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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


See you say that...... but then you'd have a cookie cutter human who simply has no pride

sort of how you won't break on your opinion of Walt at all..... or even suggest that he's had character development..... when every single person in here says he has. So either you're just eons smarter than we ever thought...... or you yourself are seeing it as one dimensional.
How is taking that job equate to having no pride at all? Walt has had character development he went from depressed crybaby with misplaced pride to evil drug kingpin to evil shunned husband father and mentor.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
That's the shitty part about opinions and beliefs, with a few factual exceptions.. it's rather subjective.

I don't think anything Jay is saying is "wrong"

My belief system shows me a different path of Walt.

I see the glimmer of Walter White peeking through the nuthouse that became Heisenberg.

I see why Skylar flip flops all the time. She's balancing the safety of her family with her own freaking sanity.

Jesse is just a maleable tool that has yet to figure out his place in the entire process. Everytime you think he has it figured out..... he's an idiot.

Every "villian" (if they can be called that) Walt has faced.... has pushed him more into a stream of "what do I do now so that I can get out of this alive and not let anyone but Jesse know?"

Clearly Walt has issues and is a bad guy. Lets not get twisted. The dude is broken. He made one simple choice.... was rewarded well beyond what he thought...... and then it took over.

He is def. "Smart" in the knowledge sense...... but he is DUMB in the "street" sense. When he panics he makes rash decisions.

So we get to see him try and redeem himself.... when we all know it really can't be done. People always root for the broken to be fixed... but how broken is Walter White?

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
How is taking that job equate to having no pride at all? Walt has had character development he went from depressed crybaby with misplaced pride to evil drug kingpin to evil shunned husband father and mentor.
Simply because the guy offering it to him A) Married the woman that Walt loved. B) He already bailed on that ship.

If there are two things we've learned about Walt.

Don't mess with his family

Don't make him say he's wrong.

We all have a bit of that in us.



I don't think anything Jay is saying is "wrong"

My belief system shows me a different path of Walt.

I see the glimmer of Walter White peeking through the nuthouse that became Heisenberg.

I see why Skylar flip flops all the time. She's balancing the safety of her family with her own freaking sanity.

Jesse is just a maleable tool that has yet to figure out his place in the entire process. Everytime you think he has it figured out..... he's an idiot.

Every "villian" (if they can be called that) Walt has faced.... has pushed him more into a stream of "what do I do now so that I can get out of this alive and not let anyone but Jesse know?"

Clearly Walt has issues and is a bad guy. Lets not get twisted. The dude is broken. He made one simple choice.... was rewarded well beyond what he thought...... and then it took over.

He is def. "Smart" in the knowledge sense...... but he is DUMB in the "street" sense. When he panics he makes rash decisions.

So we get to see him try and redeem himself.... when we all know it really can't be done. People always root for the broken to be fixed... but how broken is Walter White?
People dont always root for the broken to be fixed. There are literally websites devoted to want skylar dead for no other reason than she doesnt stand quietly behind her murdeering drug kingpin of a husband.


Currently playing as Lex Luthor.
People dont always root for the broken to be fixed. There are literally websites devoted to want skylar dead for no other reason than she doesnt stand quietly behind her murdeering drug kingpin of a husband.
What really surprised me is how she reacted. Walt basically admits through his actions that he loves his family enough to murder and cook meth. That's pretty fucking intense, and quite flattering knowing the risk involved. How many of you could say you knew someone that actually loved you this much?


What really surprised me is how she reacted. Walt basically admits through his actions that he loves his family enough to murder and cook meth. That's pretty fucking intense, and quite flattering knowing the risk involved. How many of you could say you knew someone that actually loved you this much?
Walt didnt admit that at all. And he certainly doesnt show it. WTF does he need 80 million dollars for? Walt used his family as justification to build an empire when in reality he just wanted an empire. I love my family so much id take a demeaning job to provide for them and id never do anything that would put them in harms way. Walt can say he loves his family all he wants he clearly puts himself ahead of his family.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I found this comment someone posted interesting.

The Ozymandias reference has to do with the pants that flew off the Winnebago in Season 1, Episode 1. When Walter is rolling the barrel to the Native American's house, he passes by the pants, crusted and weathered in the desert. This is the Ozymandias reference - Walter is now the fallen king.


Currently playing as Lex Luthor.
Walt didnt admit that at all. And he certainly doesnt show it. WTF does he need 80 million dollars for? Walt used his family as justification to build an empire when in reality he just wanted an empire. I love my family so much id take a demeaning job to provide for them and id never do anything that would put them in harms way.
You could look at it that way, sure. I definitely see where you'd be getting your impression. Still, I'm willing to stick with my original reason, as I don't always tend to see the negative strain in the situation. Given this particular complication, I'd still bet that he is primarily for his family above all else.


You could look at it that way, sure. I definitely see where you'd be getting your impression. Still, I'm willing to stick with my original reason, as I don't always tend to see the negative strain in the situation. Given this particular complication, I'd still bet that he is primarily for his family above all else.
He blatantly says his reason for doing everything . "Im not in the meth business, im not in the money business, im in the empire business" This is one of the few times i liked Walt as he embraced his true reasons and embraced the fact he was evil. I dont see how you could possibly believe he did all he did for his family above all else.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
He blatantly says his reason for doing everything . "Im not in the meth business, im not in the money business, im in the empire business" This is one of the few times i liked Walt as he embraced his true reasons and embraced the fact he was evil. I dont see how you could possibly believe he did all he did for his family above all else.
This is awesome
You see that as the true Walt

where I see that as the fake Walt.



He exhibits those same qualities in season 1 . He feels the money jesse is making is inadequate which leads them to tuco and we know how that went. My prediction with how the show ends also has him exhibiting that same behavior. Also known as the real Walt.


This mean you don't like me?
All I know is that the next two episodes are going to be Walt dotting his i's and crossing his t's. He's gonna go guns blazing and save Jesse and recoup his money. He's going to visit Sky and Jr one last time (as may have been his intent at the flash forward with the 'Hi Carol' incident) and he'll tell them why he did what he did, words of wisdom etc. and there's going to be an ultimate showdown on the top of a helicopter hangar where it's raining, there's lightning, and after dispatching a bunch of henchmen, Walt engages in fisticuffs with a scorned, angered Marie who is the only one that can turn off the launch sequence code for the bomb to the missile that's going to land in New York, killing millions of innocents. After utilizing his Tai Chi abilities he learned from his sensei that died before he got to teach Walt his final lesson, Walt prevails. Marie, with her last breath presses the launch button saying: It's over Walt. You've lost! HAHAHAA!" Walt then says: "No Marie...it's not.....the final lesson of sensei Ricky....was to always be one step ahead of your enemy"
Walt reveals from his back pocket ripped out wires from the missile, thus showing that it has been disabled, and the city of New York is safe. "NOOOOO!" Marie proclaims, as she hurls herself off the building and plunges to her death.

The whole city and reporters gather round to congratulate Walt for saving mankind as they know it. Skyler runs up to Walt, giving him a hug and kiss, saying" You did it honey! You saved us all! You did good!"
To which Walt responds: "No babe.....I broke BAD."

Walt looks up to the sky and pictures the fallen sensei Ricky smiling down at him, nodding in compliance. The credits roll.

Breaking Bad.
Directed by Jerry Bruckheimer.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
All I know is that the next two episodes are going to be Walt dotting his i's and crossing his t's. He's gonna go guns blazing and save Jesse and recoup his money. He's going to visit Sky and Jr one last time (as may have been his intent at the flash forward with the 'Hi Carol' incident) and he'll tell them why he did what he did, words of wisdom etc. and there's going to be an ultimate showdown on the top of a helicopter hangar where it's raining, there's lightning, and after dispatching a bunch of henchmen, Walt engages in fisticuffs with a scorned, angered Marie who is the only one that can turn off the launch sequence code for the bomb to the missile that's going to land in New York, killing millions of innocents. After utilizing his Tai Chi abilities he learned from his sensei that died before he got to teach Walt his final lesson, Walt prevails. Marie, with her last breath presses the launch button saying: It's over Walt. You've lost! HAHAHAA!" Walt then says: "No Marie...it's not.....the final lesson of sensei Ricky....was to always be one step ahead of your enemy"
Walt reveals from his back pocket ripped out wires from the missile, thus showing that it has been disabled, and the city of New York is safe. "NOOOOO!" Marie proclaims, as she hurls herself off the building and plunges to her death.

The whole city and reporters gather round to congratulate Walt for saving mankind as they know it. Skyler runs up to Walt, giving him a hug and kiss, saying" You did it honey! You saved us all! You did good!"
To which Walt responds: "No babe.....I broke BAD."

Walt looks up to the sky and pictures the fallen sensei Ricky smiling down at him, nodding in compliance. The credits roll.

Breaking Bad.
Directed by Jerry Bruckheimer.
This is already confirmed to be the alternate ending on the box set dvd.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.

Why isn't anyone comparing the phone conversation at the start of the episode and the phone conversation at the end?
Oh yeah, good point. After your wife tried to stab you with a kitchen knife and your son called the cops on you saying you were the one who pulled the knife out and your wife assuming you murdered your brother-in-law, I guess you tend to be a bit hostile. It's crazy to think about how Walter became who he is and his situation compared to where he was in his life during the phone call at the beginning.


Filthy Casual
Also Walt does try to get his Wife off the hook by saying
"I warned you for a solid year, you cross me there will be consequences."
"You have no right to discuss anything about what I do, what the hell do you know anyway, nothing!"
"You mark my words Skylar, tow the line, or you will wined up just like hank."


There it is...
Oh yeah, good point. After your wife tried to stab you with a kitchen knife and your son called the cops on you saying you were the one who pulled the knife out and your wife assuming your murdered you brother-in-law, I guess you tend to be a bit hostile. It's crazy to think about how Walter became who he is and his situation compared to where he was in his life during the phone call at the beginning.


He was being a cunt so skyler would get more sympathy from the cops. Like he was trying to make it seem like hes the bad guy and she was forced. He realised he needed to do it after his daughter was saying mommy, cause she needs her mum in her life not a drug dealing dad.

edit/ Yeah just read the guy above, he knows.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Also Walt does try to get his Wife off the hook by saying
"I warned you for a solid year, you cross me there will be consequences."
"You have no right to discuss anything about what I do, what the hell do you know anyway, nothing!"
"You mark my words Skylar, tow the line, or you will wined up just like hank."
Yeah, I think that it's pretty obvious what the point of the conversation was.

That being said, it doesn't mean there isn't some truths in there. I'm sure those things about Skylar never believing in him and never respecting him were from the heart, and those were emotions he has been suppressing since season 1. I think it's a mix of truths and lies meant to get his wife off the hook, but I definitely think the emotion behind those words was honest.


There it is...
In fairness, i think everybody who watches that show HATES skyler cause shes a cow, bout time she got told off.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
How can anyone think Walter is evil? It's obvious he has good/love in his heart, especially for his family and even Jesse, who he considers family. Walter said Jesse was like a son to him, his greatest student.


There it is...
How can anyone think Walter is evil? It's obvious he has good/love in his heart, especially for his family and even Jesse, who he considers family. Walter said Jesse was like a son to him, his greatest student.

Nah walt fucked jessie over something nasty. Good guy and loves his family, but jessie thing is a hole different ballpark


Filthy Casual
Oh yeah, good point. After your wife tried to stab you with a kitchen knife and your son called the cops on you saying you were the one who pulled the knife out and your wife assuming your murdered you brother-in-law, I guess you tend to be a bit hostile. It's crazy to think about how Walter became who he is and his situation compared to where he was in his life during the phone call at the beginning.
Well that too, but this could be reaching...

-Walts first cook he is already lying on the phone to protect his wife from the truth.

-She is selling Walt's favorite piece, the hideous crying clown which is in the same location as the knives and phone. Walt IS the hideous crying clown being sold to the police

-The clown is being put in a box that resembles a coffin.

- "You could take pity on us an take a pizza home, they're having a two for one special at vensomething, I could eat a whole one by myself." I feel like this could mean something too.