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Match-up Discussion Post-patch Match up List and Discussion


Scorpion Scrub
-General Zod - Zod is like Sinestro and has stage advantage because of trait, upclose GL wins and probably also mid range, feels sort of even right now.

-Scorpion - Minigun stuffs his wakeups, after that you can go for mixups. Scorpions are not as scary as they used to be but a good one is still trouble, even for me.

-Bane - Bane's scary upclose and GL doesn't have many options even on wake up (need to test minigun invic frames see if it breaks his armored moves as wakeup if it does then GL has an advantage) GL ofc has a great advantage full screen because of minigun. I consider this even in the hands of a good bane for the moment but most banes are too impatient and get destroyed by minigun.

-Lex - I feel like GL has an advantage here because he can actually beat Lex's zoning and can full screen turbine on a laser lock read if need to get in. Lex has good mixups but they have slow startups compared to GL, Lex is scary in the corner though and can do most damage here.

-Martian Manhunter - KT Smith has played REOs martian a lot so he probably has a better say in this.

-Zatanna - Not sure yet.
All good assessments, maybe someone who has played revolver on Xbox could give a better input on the lex matchup, and many of the ones left seemed borderline even. A good scorpion still gives me trouble but never thought of locking his wakeups down with mini gun so that should make it roughly even depending on stage


Scorpion Scrub
online flash is pretty even, laggy flash's are the worst so I always pick metro rooftop cause I hate them.


Green lantern controls the whole pace of the match against flash. Why wouldn't it be advantage lantern?
flash has no problem against zoning or actually getting in on GL. Flash hits you once you take 55%-60% and put in the corner. And his pressure is to much for GL to handle. GL has to be mid and control space and play footsies if he wants to win, But that isn't a problem for flash. Also i played gr8ones flash the other day lost 10-8. 5-5 trust me

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
flash has no problem against zoning or actually getting in on GL. Flash hits you once you take 55%-60% and put in the corner. And his pressure is to much for GL to handle. GL has to be mid and control space and play footsies if he wants to win, But that isn't a problem for flash. Also i played gr8ones flash the other day lost 10-8. 5-5 trust me
How does flash not have a problem with the zoning?

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
he doesn't have trouble getting in. Why you think flash players say flash bodies Sinestro
Green lantern and sinestros zoning are very different though. Green lantern controls space with air rockets and flash has to commit to something to get past it really, such as a dash. And if he tries to dash you can not jump and b1 him. It's more about controlling space and forcing commitment, not keeping him from getting close.


Green lantern and sinestros zoning are very different though. Green lantern controls space with air rockets and flash has to commit to something to get past it really, such as a dash. And if he tries to dash you can not jump and b1 him. It's more about controlling space and forcing commitment, not keeping him from getting close.
you're right their zoning are very different. But flash still doesn't have a problem closing in lol. Also high level flashplayers get in with mb charge thats +3 on block
Only if you don't crouch, at even higher play they don't do that unless as a wiff punish because they understand the risk and know that is probably going to lead to a d1 lift punish or at least a grab. That being said it is close to even on really good ones

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
yes, But you're not going to be ducking every second waiting for mb charge or unless is on wakeup. The Mu is even
You don't have to be ducking every second. It's called a read. And he really doesn't have many other options to get in besides that and regular movement.


Gaming4Satan Founder
-General Zod - Zod is like Sinestro and has stage advantage because of trait, upclose GL wins and probably also mid range, feels sort of even right now.

-Scorpion - Minigun stuffs his wakeups, after that you can go for mixups. Scorpions are not as scary as they used to be but a good one is still trouble, even for me.

-Bane - Bane's scary upclose and GL doesn't have many options even on wake up (need to test minigun invic frames see if it breaks his armored moves as wakeup if it does then GL has an advantage) GL ofc has a great advantage full screen because of minigun. I consider this even in the hands of a good bane for the moment but most banes are too impatient and get destroyed by minigun.

-Lex - I feel like GL has an advantage here because he can actually beat Lex's zoning and can full screen turbine on a laser lock read if need to get in. Lex has good mixups but they have slow startups compared to GL, Lex is scary in the corner though and can do most damage here.

-Martian Manhunter - KT Smith has played REOs martian a lot so he probably has a better say in this.

-Zatanna - Not sure yet.
I agree with these, but I think bane loses to lantern

Martian Manhumper looks to be even. You can turbine right through all his zoning options unless he burns meter. His combos in practical situations don't do much damage and has little in the way of effective post-knockdown resets; normally he goes for meaty jin fireballs into more pressure. From midscreen lantern beats him in the neutral game and his wake up can be blown up with mb b3's that he must respect but can escape most reset attempts with force push since the hitbox is so damn big.

Also, lantern beats the flash clean. He still has all the same problems as pre-buff but now just does more damage when he gets in


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Alright so I have been having a bit of trouble with Black Adam as of late. It feels like he is constantly out playing me. He gets to dive kick his way in for free (at least online). He can keep me out cause all his strings and specials are safe on block. What do I do. I know I can j1 him out of dive kick. I know to jump when ever he jumps. I am also familiar with the not ducking against him. But that is not all that seems to be great at counter zoning. What are some decent ways to pressure him if I block dive kick.
If you block a properly done dive kick, a regular dive kick, 9/10 he will back dash, where an oa rocket confirm mb will make him eat a massive combo, this also works for his mb b3 option after divekick. Problem is he could have jumped, where LM would have been the better choice, or a j1 yourself. It is all a guessing game, if he crouch blocked, you could have done a b13 Trying to mb b3 all his dive kicks is like expecting him to mb b3 all your air turbines for free get in. Your better off just committing to something. A j3 is even a risky option to be used

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Doesn't green lantern have one of the best punishers for dive kick due to its range with b1? If it's really high and you want to be safe d1 can punish.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Also, in general against black Adam, walk him to the corner, using air rockets to control space. I believe black Adam cannot punish air turbine, so you could use that to get in.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Doesn't green lantern have one of the best punishers for dive kick due to its range with b1? If it's really high and you want to be safe d1 can punish.
Yes and ordinarily that's what I'd use however but online for some weird reason the dive kick is safe.
So just curious when are we finally going to update these old matchups to be more truthful to what they actually are? Referring to the first page, or is it irrelevant till the next super patch?
So just curious when are we finally going to update these old matchups to be more truthful to what they actually are? Referring to the first page, or is it irrelevant till the next super patch?
I think they're pretty accurate until then.

What do you feel is not?

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