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Who has the best and the worst wake ups?


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i left frost where she belongs in the garbage :p

d1, then nj jump or d1,d1 then nj.
congrats u have now beaten all ares wake up options.

i agree godsmack good when it hits cause you get a full combo but so easy to counter, dick all invincible frames also
how does d1 beat godsmack exactly? o-0 i'd really like to know.


Ares is incredibly bad. Even a good read with teleport wakeup can blow you up due to still existing bugs. For those that don't know, under certain circumstances you teleport in front of your opponent even though you actually did input the teleport behind. And no, this has nothing to do with crossup situations where this is normal.


1 2 3 drink
Axel_Redd why do you pop in every thread asking random questions?
Its like 90% of your posts is like this.

Most of these are silly questions anyway. Like shazams wake up, i mean do you play this game? or are you randomly seeking attention so your posts get quoted?


'The Cage Mage'
Woah. Guys.
You're forgetting how terrible Lobo's wake ups are. A baby amount of i frames. You'll get hit out of it 90% of the time.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Anyone know the frame data on wakeup Corp Charge from Lex? I dont know how safe it is, but damned if it didn't crush me before. I ran into all of one decent Lex players since launch but I still remember that moment of thinking I'd started my pressure with Green Arrow then corp charged on wakeup straight to put on defensive by his traps.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Best: Killer Frost, Batgirl, MMH

Worst: Batman, Raven, Ares

Black Adam's lightning cage is pretty good, but I don't think it is top just because it is easy to bait and punish.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
how does d1 beat godsmack exactly? o-0 i'd really like to know.

d1 to make sure to let then know you know ares is not allowed stand upp want he wants.
d1 again will beat they tel, easiest way to punish but obviously bigger punishes.
d1 then nj to beat god smack, some chars can mash d1 and either snuff godsmack before the frames where u can MB it and just snuff it after the MB. plenty of ways to blow that move on wakeup

Groove Heaven

Anyone know the frame data on wakeup Corp Charge from Lex? I dont know how safe it is, but damned if it didn't crush me before.
You get full combo on block. You have to make good Lex players afraid to throw it out on wakeup before you can play an oki game. I think he's among the worst who have no options except unsafe ones. Raven, DS, now that I think of it Scorpion too, probably.

MMH is definitely one of the best with force push. Shazam is better, though.


They love my Grayson
Flash, Bane, Lex and Manhunter are some of the more effective ones I seen.

Nightwing's Flipkick can be leave people in a "wtf?" state, but it can only be used in certain situations, but its very practical, especially a MB flip kick.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
You get full combo on block. You have to make good Lex players afraid to throw it out on wakeup before you can play an oki game. I think he's among the worst who have to options except unsafe ones. Raven, DS, now that I think of it Scorpion too, probably.

MMH is definitely one of the best if not the best with force push. Shazam is better, though.
Thanks. Yeah I tried for jump ice arrow on his wakeup and dear lord did I get wrecked for it. Thing is so fast...I'll not try to beat him to the punch again. Just block and punish corp charge.


My blades will find your heart
Ares is incredibly bad. Even a good read with teleport wakeup can blow you up due to still existing bugs. For those that don't know, under certain circumstances you teleport in front of your opponent even though you actually did input the teleport behind. And no, this has nothing to do with crossup situations where this is normal.
This happens with raven as well
You get full combo on block. You have to make good Lex players afraid to throw it out on wakeup before you can play an oki game. I think he's among the worst who have no options except unsafe ones. Raven, DS, now that I think of it Scorpion too, probably.

MMH is definitely one of the best with force push. Shazam is better, though.
I dont think being full-combo punish on block makes Corp Charge a bad wakeup.

A fast horizantal wakeup with invincibility frames that last the entire startup is great for getting out of setups. Also, many horizantal wakeups can be stuffed by a nuetral jump, but Corp Charge's hitbox will usually stuff this.

Its also very difficult to bait Corp Charge. It comes out so fast that if you plan on blocking it, you have to either have amazing reflexes or duck/walk backwards early- both of which the Lex player can see and decide to get up blocking instead. Even better, this often means characters have to stay in the typical knockdown-distance from Lex, which usually is in Lex's favor: after all, he was made from the ground up to excel at post-knockdown distance.

I think thats why youll see a wakeup charge being punished less than expected. Theres alot more to it than raw frame data. In the entire context of Lex, he has one of the best wakeups in the game :)


There are 6 things to consider when thinking about "Best" and "Worst" wakeup moves

1. Invincibility-
does it actually invincible till it hits? KF's slide is good here.
2. Speed-
can it be safe jumped or O/S'd. WW lasso sucks at this. BG flying bat and Lex Corp Charge are good.
3. Safety-
How safe is it on block? Lightning Cage is good here, as is KF's slide.
4. Risk vs Reward-
Does it lead to more damage on hit? BG's Flying Bat, Latern's Might, and Lightning
5. Range -
how much of the screen does it effect, can it be made to whiff?
6. Armor/Throw resistant-
Can it beat grundy setups?

All in all, Batgirl has the best wakeup moves in the game. There is zero question about this.

While Lightning Cage, Frost Slide, and Shazam teleport (and grab) are all very good and may be individually better than a single BG option... with all of these characters, that's pretty much their ONLY option. So, if you think Frost will slide, jump back 2. Same thing with Shazam. Backdash right out of lightning cage range and punish.

Batgirl? Option 1 is Cartwheel, which hits multiple times and has multiple enders to guess from. And a huge effing hitbox.
Option 2 is Flying Bat, (which she gets if you cross her up if she's doing Cartwheel), which is lighting fast and leading to Vortex combo on MB.
Option 3 is Bat Evade, which gets her out of grundy setups free. She can come down with dive kick if she wants, but that may lose.
Option 4 is Smoke Bomb, which beats all jumps and laggy moves, is full screen tracking, and will snag most characters after Armor F3's.

Worst is probably Lobo, Raven, Ares, Batman.


Noob Saibot
I think DS has the best wake up game and Sinestro has the worst.

DS sword flip and spin are great and one or the other will come out if they cross you up.

Sinestros arachnid sucks unless you catch them on jump in or while they are dashing in on you.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Axel_Redd why do you pop in every thread asking random questions?
Its like 90% of your posts is like this.

Most of these are silly questions anyway. Like shazams wake up, i mean do you play this game? or are you randomly seeking attention so your posts get quoted?
these are characters i havent even touched yet, so i don't know these things.