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DEVASTATION 2011 :: Oct 7-9 :: Phoenix, AZ

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Horribly disorganized tournament, some of the worst Kung Lao's I've ever seen, and REO shooting out more iAGBs than I thought was humanly possible...



Come On Die Young
quick summary:

so far the top 8 is Brady, Marvaz, REO, Morty, 16bit, and Bw1zz. Pool 2 was run stupidly with 2 mini-tourneys going on simultaneously and the winner of each has to play the other and win 2 sets. 16bit held it down on mic and kept everyone entertained. Valle interviewed a bunch of cosplayers in between pools today. Shujinkydink almost became the first quan chi to make top 8 but choked in the end.

The way this is run is by top 8 seeding by having a grand finals in each pool. I don't know why they're doing this.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
i dont think of you understand raiden vs kabal matchup

promise - b wizz and reo wil be epic and close


OK, so assuming Devastation sticks to their written rules (a stretch, I know) the top 8 matchups should be as follows:

Tom Brady vs. Mr. Mileena
REO vs. Bw1zz
16 Bit vs. MortySeinfeld
Detroitballn vs. Marvaz

Also, the rest of the top 16 (actually top 18 lol):

9th. Kamikaze (Ermac)
9th. Aris (Smoke)
9th. Ruin (Kung Lao)
9th. Shujinkydink (Quan Chi)
9th. Shoryuken (Sub-Zero, Smoke)
13th. Runaway Mafia (Kitana, Johnny Cage)
13th. LK-520 (Smoke, Kung Lao)
13th. CrawlingShadow a.k.a. Brice (Kung Lao, Noob)
13th. Showtime (Reptile)
13th. Wonder Chef (Reptile, Sonya, Noob, Kung Lao)


Dear Mr. Cocky Guy (Erik Warda), remember when you said that no online player would ever do well at an offline tournament? Well looks like AU Mr. Mileena just proved you wrong. This was his first offline experience ever and it just happened to be a major. He has no offline scene where he is. Thanks for helping motivate him!

The Staff


Head Cage
I like how sao87 talks so much shit about how good him and his bro is and sao gets blown up. I will say Morty sonya is fucking amazing! Him and riu48 best sonyas no question, but sao was definitely wrong about his bros noob...tbh im not impressed. His noob was legit noob 101...beginner status. Not 1 low shadow for mixup.

Also teleslam into d3....rlly? Dude if REO had an ex dash he would of been fucked. And this nigga sao has the balls to compare me to jedi rob. hahahahaha!:rofl:

Although jedi rob is a cool dude and no disrespect to him. I knw he dn't play this game tht much so its w/e.


Also, probably the funniest thing to come out of this top 8 is seeing how zoning-heavy it was after everyone on the forums cried about this game being one-dimensional mindless rushdown.


Someone gave me the wrong time on stream... took a nap and woke up to "vVv REO Wins..."

Dammit... Now I'm gonna have to watch everything late... :(