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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


I recommend all of you to watch NBCs Hannibal, sleeper hit. Beautifully shot and acted.
I watched it it was amazing. But it barely got renewed, i hope it survives its second season. It was the lowest rated show picked up on network tv.
Apparently there were cable networks ready to pick up Hannibal and thats why it survived.

Ya it has a cult following and it blew up everywhere on the internet except fucking mainstream couch potatoes, I hope it continues to grow, cuz the show is great, I love the actor that plays Will Graham.


Ya it has a cult following and it blew up everywhere on the internet except fucking mainstream couch potatoes, I hope it continues to grow, cuz the show is great, I love the actor that plays Will Graham.
Well i dont think the Will Grahm character is longed for this world based on how it ended and with what we already know about Hannibals story. The show also had a ton of contraversey when it had an episode pulled and utah affiliate dropped it altogether.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Hannibal is too gdlk. It's definitely my favorite show on television right now.

It certainly helps that Mads Mikkelsen is probably my favorite actor. I'm just a huge fan of SotL and Red Dragon. Though it's never going to happen, I really hope the director gets to make the seven or so seasons he wants. I can't wait for them to start covering the books. So much great material. Damn, now you got me all hyped up for next season since I've been trying not to think about it.


Blacklist just ended it was awesome pilot. I dvrd hostages hopefully its as good. Sleepy hollow had a shit ton of people watch last week but i didnt like it ill give it a few episodes.
Saw this on a yt comment:

The series finale is titled FeLiNa = Fe (Iron), Li (Lithium), and Na(Sodium)

Blood, meth, tears

lol that is soo fucking awesome


Hannibal is too gdlk. It's definitely my favorite show on television right now.

It certainly helps that Mads Mikkelsen is probably my favorite actor. I'm just a huge fan of SotL and Red Dragon. Though it's never going to happen, I really hope the director gets to make the seven or so seasons he wants. I can't wait for them to start covering the books. So much great material. Damn, now you got me all hyped up for next season since I've been trying not to think about it.
Hopefully NBC gives it the Chuck treatment and keeps threatening to cancel it but keeps renewing it. TNT is apparently waiting in the wings though as well as some other cwble channels.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Good read on last nights episode with the director and writer. Interesting. Walter White and Heisenberg is gone. Walt becomes someone entirely new. Growth, Decay, and Transformation.

Good read. I especially like the part where he mentions that he wanted this episode to seem like it could be the last one.

Looking back on it, this actually would have made for an interesting ending. No closure, sure, but it would have been good. I would have been SOOOOOO pissed if it ended with those cliffhangers. Like, words cannot describe. Still, thanks for the link.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Good read. I especially like the part where he mentions that he wanted this episode to seem like it could be the last one.

Looking back on it, this actually would have made for an interesting ending. No closure, sure, but it would have been good. I would have been SOOOOOO pissed if it ended with those cliffhangers. Like, words cannot describe. Still, thanks for the link.
Yea they could have ended it like that and leave it up to interpretation what might have happened, but too many things would have been left unanswered and i would have been pissed.

BTW breaking bad cast is on Conan right now.


Lol conan always delivers with musical acts. First he had workaholics Wizards perform. Now the ballad of heisenburg.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Hank died of his own prideful sin


The only true ending is once again...... Walt... alone..... with nothing. That is worse than death for him.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
btw.... Tod is terrifying.

He does things like .... kill people.... on purpose.... with a smile
Someone has to kill him ..... or there is no closure!!!