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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Red Hood

The real Batman!
Lol I was thinking the same, maybe Team Red Hood would be better, or something like that. Something about "army" makes us sound aggressive which I guess would fit the character we are supporting lol.


When's DragonBall?
Outro using default costume: Beats the downed opponent with a crow bar (Depicted the same way he beat Joker in Under The Red Hood comic.) then takes off his helmet and says"How does that feel?" as the camera settles on Jason with a grin on his bloodied face(And hands)
Outro 2 (Using the Outlaws outfit): Red Hood is picked up by Starfire (The ship) and the camera panels to him sitting in the chair and zooms and settles on Roy and Kory operating the ship and preparing for take-off.
Outro 3(Using the Battle for Cowl costume.): Jason pulls out his two guns and points them at the downed opponent, the camera goes to a first person view of the opponent looking at Jason as he says "I guess you don't get it: I am Batman!" And then shoots the opponent and the screen goes and settles black.)
Outro 4(Using the Jason Todd outfit): Red Hood pulls out his pistol and walks over to the downed opponent, points the gun at their face and before pulling the trigger says "I'm what this city needs!" and the camera panels to Red Hood's face and he fires and the flash of the gun is seen in Jason's face and a shell flies out and the camera settles on Red Hood's face.
Outro 5(Using the Batman and Robin outfit): Red Hood walks away from the beaten opponent and the screen temporarily goes black (Just like Doomsday's outro) the camera fades back to Jason hanging from a helicopter ladder with a remote detonator and pushes the button, the area is then blown up and the camera settles on all the destruction.
Outro 6 (Using the Teen titans Robin outfit): Jason pummels the opponent with his fist with a wicked smile on his face, the camera settles on Jason's back hovering over the downed opponent's motionless body and continuing to beat them.
Outro 7 (Using the Hush costume): Jason walks away from the downed opponent, the screen transitions to Jason at his grave, it is dark and rainy, the camera zooms in on Jason's face as he cuts off his bandages revealing his face (Still wearing the face mask) and the camera settles on his face as he stairs into the sky.
Intro 2 (Using the Outlaws outfit): The Starfire (ship) appears above the level and Red Hood drops out, lands on the ground, and stands up while drawing his special knife from his side then saying: "Let's do this the hard way..."
I can't think of any other intros, but know you guys will, unless you want then I could think of some more with help form the huge Red Hood community. I have one line that would be great to hear after he wins the first round: "Do have any idea who I am!?"

I just wish there were a way to show this to Boon.
Hmm,Outlaws ideas all the way for me...costume/skin and ur intro/outro idea. Kool stuff


Im on the go here but i just want to leave a small thing to think about, for those that read Red Hood and the outlaws, wouldnt it be awsome if the costume was the space gear he used when they qwhere trying to free Komand´r from the Blight? but with a jacket ofc... that armor was awsome
Im on the go here but i just want to leave a small thing to think about, for those that read Red Hood and the outlaws, wouldnt it be awsome if the costume was the space gear he used when they qwhere trying to free Komand´r from the Blight? but with a jacket ofc... that armor was awsome
That's how imagine he'd look with everyone wearing armor in this game and all...I hope that NRS chooses a good design for him that fits our taste.

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
Im on the go here but i just want to leave a small thing to think about, for those that read Red Hood and the outlaws, wouldnt it be awsome if the costume was the space gear he used when they qwhere trying to free Komand´r from the Blight? but with a jacket ofc... that armor was awsome
Yeah dude, that armor was pretty sweet looking.


hold that
As far as Red Hood losing 135 to 149. There are a bunch of people on this website who want their own personal favorite, you have the guy for Captain Cold, Black Hand, Black Manta, Atrocitus, Dr. Fate, etc. The thing is, most of the people that said no may be supporting a character who hardly any fans want. It's seriously Red Hood vs Miscellaneous...but obviously Red Hood has one of the biggest groups of followers. And Rokay can argue as much as he wants, but Red Hood was one of the top winners for the "unofficial poll" by Boon, and he was second only to Martian Manhunter in the ComicVine community. So...yeah, I think Red Hood, based on fan requests, is relevant to the game.

No bats.

should Red Hood be DLC
NO! too many Bat Characters