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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2


Well-Known Gay Member
Is he a top tier reality manipulator too?
As Wiccan, Billy Kaplan possesses a spellcasting talent that may or may not be related to a reality warping power. While patterning himself after Thor in the guise of Asgardian, Billy limited himself entirely to flight and lightning based spells. By stating an intent and focusing on the outcome, Wiccan is capable of a variety of feats, including, but not limited to tracking and locating others, illusionary disguises, tearing down force-fields, mass teleportation, concussive blasts, enchantments, astral projection, pyrokinesis, and telekinetic force beams.
Billy must be able to hear his spells for them to be successful, but some of Billy's spells can be activated without words.[27] He has consistently been able to create force fields, teleport others, and generate lightning and force blasts with little or no effort. He eventually demonstrates the ability to cast sophisticated spells without speaking, such as changing from his costume to civilian clothing, levitating others, and transforming an entire room.[22] He was able to render twenty armed terrorists comatose with a single thought when he lost control of his powers, causing concern among his teammates and the Avengers.[22] Somehow when he was captured and put into the Cube and the warden put special high-tech ear-plugs on him that allowed him to hear everything but his own voice, he was unable to cast any kind of spell and was rendered helpless. Later, upon release, he wanted to kill the warden for trying to dissect his boyfriend.
Wiccan was one of the many possible candidates for the title of Sorcerer Supreme,having been described by the Vision as "one of the most powerful mages on the planet."


One of many Bat-Breakers.
Gah, caffeine wearing off. *slaps button on wrist, giving himself another dose of Mountain Dew* YEARGGGGGHHHH! *proceeds to get back to working at a breakneck pace*
Sorry, got a bit bored.


One of many Bat-Breakers.
I'll fully admit I more remember Makoto more for the Hokuto reference in her Astral then anything else.