His oki messes with her a lot. His trait can keep her in check and makes him outfootsie her. He can MB Pillar for free and basically force you to stop doing anything. She can punish his teleport on reaction but it requires meter. With trait he outclasses her in the AA and jump in apartment.
If he reads pillars he can teleport them and full combo you. If he blocks a soul crush he can pillar you. He controls the pace of the match and limits her.
Makes sense. I was thinking about the oki game and her krap wake ups.
Don't agree with MB Pillar for free. Her Soul Crush stops it and Raven has the fastest walkspeed in the game as far as I know so she doesn't have to risk dashes.
PS: Just theory fighting here but MMH's walkspeed vs Raven's walkspeed might allow her to keep up in footsies..?