll be surprised.


Idk. There will still only be 2 hits of armor on MBb3/f3 which is useless vs some characters (the flash for example, mutliple multi-hitting strings). Trying to MB on reaction to just anything may just get you blown up. This all depends on the speed of ur characters b/f3 as well.


Goro Lives 
Idk. There will still only be 2 hits of armor on MBb3/f3 which is useless vs some characters (the flash for example, mutliple multi-hitting strings). Trying to MB on reaction to just anything may just get you blown up. This all depends on the speed of ur characters b/f3 as well.
MB F3/B3 has always had only 1 hit of armor.

Spacing and baiting means you don't do it on reaction. You make reads or make your opponent do what you want them to do.


MB F3/B3 has always had only 1 hit of armor.

Spacing and baiting means you don't do it on reaction. You make reads or make your opponent do what you want them to do.

You mean 2 hits, but obviously I already knew that. It's just everyone seems they will be able to MB thru everything nd just be perfectly safe.