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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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hold that
Not true, it's like saying only Wonder Woman fans like Ares, or Aquaman fans like Black Manta, or only Superman fans like Darkseid. I don't have to be a fan of the character to like people from his universe. Case and point I don't like the Teen Titants but I love Starfire. Red Hood is awesome, and I like him in his standalone Red Hood and the outlaws. You're kinda downplaying the guy.

Nah, all of you are overrating the character. There are so many other Batman characters that would make even more money than Red Hood. If they had to add another protege, Damian Wayne would make more money. Clayface, Poison Ivy, Talia Al Ghul would make more money. Even more Justice League characters would make more money than Red Hood who's basically a lesser Nightwing.

How do you explain the poll if Red Hood is so popular and well-liked?


Nah, all of you are overrating the character. There are so many other Batman characters that would make even more money than Red Hood. If they had to add another protege, Damian Wayne would make more money. Clayface, Poison Ivy, Talia Al Ghul would make more money. Even more Justice League characters would make more money than Red Hood who's basically a lesser Nightwing.

How do you explain the poll if Red Hood is so popular and well-liked?
Im sorry but i have to disagree... as it stands the most heavly requested chasracter even before the game came out was always red hood... and before you tell me he also lost in the "unofficial" pool, allow me to tell you, i know for a fact ALOT of ppl didnt get to vote, polls are overrated online as i could also as easly create a bunch of accounts and vote multiple times on the same character...

Damian Wayne is already in the game and i dunno where you coming from when you tell Clayface Poison Ivy and talia would sell better...

Poison Ivy might sell better os just as well, the others i heavly douht it if you want my honest opinion... saying Red Hood is a lesser NW just feels ignorant as they have NOTHING in comun....

Red hood is popular cause of many things the most obvious being that Batman Under the Red Hood is one of the best animations WB and DC has to offer and probably one of the most viewed by non comic fans, and this is not just cause its red Hood but because its a very well produced event and story... the fact of the matter is that while Jason Todd as Robin was one of the most hated characters in DC as a whole, he as Red Hood has quite a following and he generates a ton of viewings whereever he shows up... i understand you dont like the character and you are entitled to your opinion but facts are facts... you can continue to feel like he is not deserving, i surely im not going to try to change your mind, but if you wanted reasons to explain why he is so popular you have then now..

again dont take this as "another Red Hood fan atacking someone with diferent opinions" cause its not, i merely explained facts they you dont seem to know, i still understand that you dont like the character and will not argue your opinions and feelings...
Nah, all of you are overrating the character. There are so many other Batman characters that would make even more money than Red Hood. If they had to add another protege, Damian Wayne would make more money. Clayface, Poison Ivy, Talia Al Ghul would make more money. Even more Justice League characters would make more money than Red Hood who's basically a lesser Nightwing.

How do you explain the poll if Red Hood is so popular and well-liked?
What is there to explain he beat the crap out of some top DC heroes and lost to a half naked woman in the poll.
Lol you completely hate the character all together which is cool.. But sayin Damian Wayne would make more money Talia, Clayface, and Ivy.. I lol


And who made that the rule? They ran a poll and Zatanna won it. NRS doesn't always have to obey fans. You know, like how they added Lobo, Zod, Batgirl, and Scorpion all on their own.
Lobo was actually the only one of the first four DLC characters that was requested. IIRC, NRS mentioned how requested he was before he was revealed.

I'm starting to think that they knew Batgirl, Zod, and Scorpion wouldn't sell too well on their own, so they put them in the season pass and revealed Lobo first because they knew people wanted him and thus had them thinking the other characters in the season pass would be fan requested ones as well.


Unicorn God
Ok we will live in your dumb world for a minute... We will have a fighting game, everyone will use a gun... So when the match starts, guns go a blazin ... Just shooting from full screen from both characters.... Wow so this guy has this gun.. Then that guy has that gun...s
He has a knife too c:


hold that
He has a knife too c:

Oh, so he's more like the Joker? Face it, Red Hood would be repetitive. There are already 2 Batman legacy characters. Then you have Joker, Harley, and Deathstroke all being gadget characters with guns. Red Hood would be a waste of a slot. He wouldn't add anything new to the roster.

Red Hood

The real Batman!
Oh, so he's more like the Joker? Face it, Red Hood would be repetitive. There are already 2 Batman legacy characters. Then you have Joker, Harley, and Deathstroke all being gadget characters with guns. Red Hood would be a waste of a slot. He wouldn't add anything new to the roster.
If you don't like him then why are you getting on the heads of people who do? Nobody is trying to even change your mind, jsut stating why we want him. You are acting like we are some high counsel and will have the final word on the next DLC and are trying to state why it's a stupid idea. Red Hood has not even been hinted yet as far as I know. It seems like you have a strong hate for a character simply because he is being requested when if in fact he is such a unliked character (Like my favorite DC character, Wildcat...) then he shouldn't be relevant to you and you shouldn't need to go on a tangent on why he would be silly to you. He's a popular character. He can be unique, despite the claims that he'll just be a Deathstroke or Joker clone. It would be interesting to see his NRS design, how he plays, and how well his inclusion is done. People who want him, will get him.

Either way, there's no GOOD reason for any character to be in. All the people saying "Oh they'll be unique." is useless since every character can be unique. They'd just look unique-r. If they bring up how the character would get exposure, all characters would get exposure from being in this game. The only "good" reason is that we want a character would be because we want them, either it be their powerset or how they're an interesting character to us. The whole reason I bought this game was because I liked the characters, if I wanted unique and practical fighting with no care for what character gets in as long as he is unique I would play Blazblue, Street Fighter, or Tekken.

Fans of the character want him because they like him. Antifans don't want him because they don't like the character. DC neutralists mostly seem to not want him due to lack of gameplay variation compared to other characters. Regardless of how you feel about the character, there is no arguing he is popular. Even if it is because of the movie. The character would sell a lot. Its all about the money, and he would bring it. But I can list 15 reasons i want him:
1. I like him (I shouldn't need any other reason than that.)
2. Lots of people wanted him in
3. People would buy him
4. His movie did what it was supposed to: Make people like the character and get more interested in him, as a result myself and many other people bought comics he was in such as Red Hood and the Outlaws, Battle for cowl, Death in the family, ect.
5. He would be fun as hell to play as.
6. He has lots of potential with his movesets and costumes.
7. He has a relation and or similarity to a lot of the cast making for some interesting dialog (Joker, Batman, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Grundy, Deathstroke, and more.)
8. He has an awesome design
9. He does not have as much exposure to to oher media outside of his one movie; even Zatana was is Justice League The animated series, Batman the animated series, Young Justice, Smallvile, and many other video games including DC universe online. Being in a popular game like this would allow Red Hood's fanbase to grow and he will have more than the movie under his belt.
10. It would make the biased critics cry
11. He has more personality than a lot of other requested character.
12. Despite not having a "Unique" Moveset or weapons even in the comics he is still able to Stand on his own as far as fanbase goes, proving you don't need something completely and utterly new in order for him to be unique and different from the rest of the cast.
13.Game doesn't have a dual wielder
14. Voiced by Jensen Ackles
15.I think he would have good clash quotes with most of the cast

Look, I get you don't like Red Hood and I get there are in fact more interesting characters power-wise hnce why people wanted Zatanna over Red Hood Red Hood is a great character, more so as Hood than he ever was as Robin. I'm a fan in fact. And I fully believe they could make a totally unique moveset for him, no problem. We've all been slinging around just a few of the many ideas that could be used.

That doesn't change the fact that Zatanna is more unique, not just in moveset, but in character too. We don't have any magic characters, and not many female characters, so on two front she's bringing more to the table than Hood, as cool as he is. So instead of another martial artist, bringing a magician in would make the cast more diverse. That being said, as i said above, that is not why I bought the game.
I think there are Obnoxious people Period... it regards to the sheer selfishness of some ppl, and im sorry for that, but most ppl come in here just saying they dont want him in, cause they dont like the character and thats fine "dont like the character" its your opinion but i dont think i ever saw a red Hood fan IN HERE. (dont go to facebook or Gamefaqs to know what happens in ther) creating an arguement cause of that, usually arguments here get created over such ignorance as " red hood sucks he is just like DS" or the very comun and ignorant "ahhh another gun character no TY" this is not sharing your opinion in a constructive way, its purely ignorance and dislike for the character and thats why this ppl dont want him in, for ignorance and lack of an open mind and they dont want a character they dont like to be ocupying a spot for potential characters they DO LIKE... I mean most ppl here are actually quite selfless to be hones,t most ppl in this thread have come out and straight up said if we get red hood everyone else can get what they want... its sharing the happyness around, something i dont see often in TYM...
I see it all the time. Because the thing is, "No more gun characters" and "He'd play like Deathstroke" are JUST as valid opinions as "I don't like the character". People can say that and believe it and they don't need to get jumped on for posting it, which they do. Every. Single. Time. And it gets annoying to read. Especially considering this thread isn't even the only place that that happens. But hey, I'm just saying...

Also, it's not anymore selfless than other people lol. Saying you still want your character isn't any less selfish than someone who doesn't want RH taking up THEIR favorite characters spot. I'm sure if whoever got what they wanted they wouldn't care if RH was added or not, either.

Either way, that's why those complaints are leveled, even here on TYM. At least from my own humble observations.

I, for one, hope you guys get him. He's proven popular enough, and I believe there's space for one more character that I care about to make it too. So we'll see.


When's DragonBall?
Love seeing how strong and large this thread keeps getting,we'll hands down have the best character community when or if he's revealed and released..even more so than my beloved GL community. This is gonna be awesome,leveling each other up,sharing tech and optimized combos..let's go Jason Todd!!!


I see it all the time. Because the thing is, "No more gun characters" and "He'd play like Deathstroke" are JUST as valid opinions as "I don't like the character". People can say that and believe it and they don't need to get jumped on for posting it, which they do. Every. Single. Time. And it gets annoying to read. Especially considering this thread isn't even the only place that that happens. But hey, I'm just saying...

Also, it's not anymore selfless than other people lol. Saying you still want your character isn't any less selfish than someone who doesn't want RH taking up THEIR favorite characters spot. I'm sure if whoever got what they wanted they wouldn't care if RH was added or not, either.

Either way, that's why those complaints are leveled, even here on TYM. At least from my own humble observations.

I, for one, hope you guys get him. He's proven popular enough, and I believe there's space for one more character that I care about to make it too. So we'll see.
One thing I find selfish is when people call out certain characters because they'd rather have certain characters in.

I also hate when people use terms like "this character NEEDS to be in!" Just say you would like that character to be in instead. Saying a certain character "needs" to be in just illustrates entitlement.

Red Hood

The real Batman!
Default costume:

Battle for cowl


Robin(From his fight with Tim.)

Batman and Robin

Jason Todd (Without his red hood mask and jacket)


And of course, his Hush costume

This must be one of his outros though (like I posted a page ago)


damn we probably still need to wait till around the end of next week for news, douht wll get anything new until then... this is staggering boring...


<3 gimmicks
damn we probably still need to wait till around the end of next week for news, douht wll get anything new until then... this is staggering boring...
try out another char until then..thats what I do, i try new chars and have fun...that way i get some experience for when I have to play against themonline


I main NW 2nd MMh, and i also know hwo to play Batman Superman and hawkgirl LOL, learning Zod now so when i get my hands on the MOS skin i can 3rd him as well... not really interested in any other character to be honest... the only 2 others i remotely like are Harley and Bane but dont feel like playing them atm


<3 gimmicks
I main NW 2nd MMh, and i also know hwo to play Batman Superman and hawkgirl LOL, learning Zod now so when i get my hands on the MOS skin i can 3rd him as well... not really interested in any other character to be honest... the only 2 others i remotely like are Harley and Bane but dont feel like playing them atm
Go online and destroy noobs; you'll feel better.