There are 6 things to consider when thinking about "Best" and "Worst" wakeup moves
1. Invincibility-
does it actually invincible till it hits? KF's slide is good here.
2. Speed-
can it be safe jumped or O/S'd. WW lasso sucks at this. BG flying bat and Lex Corp Charge are good.
3. Safety-
How safe is it on block? Lightning Cage is good here, as is KF's slide.
4. Risk vs Reward-
Does it lead to more damage on hit? BG's Flying Bat, Latern's Might, and Lightning
5. Range -
how much of the screen does it effect, can it be made to whiff?
6. Armor/Throw resistant-
Can it beat grundy setups?
All in all, Batgirl has the best wakeup moves in the game. There is zero question about this.
While Lightning Cage, Frost Slide, and Shazam teleport (and grab) are all very good and may be individually better than a single BG option... with all of these characters, that's pretty much their ONLY option. So, if you think Frost will slide, jump back 2. Same thing with Shazam. Backdash right out of lightning cage range and punish.
Batgirl? Option 1 is Cartwheel, which hits multiple times and has multiple enders to guess from. And a huge effing hitbox.
Option 2 is Flying Bat, (which she gets if you cross her up if she's doing Cartwheel), which is lighting fast and leading to Vortex combo on MB.
Option 3 is Bat Evade, which gets her out of grundy setups free. She can come down with dive kick if she wants, but that may lose.
Option 4 is Smoke Bomb, which beats all jumps and laggy moves, is full screen tracking, and will snag most characters after Armor F3's.
Worst is probably Lobo, Raven, Ares, Batman.