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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2

Geez I don't even really know the guy or what he said but if it was just a joke, isn't October a bit harsh?
Multiple jokes and other instances where he broke the TYM code of conduct culminated in enough infraction points to autoban him.
Once the infraction point counter goes under twelve, he may return.
In the OP it says "Injustice Pals:" and we're all tagged underneath. ;_;
I always referred to us as the Injustice Pals.


Neutral Skipper
I'm sending the link from my phone, you either need to click on where it says "desktop" or copy the title and search for the video.


The one guy hoping for Kai
Holy shat Zatanna looks retardedly designed.Trait zoning to chip to meter building to rinse and repeat?Good thing I stopped caring after Scorpiass got announced.