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Kryptonite Council Episode 7: Post TFC Show

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
With TFC just behind us, Pig of the Hut and the Kryptonite Kouncil Krew have rejoined us for another episode of their serial podcast. In this week's episode, they talk about the tournament, and the future of the game. Check out the show after the break!

Topics Covered

- TFC favorite and most memorable matches that happened

- TFC top eight showing

- TFC as an event (how it was run, venue, stream, etc.)

- Thoughts of the current version of Injustice?

- Impression for KDZ as the Injustice champion for our community?

- Thoughts on the balance changes revealed so far for certain characters? (Lobo, Bane, Joker, Shazam, Lex, Cyborg)

- What characters do you think are going to get touched next? (whether it be nerfed or buffed)

- Which characters do you think are fine and will not be touched?

Also many many more I didnt list. This episode was very informative and fun to do and enjoyable overall. Hope you guys like it

AK GamerBlake
GGA 16 Bit
general m2dave



Joker waiting room
hearing reo go into depth about jokers corner game just makes me wanna do the tutorial asap, joker has some sweet infinites there with meter


Truth, justice and the American way.
AK Pig Of The Hut
general m2dave

I'm glad you two agree with Reo when he said "mids should be mids, what's up with mids whiffing on random ass characters?"

"If Ryu's EX Tatsu whiffed on 1/3rd of the cast like Nightwing's MB Staff Spin - Capcom would have hotfixed that shit in a heartbeat." - is what I said to Paulo in stream chat after TFC after Paulo said Nightwing would be receiving no direct changes.

It's fucking dumb eating 70% from Grundy when he punishes a whiffed MB Staff spin just because you forgot your single best pressure tool is non-functional.


Truth, justice and the American way.
Yes, the coming patch is going to make or break the game for me.

If Nightwing still goes 6-4 and 7-3 against the most popular tournament characters, there is a good chance I'll be leaving for Killer Instinct as well.

Michaelangelo is going to main Killer Instinct, and he will be traveling for the game.

WoundCowboy is the only one of the three of us who vows to stay committed to Injustice.

Practicing up for EVO, I spent ~12 hours a day at Michaelangelo's place getting ready to compete. If Mike is going over to KI, I may be spending a lot less time with Injustice regardless of how I feel about the game.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
AK Pig Of The Hut
general m2dave

I'm glad you two agree with Reo when he said "mids should be mids, what's up with mids whiffing on random ass characters?"

"If Ryu's EX Tatsu whiffed on 1/3rd of the cast like Nightwing's MB Staff Spin - Capcom would have hotfixed that shit in a heartbeat." - is what I said to Paulo in stream chat after TFC after Paulo said Nightwing would be receiving no direct changes.

It's fucking dumb eating 70% from Grundy when he punishes a whiffed MB Staff spin just because you forgot your single best pressure tool is non-functional.
What was his response

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Yes, the coming patch is going to make or break the game for me.

If Nightwing still goes 6-4 and 7-3 against the most popular tournament characters, there is a good chance I'll be leaving for Killer Instinct as well.

Michaelangelo is going to main Killer Instinct, and he will be traveling for the game.

WoundCowboy is the only one of the three of us who vows to stay committed to Injustice.

Practicing up for EVO, I spent ~12 hours a day at Michaelangelo's place getting ready to compete. If Mike is going over to KI, I may be spending a lot less time with Injustice.
Ill be on KI as well


Truth, justice and the American way.
What was his response

He let @GGA 16bit and @VSM Maxter troll me.

Apparently it's "tight" that Catwoman can duck MB staff spin. It's also "sick" that she can b3 under staff standing 1. In other words, using staff stance against Catwoman - is walking a tight rope.

And the fact that Escrima doesn't have a <9 frame mid means Nightwing can't poke out of pressure.

Her j2 scouts out wingdings, compounding how unsafe of an option they are.

But yo, 5-5.


Joker waiting room
i wanna add that all the avatars together are in the perfect line of saying

"I read the patch notes"

"I raised my eyebrow a little and looked at them in arrogant disbelief"

"and I'm still bottom tier :("


Catwoman can b+3 under many highs and mids. It's a low hitting super evasive move. It's not a Nightwing problem. I also never said Catwoman vs. Nightwing is a 5-5 matchup.

Catwoman can duck mace charge with her I guess it's cat stance or whatever, makes me salty lol.

Shades of Mileena.


Truth, justice and the American way.
Catwoman can b+3 under many highs and mids. It's a low hitting super evasive move. It's not a Nightwing problem. I also never said Catwoman vs. Nightwing is a 5-5 matchup.
Realized I haven't been tagging you correctly.
GGA 16 Bit

Maxter called it even, which serves to support his argument, fitting as that is. And suggested that MB staff spin should be 0 on block if it's properties were to function against all characters. So because a move has full functionality it should be nerfed? What?

The argument was also made that MB staff spin whiffing on certain characters was an intended design and balance decision - which I'm going to call bullshit on.

Bullshit, in that it was intended.

Bullshit again, in so far as Paulo having a thorough enough understanding of the matchups as to take something as critical as MB staff spin off the table as a tool in these oh so specific MUs. He must be so insightful, as it makes so much sense that Batgirl can duck MB staff spin. I'm sure he had so much time testing that MU to know - she needs that edge to stand a chance in that fight.

Why does MB staff spin connect on The Joker mid screen, but in the corner it whiffs? Design decision? Or is it a massive oversight? Considering all the other bullshit I'm seeing, I'm leaning towards the latter. F23 breath used to be +1, Fucking Lantern's Might used to be +1, and I'm supposed to believe Paulo looked at Nightwing and said "ho ho guys, MB staff spin can work against Joker mid screen, but in the corner? How imbalanced would that be?!" This must be how the Kano community felt when Kabal became realized, because you know - NRS knew all along.

I like that AK Pig Of The Hut goes on in the Podcast about being the sacrificial lamb, the guy who isn't interested in kissing ass, because at the end of the day - he's heard, and if NRS has any business sense, they'll listen. We all want a better game, we don't have to like each other to make that happen.

And I'll tag these guys just because.

michaelangelo because he's my most homie of homeboys

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
AK Pig Of The Hut thanks for the shoutouts & great podcast as always. I hope that next patch many of the games problems are fixed (the input glitch for me). In my opinion the MAIN thing that should be nerfed on Superman is his upper hit box on F2. I think it's stupid how at the start of the fight most of the cast (Harley included) is completely jailed at the start of the fight even if I read it correctly (look at Game 2 of me vs KDZ to see what I'm talking about.