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You have one wish for the next patch.


1. better walkspeed
2. Superman train no longer immediatly stop doomsday trait with laser or hit even on block.
3. Stop be possible to parry doomsday charge even with mb
4. let's Bane cancel his charge
6. Nightwights db3 stop let's him gain 3 bars during his 4 mb of db3
7. Gives to all characters at least a good wake up attack and stop bugs like d1 stop some of wake ups
8. Ofc don't give F2,3 99% priority on all others hits

and take off stupid bug when batman is jumping 2 over GA and is broken by his D3 when he is really under batman


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Only one? man...its between the following wishes for me

  • drastic forward walkspeed buff
  • interactible/transition damage nerf (mb b3 is amazing so yes transitions need it as well)
  • somehow adding more depth to the footsie game...most I can come up with is maybe a 2 bar MB dash that functions like a KOF roll for mixups and pressure escapes, but that might still be game breaking so I have no clue what to ask for. Best I can do is ask for walkspeed and wish the game had been built and balanced for rolls because they'd likely be too good at any cost in this game now.
Revert Bane back to original. Hes so brain dead now. shitty players are doing too well with him against competent people. people just dont know about this character. -_-


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Revert Bane back to original. Hes so brain dead now. shitty players are doing too well with him against competent people. people just dont know about this character. -_-
Or competent players could level up lol.

My only wish is for a netcode improvement.