You should see what he can do in the corner.Worthy of respect: Deathstroke's B1U2 and Bane's B11.
You should see what he can do in the corner.
b.1 juggles all daySyncs really well with "Wop" also.
What string? 33? That's the only one that's even remotely decent. Doomsday has terrible strings. And you can still hit him out of the start up if you block the jump dooomsday?
I think zod's 213 is better than f213.
What string? 33? That's the only one that's even remotely decent. Doomsday has terrible strings. And you can still hit him out of the start up if you block the jump splash.
Nerf all those strings. Nerf em'.
What about NW's f213 in Escrima?
I wanted to post a kabal string so badly then I read your post and all my originality went out the window...321...oh wait, this isn't MK9...
Serious now, though...Zod d12 is solid as well. 7f string that is -1 on each hit, can lead to close to 40% 1 bar + free trait.
lol zods f213 is ass man..
D1~any combo starting special
I was thinking about this today when talking to someone about Superman's F23 and the upcoming patch. I was talking about how i think Lantern's B1 will be the best string in the game if the rumors of some normalizations are true. So it also got me thinking on other strings that are just downright really good. Here is my top 10 and ill give a little brief explanation next to each one. These are in no particular order, just listed as they came to mind.
1- F23 (Superman) -We all know it, I doubt this needs any explanation.
2- B13 (Lantern) -9 frame sliding low with tons of shenanigans and options. The reach is insane too.
3- B12 (Aquaman) -9 frame reaching low as well and hit confirmable into big damage.
4- B113 (Wonder Woman) -11 Frame mid with decent reach. Plus frames on the staggers and does 41% meterless on hit.
5- B23 (Batman) -Incredibly good string all around and with the ability to get 40% meterless if you have a bat out its getting beyond dangerous. 12 Frames and has an overhead and the bomb traps.
6- B23 (Black Adam) -15 Frame overhead that has mad reach meaning a great whiff punisher. +3 on block and on hit gives 40% meterless and up to 46% meterless if B2 orbs is used.
7- B22 (Flash) -15 Frame reaching mid that is plus on both parts. Can be hitconfirmed into a 61% combo that costs 10% of a bar with trait used. Yeahhh...
8- F13 (Aquaman) -7 Frame mid where the first hit is +3 on block. Second hit is overhead giving him mixup potential that is safe vs a lot of the cast because of trait.
9- 33/B2 (Wonder Woman) -Writing this as a combo cause without the other one isnt as amazing as it would be. 33 is a 14 frame low that is +2 on block. B2 is a 17 frame overhead that has amazing reach and can be combo'd from at certain ranges and the corner. Each also leads to her insane meterless damage and can lead to hit confirmable mixups into super for 40% unclashable at the end of games.
10- F213 (General Zod) -15 Frame low that has pretty decent reach. Some people may disagree but i think the mixups and shenanigans off this string in the future will make us cry. With trait out this becomes a top 3 string in the game.
So is there anything i missed, do people disagree? Discuss.
You can interrupt 33 after body splash with what?What string? 33? That's the only one that's even remotely decent. Doomsday has terrible strings. And you can still hit him out of the start up if you block the jump splash.