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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Nightwing Butt

The Hottest Butt In Comics
Come on, guys. In an ideal world, we'd have every DC character to choose from at the character select screen. But with limited choices for DLC in the real world, you want ANOTHER Batman character?

You want some variety and characters that can hold their own, even against Superman? Put in Etrigan the Demon or Orion (Darkseid's son). Better yet, have Swamp Thing be DLC, since a lot of people were asking for him. And if it absolutely must be a Batman character, then for God's sake at least let it be Poison Ivy. At least she has the potential for an unusal set of special moves, animations, and character design, instead of just another "Bang! Bang! Look at me, I've got guns!" type character.
I wish Etrigan was more requested because he's really cool! Unfortunately I don't think Etrigan or Orion will sell the way Red Hood, Swampy, or Ivy will. Ivy or Swampy would fit great in this game though! Red Hood can be different though, and make money I know you want other characters like Etrigan, but Red Hood could be an awesome character! That's just my humble opinion though. I hope Etrigan can be in the Injustice franchise at some point in the future though!
Reactions: JLG

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
The poll asked whether or not Red Hood should be DLC and it gave an option of "NO! too many Bat Characters." It should be obvious that one of the biggest reasons why posters, like me, would even vote for that second poll option is because we want a different character in, considering that DLC is coming but it's going to be limited (i.e. only so many before NRS stops doing it). If we're not allowed or encouraged to talk about WHY we do not want Red Hood in and/or why another character would be a "better" choice, then I'm not sure what the damned point is of having the poll in the first place.
I understand that, the first part of my post was referring to people getting sidetracked with the whole Poison Ivy vs Swamp thing debate as there's an entirely different thread to discuss that. Everyone is perfectly within reason to say why they don't want him in the game or why they want him in the game, just so long as we keep it civil. :D
Die hard Scorpion fan here, he's the reason I play fighting games, went on a rampage last night with him lol, fighting a bunch of good ass Zatanna players online. I can only imagine how faster I wudda won if he wasn't nerfed.


Die hard Scorpion fan here, he's the reason I play fighting games, went on a rampage last night with him lol, fighting a bunch of good ass Zatanna players online. I can only imagine how faster I wudda won if he wasn't nerfed.

Scorpion is not too bad in this game. I tried him but he really risky in this game. Similar how he was in MK9. I am loving how Zatanna plays though she plays really good.

Hope when Red Hood comes he don't have that dangerous 50/50 like Scorpion.


Finding a Main
I mistakenly deleted the signature .-. but it's on it's way... again!
Lol...but I don't think you should put Red Hood Army because that tends to make people think things like Justin Bieber Army and other stupid shit. Just put Red Hood. (You can do whatever you want. That's just my suggestion.)

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
Scorpion is not too bad in this game. I tried him but he really risky in this game. Similar how he was in MK9. I am loving how Zatanna plays though she plays really good.

Hope when Red Hood comes he don't have that dangerous 50/50 like Scorpion.

To be fair, in MK9 he actually god good damage to make up for being so unsafe. an average of 20% isn;t good in the game, especially for a bar....

I just hope if Red Hood does get in the game, he's a Top 10 character while still being balanced, and that he doesn't get nerfed to all hell because people didn't want to take more than a few days to learn the MU and cry for nerfs day1...

And yes, I say top 10 because I feel if you're gonna spend an extra $5 on a character, they had better be worth the money you spent.


To be fair, in MK9 he actually god good damage to make up for being so unsafe. an average of 20% isn;t good in the game, especially for a bar....

I just hope if Red Hood does get in the game, he's a Top 10 character while still being balanced, and that he doesn't get nerfed to all hell because people didn't want to take more than a few days to learn the MU and cry for nerfs day1...

And yes, I say top 10 because I feel if you're gonna spend an extra $5 on a character, they had better be worth the money you spent.

I thought Scorpion in this game could do at least 30% with 1 bar?

Well honestly he don't really need to be top 10. As long as he mid tier all is good. Just hopefully not low tier. There not much low tiers so don't have to worry about that.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
I thought Scorpion in this game could do at least 30% with 1 bar?

Well honestly he don't really need to be top 10. As long as he mid tier all is good. Just hopefully not low tier. There not much low tiers so don't have to worry about that.

I believe he can, but as I recall almost all of those combos start with either j3 which got nerfed to all everliving hell while there was an incoming d2 buff anyway, or start with unreasonable combo starters. He gets so far outdamaged by most of the cast from their safe options, he becomes pretty much useless to try to use in a risky way. Which forced you to play him defensively. So you're getting 20% max damage off a MB teleport, which if you timed wrong, can get you punished on block, and in some situations because of how the hit-stun works, if they are in the air, you can even be punished on hit. So you can now burn a bar to get punished for something you were only getting 20% from anyway.

But, this isn't the time or place for me to be mad about what they did to Scorpion.

I legit feel that he should be in the Top 10 though (or at least just outside of it), but I feel that way about DLC characters in fighting games in general. You're dropping $5 to add another character in the game, they had better be damn good.

Roster of 24 at $60 means if you ingore everything else in the game, it's about $2.50 per a character. If you're paying 2x as much for each additional character, they had better be damn good and worth playing since you just payed 1/12 the cost of the entire game for a single character. if you bought the Season Pass, sure, you technically got "One free", but that's just because they've already enough bank on you having already bought 3 of them, so they've made a reasonable profit already. I'm glad Batgirl and Zod are damn good despite me playing neither, and I think Lobo and Scorpion should have been too. Scorpion was, but now he's nowhere near what he was. MMH seems to have done a damn good job at meeting and exceeding my expectations (as I had minimal interest in him prior), and honestly, I feel as though Zatanna may have dropped the ball. Maybe I just need to put a LOT more time into her, but I feel like there are a lot of other characters who can do what she does well, better, and what she excels at, has enough holes and weaknesses in it that it can get shut down by most of, if not all of the cast (her zoning is her major issue and Lobo players, who have the hardest time against zoning of any character in the cast, seem to be able to handle her with little issue).

So yes, as I will restate, now that the game will have hopped to a $90+ game if they add at least one more DLC, I think he should be worth the extra cash to actually drop on him. ($90 is also if you didn't buy any alt skins, and if you use Deathstroke, how could you NOT buy Red Son #2? C'mon... You know you had to....).


Red Hood can be different though, and make money I know you want other characters like Etrigan, but Red Hood could be an awesome character!
For what it's worth, I do like Red Hood a lot. He is definitely an interesting character, and Batgirl proved to me that NRS can create fighting styles that have variety, even if the characters seem similar at first glance. So, yeah, I'd still buy Red Hood if he was put in as DLC.


I legit feel that he should be in the Top 10 though (or at least just outside of it), but I feel that way about DLC characters in fighting games in general. You're dropping $5 to add another character in the game, they had better be damn good.

Roster of 24 at $60 means if you ingore everything else in the game, it's about $2.50 per a character. If you're paying 2x as much for each additional character, they had better be damn good and worth playing since you just payed 1/12 the cost of the entire game for a single character. if you bought the Season Pass, sure, you technically got "One free", but that's just because they've already enough bank on you having already bought 3 of them, so they've made a reasonable profit already. I'm glad Batgirl and Zod are damn good despite me playing neither, and I think Lobo and Scorpion should have been too. Scorpion was, but now he's nowhere near what he was. MMH seems to have done a damn good job at meeting and exceeding my expectations (as I had minimal interest in him prior), and honestly, I feel as though Zatanna may have dropped the ball. Maybe I just need to put a LOT more time into her, but I feel like there are a lot of other characters who can do what she does well, better, and what she excels at, has enough holes and weaknesses in it that it can get shut down by most of, if not all of the cast (her zoning is her major issue and Lobo players, who have the hardest time against zoning of any character in the cast, seem to be able to handle her with little issue).

So yes, as I will restate, now that the game will have hopped to a $90+ game if they add at least one more DLC, I think he should be worth the extra cash to actually drop on him. ($90 is also if you didn't buy any alt skins, and if you use Deathstroke, how could you NOT buy Red Son #2? C'mon... You know you had to....).

I understand worrying about dropping $5 for a character since there a chance they could suck, however being a mid tier is good enough. People want all the DLC characters to be top tiers. Just cause they not tier don't mean they can't win. Look at Chris G and the character he uses at tournaments and stuff. I think as long as you like the character that all that matters. If Red Hood comes i'll be happy no matter how good he is. If he not top tier that could be a good thing because no one jumping on the Red Hood bandwagon and using the character.

Though if he were top tier people would complain because he would have high execution and harder to use than someone like Aquaman and Green Lantern. So they will downplay him.

Zod, MMH, and Zatanna are really good characters and every single character in the game has some sort of weakness so no escaping that. People seem to want a character that can compete with Superman in the game. Even if a character is mid tier the mid tier character can still beat some of the top characters(again Chris G using Green Arrow is proof of that), so will it really matter if a character is top tier? I know I don't really care if the character is top tier if I like the character I will use the character and explore the character as much as possible. I do main Superman yes but I never used him because of tier but because he my favorite DC hero. Though he is top tier and the best in the game along with Black Adam.

I didn't really like paying $5 for a character I don't like which was Batgirl but I got her free along with Lobo and Scorpion and just payed for Scoprion, Zod, MMH, and so far now Zatanna. If Red Hood is DLC which I think he will be let him be very heavy execution heavy like Zod. So in the end paying for a character that is mid tier is good enough for me.
Scorpion just needs some damage and his j3 should be back to normal everything else can sit.

Red Hood I want to be able to keep up with batmans speed and shoot Superman out the sky.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
I understand worrying about dropping $5 for a character since there a chance they could suck, however being a mid tier is good enough. People want all the DLC characters to be top tiers. Just cause they not tier don't mean they can't win. Look at Chris G and the character he uses at tournaments and stuff. I think as long as you like the character that all that matters. If Red Hood comes i'll be happy no matter how good he is. If he not top tier that could be a good thing because no one jumping on the Red Hood bandwagon and using the character.

Though if he were top tier people would complain because he would have high execution and harder to use than someone like Aquaman and Green Lantern. So they will downplay him.

Zod, MMH, and Zatanna are really good characters and every single character in the game has some sort of weakness so no escaping that. People seem to want a character that can compete with Superman in the game. Even if a character is mid tier the mid tier character can still beat some of the top characters(again Chris G using Green Arrow is proof of that), so will it really matter if a character is top tier? I know I don't really care if the character is top tier if I like the character I will use the character and explore the character as much as possible. I do main Superman yes but I never used him because of tier but because he my favorite DC hero. Though he is top tier and the best in the game along with Black Adam.

I didn't really like paying $5 for a character I don't like which was Batgirl but I got her free along with Lobo and Scorpion and just payed for Scoprion, Zod, MMH, and so far now Zatanna. If Red Hood is DLC which I think he will be let him be very heavy execution heavy like Zod. So in the end paying for a character that is mid tier is good enough for me.
Well, to be fair, that'd just my idea on DLC characters in general. Sure, idealy, I want him to be top 10, but I'd be fine if he was at least mid/upper-mid tier. Because I will play him because I like him even though I might get bodied hard in some MUs or games. Hell, I still main Deathstroke after he got nerfed hard, because Slade is one of my favorite DC characters of all time and he's fun to use. I was happy as hell when he was easily top 10, if not top 5, but even then, I still mained him after the nerfs.

Idealy, again, Top 10, or at least top tier enough to be just outside of it. But even viable would be nice. I spent my $5 on Scorpion who I still play despite him having such a difficult time being effective in any MU, simply because he's one of my all-time favorite MK characters, MK has been in my life for the past 13+ years and has stuck through as one of my favorite fighting game franchises (sure, I'll never bring him out at The Break, but Inll still use him when playing really long sets with my team and I need a break from using DS, Batman, or MMH).


hold that
Lol...but I don't think you should put Red Hood Army because that tends to make people think things like Justin Bieber Army and other stupid shit. Just put Red Hood. (You can do whatever you want. That's just my suggestion.)
We'll they're not that different. Both fanbases think their idol does no wrong :joker:. I'm sure they caught on the that "army" is basically the same few people being loud. LOL

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
He was also the creator of the Red Hood Army...I just followed after I saw him do it.
Yup, he started the army and everything. That's why we should reserve him the right to create the Red Hood General Discussion Thread (to choose the quote and stuff) whenever Hood comes out. ;)

Iron Angel

We'll they're not that different. Both fanbases think their idol does no wrong :joker:. I'm sure they caught on the that "army" is basically the same few people being loud. LOL
You know, I've watched your posts for a while now, and I have come to the conclusion that you try to be a jerk. It upsets me when people are mean and rude for no reason. Plus I've had a bad day and you are on the wrong side of it. I don't like trolls and therefore you shall be ignored. I know it doesn't matter to you, you may not care, but I'm tired of people hiding behind keyboards trying to put other people, their opinions, and their likes down. So, though it may ultimately be nothing to you, you are henceforth ignored.
You know, I've watched your posts for a while now, and I have come to the conclusion that you try to be a jerk. It upsets me when people are mean and rude for no reason. Plus I've had a bad day and you are on the wrong side of it. I don't like trolls and therefore you shall be ignored. I know it doesn't matter to you, you may not care, but I'm tired of people hiding behind keyboards trying to put other people, their opinions, and their likes down. So, though it may ultimately be nothing to you, you are henceforth ignored.
Yes don't feed this Hater.. It's a shame

Red Hood

The real Batman!
We'll they're not that different. Both fanbases think their idol does no wrong :joker:. I'm sure they caught on the that "army" is basically the same few people being loud. LOL
Dude, what's your problem? Are you just trying to be a jerk to the people who like the guy and want him in? Why does it bother you so much?

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
Dude, what's your problem? Are you just trying to be a jerk to the people who like the guy and want him in? Why does it bother you so much?
Apparently he has nothing better to do. I don't care if people come on here, say they don't like Red Hood, and state they would prefer another. But, I do care if they just insult the community for no real reason. We should have good ol' Fred make a list of all the Red Hood supporters on the first page or we could just create another thread (although mods probably wouldn't agree) because a lot of people that come on here think, for some reason, that there is only like 3 Red Hood supporters on TYM. They don't understand how many people they are actually insulting when they make rude comments about the community.