It's been a week, and from what I've heard, DLC wise Zatanna's more like a bowl of Lucky charms whereas Martian Manhunter is like a Snickers bar, you know? Snickers gets the job done, satiating hunger with its caramelly goodness, giving you 50/50 nuts or chocolate options in your mouth. Zatanna is more like the cereal in the fact that before you can even eat, you have to have a bowl ready, your utensil, and then you have to put in the milk. You have to watch for spillage when you eat, meaning that your hand to bowl execution must be on point, and sometimes the crunch is a little to loud to hear videos you may be watching on YouTube, causing the snack to take more skill to eat. And while some may call Zatanna an attractive character, it is in fact Martian Man Hunter that may cause you to play the game with one hand if to were to land your gaze at his exposurosity. Aside from the promiscuous Doomsday, no other characters are topless. These are pivotal points we must consider. When eating lucky charms, you must use at least two hands or more, further causing me to have reservations about buying the character Zatanna.