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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
Where is the logic in it? Zatanna fans are scumbags, Red Hood fans aren't?
Yeah, that's right....lol no. I was just saying how weird it is that Zatanna won above all those other characters, because I was initially under the impression that they were a lot more requested :confused:. The poll had to be representative in some way, or why wouldn't they just go with a character they know would make more money because of being more popular? It just felt like there was a burst of fans either switching sides or just emerging out of nowhere. And if there was that much support, then where are all the Zatanna players online? I know there are TONS of people that didn't have anything to do with the poll and could care less about Zatanna, but I literally haven't seen more than one besides release week (like a month ago).

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
If their worried about her Tier than no, I for 1 would play the shit out of RH, fight the whole Roster with him over and over, than if I get bored I'll have Red Hood vs Red Hood over and over again than restart the pattern. I like Zatanna and Batgirl props to them, but if I had chance to get Red Hood and than I find out a poll was made to kill his buzz you damn right I'm gonna talk shit about it that's just how it is. People talk shit about Red Hood it's w/e because I know the poll failed, when I see people posting "still waiting for Red Hood." He's gonna get his even if he doesn't get in. I'm sure Warner Bros. knows we want that S.O.B. in a game, we just have to wait longer for that better game.
Lol, I really don't want to double post, but I have to respond to this!

This is just how I see it and feel. I see people still clamoring for Red Hood all the time, it's crazy. He has been requested before the game even came out lol, I'm sure NRS knows that they can make easy money off of his inclusion. I do believe they are working on two more characters though, that they will release simultaneously with the patch. I know this patch is big, but JESUS, it shouldn't take this long for just a patch and some costumes. They are probably planning to get all of the glitches and bugs out with a final bang to create a finished product so they don't have to worry about balancing/fixing the next two DLC characters individually.


bye felicia
lonelygoer, Voting in a poll and posting on facebook is easy. Even donating is easy. Maining a character and supporting a fighting game is hard. "The Internet" gave Labzero over $800k in support of Skullgirls. You think even a fraction of those people picked it back up, or even took it seriously? Not even close. NRS knows this. WB knows this. Even Capcom knows this.

Now that fighting game cast reveals are huge marketing ploys, every fanbase thinks they want nay deserve it more than the next, but that doesn't make it true. You love your character, that's grand. But you guys are not beautiful unique snowflakes. You're not better at loving your character than anybody else. You're just the latest incarnation of the Rain Army.

If fan love had anything to do with character use, UMvC3 could just be named Ironman vs Phoenix Wright.


bye felicia
Niko Mar, Get it through your head; the poll was UNOFFICIAL Zatanna was coming, wether she won or not. However they decided MMH and Zatanna were the two fan dlcs had NOTHING to do with that poll.

There is absolutely no way that if Blue Beetle had somehow clawed his way to the top of that poll, NRS was going to throw out all of their Zatanna work and just start over on some other character. Just ask Power Girl.

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
Niko Mar, Get it through your head; the poll was UNOFFICIAL Zatanna was coming, wether she won or not. However they decided MMH and Zatanna were the two fan dlcs had NOTHING to do with that poll.

There is absolutely no way that if Blue Beetle had somehow clawed his way to the top of that poll, NRS was going to throw out all of their Zatanna work and just start over on some other character. Just ask Power Girl.
That's impossible, I stick to what I believe in. It makes no sense that they would've put her in indefinitely, without the poll, if they knew they would make more money off of more highly requested characters. She wasn't part of a pass, no one was committed to buying her, why else would she be in besides the poll?


Finding a Main
That's impossible, I stick to what I believe in. It makes no sense that they would've put her in indefinitely, without the poll, if they knew they would make more money off of more highly requested characters. She wasn't part of a pass, no one was committed to buying her, why else would she be in besides the poll?
I wonder if they had concepts for/started on all of the characters in the poll beforehand. There's no way they made Zatanna in what, a month and a half? They also could've worked on the characters they knew would be requested.
Zatanna model looks basic though she probably could have been done with no problem but haha then you have her Voice actor, her movesets, her face being modeled after the actress, her 3d model sculpting, and her gameplay testing in the short time period along side with MMH voice actor and movesets in that month NRS must of been no days off.(probably left some other details out)

Zatanna was released early so they could focus on the patch not because of some random Voting poll.

NRS is a business and you don't become friends with a business they'll just tell you what they think you wanna here. NRS is not stupid when it comes to suckering the fans especially with such a huge franchise like DC, with the list of possibilities they have.

Rain was an mk season pass and was planned regardless if he had an army or not I guess they just decided to give us Freddy out of the blue too? he was planned just like the rest of the mk9 roster nothing was fan requested in reality, all planned and easy to do with no voice actors.

& no I wasn't there when they were making these games I just don't buy into the friendly listening to fans crap they pull that everyone so happens to believe to me it's all calculated and good business on their part to fool the customers into believing everything they say. "Hey if you vote for us we'll reward you" they label things unnoffical because it's PLANNED why do you still defend? Because you refused to believe you've been tricked or you feel like you owe them for giving you such a great game.

If they give us Red Hood then you have a more believable unplanned character. I say this because Red Hood had 0% chance of getting in unless his fans begged for him.

Just my answers to questions people posted around here.


I like Zatanna, but I really hate something about her inclusion. Apparently, EVERYONE wanted her, but I never see her online lol. In about 100 games, I only saw like 1 Zatanna. I'd be rockin' dat Hood every game if he was in :D.
You hardly see her online because she's awkward to play as and requires high execution. People realized this and were quick to proclaim that she sucked and retreated back to their safe havens of 2, 2, 3 f+2, ice breath and laser spam, Bat trait F 2,3-man, and guns and flips.

This is how things are with fighting games. A lot of people say they want a character, but if they end up low tier or being hard to use, barely anyone will use them. It won't matter how many fans they have. It's happened with Lobo, MMH, and now Zatanna. It's happened with Phoenix Wright in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and I'm certain it would have happened with Mega Man if he had gotten in. If Red Hood or Power Girl were to get in, it could happen with them as well.

Ironic how out of all the DLC characters, the two that received the most hate(Batgirl and Scorpion) are seen online the most out of them all.


bye felicia
That's impossible, I stick to what I believe in. It makes no sense that they would've put her in indefinitely, without the poll, if they knew they would make more money off of more highly requested characters. She wasn't part of a pass, no one was committed to buying her, why else would she be in besides the poll?
The last two weren't about money, Boon made that clear. The last two were selected based on fan request and if you think a survey monkey poll is the only way a AAA game developer, the largest comic book publisher, and a multimedia conglomerate has to gauge fan interest in a character you're delusional.

If the poll actually mattered, if real honest to god business decisions were involved, they would've slapped the word OFFICIAL on it, advertised it somewhere other than twitter, and made sure it was secure. They would've made a huge production of it like they did the Battle Arena, and they certainly wouldn't have waited almost two full months afterward to reveal the final results.

tl;dr, they didn't need a poll to know MMH was fan requested. Why would they need it for Zatanna?

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
The last two weren't about money, Boon made that clear. The last two were selected based on fan request and if you think a survey monkey poll is the only way a AAA game developer, the largest comic book publisher, and a multimedia conglomerate has to gauge fan interest in a character you're delusional.

If the poll actually mattered, if real honest to god business decisions were involved, they would've slapped the word OFFICIAL on it, advertised it somewhere other than twitter, and made sure it was secure. They would've made a huge production of it like they did the Battle Arena, and they certainly wouldn't have waited almost two full months afterward to reveal the final results.

tl;dr, they didn't need a poll to know MMH was fan requested. Why would they need it for Zatanna?
Actually I am quite insane...and we'll never know.
The last two weren't about money, Boon made that clear. The last two were selected based on fan request and if you think a survey monkey poll is the only way a AAA game developer, the largest comic book publisher, and a multimedia conglomerate has to gauge fan interest in a character you're delusional.

If the poll actually mattered, if real honest to god business decisions were involved, they would've slapped the word OFFICIAL on it, advertised it somewhere other than twitter, and made sure it was secure. They would've made a huge production of it like they did the Battle Arena, and they certainly wouldn't have waited almost two full months afterward to reveal the final results.

tl;dr, they didn't need a poll to know MMH was fan requested. Why would they need it for Zatanna?
But without the poll would you have seriously guessed that Zatanna would have been the most requested character? Because I for one did not see all these so called Zatanna fans before the poll was created.

The most requested characters I knew of (excluding MMH, Lobo and Red Hood) were Darkseid, Static Captain Cold, Black Manta, Beast boy, Black Canary etc. I saw a lot more Dr fate fans too than Zatanna to be honest.
The last two weren't about money, Boon made that clear. The last two were selected based on fan request and if you think a survey monkey poll is the only way a AAA game developer, the largest comic book publisher, and a multimedia conglomerate has to gauge fan interest in a character you're delusional.

If the poll actually mattered, if real honest to god business decisions were involved, they would've slapped the word OFFICIAL on it, advertised it somewhere other than twitter, and made sure it was secure. They would've made a huge production of it like they did the Battle Arena, and they certainly wouldn't have waited almost two full months afterward to reveal the final results.

tl;dr, they didn't need a poll to know MMH was fan requested. Why would they need it for Zatanna?
They didn't need need a MMH poll becuz he was already #1 no matter what. They needed Zatnna cause her request base was low and the poll helped build her up compared to the ones you see like Red Hood, and people that are tired of seeing people shouting out we want Red Hood proves the point that Red Hood was highly request for a long ass time.

At the end of day NRS are gonna do whatever they want as they should because that's their right.
I seen More people asking for Starfire and Beastboy than Zatanna she came out of nowhere
Ooh, forgot to mention Starfire, I really like her. Would have preferred her over Zatanna even though I think Zatanna would be more unique than her.

Although I don't care about uniqueness when it comes to dlc, I want my fan fav's since I know NRS can make anyone play diverse and unique


bye felicia
But without the poll would you have seriously guessed that Zatanna would have been the most requested character? Because I for one did not see all these so called Zatanna fans before the poll was created.
NRS has been dealing with requests since the day the game was announced. Hell, since MKvDC was announced. That InjusticeFan14 guy tweeted both Rigo and Boon almost every single day with "requests" for Zatanna. You think he's the only one? You don't honestly think they didn't just start thinking about "fan requested characters" a month after release, do you?

The poll said unofficial. I think it even said hypothetical. That means no business decisions will be made based on it. The end. Boon said the DLC post Season Pass was all fan requested. It didn't say most recently fan requested, it didn't even say most fan requested. Just fan requested NRS could have literally picked one of maybe 20 characters and it would have been fan requested. Rogues, Titans, Justice, Kryptonians, Bats, Lanterns, V, Constantine, Watchmen, any number of characters could have been released and they could say it was fan requested.

Bottom line, it is a happy coincidence at best that the character they picked and the character that won are one and the same. If you really think Zatanna was picked because of the poll, then please explain how Batgirl got in the game and neither Supergirl or Powergirl (who beat her in a previous poll) got in.


bye felicia
They didn't need need a MMH poll becuz he was already #1 no matter what. They needed Zatnna cause her request base was low and the poll helped build her up compared to the ones you see like Red Hood, and people that are tired of seeing people shouting out we want Red Hood proves the point that Red Hood was highly request for a long ass time.
Where are you getting these facts? /Who/ needed Zatanna cause her request base was low? What request base? All the people who watch that cartoon show she's on all the time? Or the people who read that comic book she's in all the time? Or are the people who read injustice's twitter / facebook the only fans that matter?

How do you know RH's fanbase is some unstoppable force to be reckoned with? People shouting it out? I see people shouting out a lot of characters. Have you counted them? Does he get more shouts than Cold or Swampy or V or Static or Powergirl? Why didn't he win the poll? Why didn't he wind up in the main cast instead of other Batfam like Catwoman or Bane or Batgirl or even oddballs like Ares or Frost? Why isn't he even in a background like Deadshot or the Arkham Gang? Why isn't he even mentioned in the game or comic story if he is some super duper uber popular character that is just on the tip of everybody's tongue?


I seen More people asking for Starfire and Beastboy than Zatanna she came out of nowhere
I don't think Beast Boy would work. Shapeshifting powers don't work to well with 3D models. This is why Shang Tsung was only limited to changing into the opponent he was fighting in MK9 and why he couldn't morph at all in the 3D MK games.

And it's also likely why the only shapeshifting Martian Manhunter does in Injustice(gameplay wise) is into his opponent during his super.


bye felicia
I don't think Beast Boy would work. Shapeshifting powers don't work to well with 3D models. This is why Shang Tsung was only limited to changing into the opponent he was fighting in MK9 and why he couldn't morph at all in the 3D MK games.

And it's also likely why the only shapeshifting Martian Manhunter does in Injustice(gameplay wise) is into his opponent during his super.
The issue lies far more with the loading than the morphing. Plenty of 3d games, even UE3 games do model morphing just fine.
Where are you getting these facts? /Who/ needed Zatanna cause her request base was low? What request base? All the people who watch that cartoon show she's on all the time? Or the people who read that comic book she's in all the time? Or are the people who read injustice's twitter / facebook the only fans that matter?

How do you know RH's fanbase is some unstoppable force to be reckoned with? People shouting it out? I see people shouting out a lot of characters. Have you counted them? Does he get more shouts than Cold or Swampy or V or Static or Powergirl? Why didn't he win the poll? Why didn't he wind up in the main cast instead of other Batfam like Catwoman or Bane or Batgirl or even oddballs like Ares or Frost? Why isn't he even in a background like Deadshot or the Arkham Gang? Why isn't he even mentioned in the game or comic story if he is some super duper uber popular character that is just on the tip of everybody's tongue?
The facts are on Youtube the facts are in Forums the facts are on Facebook the Facts are on Twitter everywhere you see an Injustice news feed there are people asking for that same character that has been asked for since the very beginning Red Hood! If you go somewhere out of TYM you would see what I'm talking about. Zatanna FAN base was low compared to everyone else. The Reason I'm gonna keep saying Red Hood is because this Topic is suppose to be about him, Screw the characters you named In your post. I'm here to talk about Red Hood, that's who its always been about and that's why he is so highly Demanded because Red Hood fans are @ the point where we say fuck everything else give us Red Hood!

People wanted Unique Characters they get them and Don't play with them because they claim she's to hard to play with, and I'm like Bitch! You wanted her to be unique and they made her play style unique so why you trippin? Shit just pisses me off.
I don't think Beast Boy would work. Shapeshifting powers don't work to well with 3D models. This is why Shang Tsung was only limited to changing into the opponent he was fighting in MK9 and why he couldn't morph at all in the 3D MK games.

And it's also likely why the only shapeshifting Martian Manhunter does in Injustice(gameplay wise) is into his opponent during his super.
Probably true


The issue lies far more with the loading than the morphing. Plenty of 3d games, even UE3 games do model morphing just fine.
Well yeah, that's what I actually meant. The load times would take too long on the disk. For instance, Shang Tsung could morph into his opponents in some of the PS MK games, but when he did there was a notable and obvious pause in the action for several seconds as the appropriate characters were swapped in and out of RAM.

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
The facts are on Youtube the facts are in Forums the facts are on Facebook the Facts are on Twitter everywhere you see an Injustice news feed there are people asking for that same character that has been asked for since the very beginning Red Hood! If you go somewhere out of TYM you would see what I'm talking about. Zatanna FAN base was low compared to everyone else. The Reason I'm gonna keep saying Red Hood is because this Topic is suppose to be about him, Screw the characters you named In your post. I'm here to talk about Red Hood, that's who its always been about and that's why he is so highly Demanded because Red Hood fans are @ the point where we say fuck everything else give us Red Hood!

People wanted Unique Characters they get them and Don't play with them because they claim she's to hard to play with, and I'm like Bitch! You wanted her to be unique and they made her play style unique so why you trippin? Shit just pisses me off.
^This....Shit, even during an interview before the games release, Boon was asked about Red Hood. He even noted Red Hood as being highly requested during the Lobo reveal. Why isn't he in yet lol :confused:, Boon be trollin' everyone and saving him for last.


bye felicia
if "the facts" are out there, why did he lose the poll? That's the great thing about you Hood fans. You never actually answer the questions, you just say "Nuh uh, the internet loves him, we swear!"