Anyway I went ahead and made a semi-complete (Feel free to add to it) list of what I (And hopefully you guys) would like to see from Red Hood using info and ideas from other members on this thread and some of my own ideas:
Default costume:
Battle for cowl
Robin(From his fight with Tim.)
Batman and Robin
Jason Todd (Without his red hood mask and jacket)
And of course, his Hush costume
This must be one of his outros
Outro using default costume: Beats the downed opponent with a crow bar (Depicted the same way he beat Joker in Under The Red Hood comic.) then takes off his helmet and says"How does that feel?" as the camera settles on Jason with a grin on his bloodied face(And hands)
Outro 6 (Using the Teen titans Robin outfit): Jason pummels the opponent with his fist with a wicked smile on his face, the camera settles on Jason's back hovering over the downed opponent's motionless body and continuing to beat them.
Outro 7 (Using the Hush costume): Jason walks away from the downed opponent, the screen transitions to Jason at his grave, it is dark and rainy, the camera zooms in on Jason's face as he cuts off his bandages revealing his face (Still wearing the face mask) and the camera settles on his face as he stairs into the sky.
Intro 2 (Using the Outlaws outfit): The Starfire (ship) appears above the level and Red Hood drops out, lands on the ground, and stands up while drawing his special knife from his side then saying: "Let's do this the hard way..."
I can't think of any other intros, but know you guys will, unless you want then I could think of some more with help form the huge Red Hood community. I have one line that would be great to hear after he wins the first round: "Do have any idea who I am!?"
Clash dialog:
Clashes with Batman:
Red Hood: "I miss watchin' you work."
Batman: "Shut up and fight."
Red Hood: "You haven't lost your touch, Bruce!"
Batman: "We don't have to do this."
Batman: "I tried to save you, Jason."
Red Hood: "I didn't need saving, I need to be avenged!"
Batman: "You're just another criminal!"
Red Hood: "I'm what this city needs!"
Clashes with Nightwing:
Red Hood: "Still playing 'teacher's pet'?"
Nightwing: "Better than the 'problem child'."
Nightwing: "Stop feeling sorry for yourself."
Red Hood: "Dick..."
Nightwing: "You're going to Arkham for life!"
Red Hood: "You've tried and failed before!"
Red Hood: "Come one and be my Robin!"
Nightwing: "Join a psycho like you?!"
Clashes with Batgirl:
Red Hood: "What? No welcome home kiss?"
Batgirl: "You disgust me, Jason."
Batgirl: "I'm gonna have you thrown into Arkham."
Red Hood: "Better Bats than you have tried, Barbie."
Clashes with Joker:
Red Hood: "I've waited a long time for this."
Joker: "How sweet....I'm touched" 
Red Hood: "I'm gonna wipe that smile off your face!"
Joker: "Oh? Why so serious, Red?"
Joker: "I wore that suit with style."
Red Hood: "You'll always be just a clown."
Joker: "You've got stones, kid."
Red Hood: "I've got a lot more than that."
Joker: "Do you think I'm joking?"
Red Hood: "Oh, I would never think that."
Joker: Who are you?!"
Red Hood: "Something you helped make."
Clashes with Scorpion:
Scorpion: "I will have vengeance!"
Red Hood: "Nobody knows vengeance better than me!"
Scorpion: "To hell with you!"
Red Hood: "Been there and back."
Clashes with Green Arrow:
Green Arrow: "So you wanna try this again?"
Red Hood: "Anytime, Green!"
Green Arrow: "We've done this dance before, Red."
Red Hood: "Things are different this time!"
Green Arrow: "I've got more where that came from!"
Red Hood: Man, we're both just a couple of walking armories!"
Default clash dialog:
Red Hood: "I'm gonna do what needs to be done!"
Holsters guns and pulls out daggers and fights more swiftly and ninja-like.
Super-move Idea #1:
Red Hood pulls out his daggers which become inflamed; he slices past the opponent and then slices up their back and then moves in front of them and shoves both daggers in the opponent's shoulders and draws a gun and aims it at their head and says: "This'll hurt you way more than it hurts me." And pulls the trigger, knocking the opponent on the ground.
Super-move Idea #2:
Red Hood takes out a molotov and throws it in the air over the opponent, he then takes out his pistol and shoots it thus ingulfing the opponent in flames, while the opponent is flailing around burining, Red Hood takes off his helmet(Or bombs depending on the costume) and kicks it over to the opponent, then with a smile on his face he takes out a detonator and pushes the button and the helmet's eyes light-up and the helmet explodes, launching the opponent into the air and then they crash back down on their back.
I just wish there were a way to show this to Boon.