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I'm a magical genie! What are your three wishes?


I want Kronika to step on my face
that.... would be quit interesting. If you worded as "I'd wish for my will to be done" I think it would work.

the first one (wishing for genies) would also fall under bringing something to life.... which cannot be done as well.
guys its really easy, 1st wish: genie gets amnesia.


Neutral Skipper
1) Teleke-fucking-nesis.
2) Make me a Sex God that gets laid by supermodels on command.
3) Unlimited wishes.


Aspiring Fighter
Wish 1: I wish I had the power to change the rules

Wish 2: I wish I could wish for more wishes

Wish 3: I wish for more wishes


for my cat ralphy to have a good dream hes sleepin on my bed
for my poops to come out in any shape i want
unlimited supply of banana


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Wishing for more wishes is a boring cop out. Cmon guys. Three iron clad wishes and that's it. Try and be creative with em.


Fabulous Goofball
1. I wish for a reality-warping device disguised as an I-Pad that allows me to change anything I want about myself (From intelligence to health to mental skills, to physical skills, to genetics, etc) and to a limited effect, the universe(Make fictional creations real or make a pocket personal reality). The reality-warping effects can only be accessed by me and the device teleports to me should it ever be stolen or lost and any options I want to add are added.

2. I wish that the injustice patch would come out already.

3. I wish the genie to be free on the condition that it doesn't harm living creatures or put them in harmeful situations.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I think I have the perfect 3 wishes that work well with one another.

1. The power of complete Time Manipulation. This means I can pause time, rewind time, fast forward time, slow down time, etc. And when I rewind time, I know everything that I know from my present. Also, if I slow down or pause time, I can choose to be separate from it. Also, once I have this wish granted, I have this power forever. Meaning even if I rewind time to technically before I gained this power via the wishes, I’ll still have these powers. The only caveat is after 48 hours, I can’t go back in time to take someone’s life. Meaning no killing baby Hitler or anything like that. The 48 hour limit instead of not being able to do it at all is so if someone tries to snipe me, I can still pause time, rewind it, and take care of it. And you might be asking how would I pause time if I get shot via a sniper, I wouldn’t have time to react. That’s where the 2nd wish comes into play.

2. The power of Telekinesis from the movie “Chronicle”. I very seriously debated between this power, and just wishing for all the powers Goku has at the end of Dragon Ball Super. And if it weren’t for already getting the power of complete Time Manipulation, I’d choose Goku’s powers. But there’d be no need to be able to have super speed when I have time manipulation, and the only other two powers Goku has that TKS would not is being able to have a bunch of different energy waves/ki blasts at my disposal, no need to be able to transform into a stronger version of myself, and while cool, would have no need to be able to teleport. Again, this is all due to having the completely OP power of complete Time Manipulation. And for those that have never seen the movie Chronicle, they also can fly by essentially using their TKS powers on themselves. Also, I’d have a permanent invisible forcefield of telekinetic energy surrounding me. Once something enters this “bubble”,’ my time manipulation powers activate immediately and freeze time so that I can see what entered my “bubble”. So in the sniper scenario, time would freeze before a bullet ever made contact.

3. All encompassing god tier healing powers. This means I can heal any ailment on others and myself. I can cure any disease, cancer, etc. Pretty much can heal everything except for death. And this power combined with my time manipulation powers, I can even heal aging, allowing people to live for hundreds of years with no pain or suffering or of course even aging. However, I can only prevent aging in those I love, so friends and family. But I can heal whoever I want from whatever disease they’re afflicted with. This also includes injuries to stuff like spinal injuries (can cure paralysis), and injuries to the head/mind (can cure any mental illness or brain damage)

So with these 3 powers, I’d be virtually invincible and practically immortal. And so would anyone else I wanted to be (well, namely friends and family due to that caveat to only being able to prevent aging on them). And I’d quickly become the richest and most famous person in the world. Which, I don’t care about the fame, it would just be inevitable. Normally you’d want to hide that you have ANY sort of powers. But considering how OP these 3 powers are together, I’d never have to worry about anything. Me and everyone I choose can essentially live forever without ever suffering. And if something unavoidable were to happen millions of years from now, like the Sun exploding or dying out or some shit, I’ll just rewind time and keep doing so until I finally got bored of living. And I wouldn’t have to worry about the government or anyone “stopping” me. First of all I wouldn’t use any of my powers to harm innocent people. But secondly, how could anyone every “catch” me? I know they want to study me and run tests, but that would be a completely voluntary decision on my part.


★ 19 Years of Jade ★
  1. I wish to be a complete shapeshifter
  2. I wish to have the power of Marvel Comics Thor
  3. I wish to have all the powers @Juggs wished for
  1. I wish my little brother Ian was nonexistent and everyone forgets he ever existed. I want to be the only child (I do not want a boy as my sibling anyway I always wanted a baby sister)
  2. I wish I had hair texture like Asians so that my hair stays curly and down when I wet it and not shrink and get puffy and matted up.
  3. I wish I was even more prettier with a pretty singing voice.