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They Don't Call Me The Main Man For Nothing! - The Lobo General Discussion Thread.


Online Punching Bag
I'm pretty sure most Lobo players at least have a top tier secondary lmao. I mean, I have a pocket GL and an Ares thats currently a WIP. But I mainly use Lobo because, despite him totally not being the playstyle I aim for in fighting games, he's just genuinely fun for me. I'm a dude that cares for DC heroes and villains as much as your next door neighbor that just finished watching TDKR, so I don't have much attachment to anyone in the game. Lobo was just the funnest DLC character they released, for me.
Blasphemy, I barely touch DD these days and haven't used Catwoman regularly since my first week. I play Lobo for the challenge, I also mained Sheeva.

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
That motherfucking thread is filled to the brim with ignorance
The fact REO had the damn nerve to post that as I have been trying to get the Lobo community to grow is really irritating. I joined TYM what a month or two ago. And he wants to undermine all of us for trying to get a character to be viable at a tournament level? He's not hard to use online, I'll play all damn day an not complain, at a major level we all agree he's not viable. He wants to come in here and insult for me for trying to help others? Whether he trolling of not, I've lost all respect for him as of this point in time....
So I played a match today and came across more Hook Charge MB stupidity.

if you knock some one down and go for a hook charge mb immediately, it will leave Lobo on the other side, like the B12 xx MB Hook Charge setup. However, they recover faster, leaving you at less advantage. Do it again and you either whiff the charging part of the move and send yourself full screen or you hit them and land on the other side again but with frame advantage similar to the B12 xx MB Hook Charge setup.

Hook Charge is really weird right now. I have a short video showing how random it is, but not sure if it's needed. colt , is the random nature of this move intentional?


BGMD you are a god for finding out that J1 jails into Czar Toss

everyone, start using this now
man, as much I'd like to take the credit I thought that's a common knowledge, it's even in Chaosphere's chart
you probably don't remember this, but I mentioned that I like to use this occasionally after locking someone in corner in one of Chef's streams (in that ft100 I think)
it connects both in front and as a crossup attempt
on block they can do reversal, but when you notice this nj2 full combo


I'm sorry, still new to fighting games, but by jail, do you mean its basically a tick throw? Is this on block or hit?


I've started to hit Grundy (AI) out of his walking corpse with 113 more often, seriously just practice timing (it's a bit tight, somewhere around he comes right next to you), it beats both regular and canceled wc

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
I've started to hit Grundy (AI) out of his walking corpse with 113 more often, seriously just practice timing (it's a bit tight, somewhere around he comes right next to you), it beats both regular and canceled wc
I believe GL's Low Overhead or Low Mid? can also be interrupted by a 113. I've seen the AI do it before.


Can't you jump back, then 113 punish?
I don't have Grundy MU experience so I'm not sure If his WC canceled into d2 into reset city can catch you if you do that (I imagine it's possible), I was just looking for universal way to beat both regular and canceled version.
I was experimenting with this earlier, but now can confirm it beats both versions.


Hey guys, it looks like a blocked B3 allows you to get in a Czar toss... I'm trying it against zod now, with reversal set to Zod charge ( i think its 6 frame start up) and im grabbing him. Plus, you can hit confirm into ji2 if they don't block. NEATO.


you tried with Lex corps charge? that one is 6 frames for sure.

edit: wiki says Zod charge is 19 frames startup


Ok, corpse charge beats it. :(. I was misremembering the zod charge, in air its a one frame start up. Looks like this will beat reversals that are more than about 13 frames. It can beat Zods phantom strike, which is 13 frames. Is it still useful? maybe. Everytime I think i find something good... :(.
Speaking of which, did anyone see my thing about b1xxfloor bounce? No one replied. Do you think that is useful to throw out toward the end of a match when they aren't expecting it.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Any people block or jump because they know you have frame advantage, Scott. This would definitely work after you've showed the opponent that standing 3 would shut down all of their options. When you're sure they are gonna block, toss em. Very nice find. Does it also work with f+3?
I've been thinking about ending combos with Czar Toss non-mb lately. It's the same damage as space hook or spin cycle, which are known to be his preferred enders outside of hook charge for damage purposes, but you get more frame advantage to do what you want. I'm thinking like [combo, end with czar toss, dash up czar toss/tk facedive/b12 xx MB charge]. Plus, if they don't roll, you get a free meaty toss right after the intial toss.

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
Yeah, an important thing of Lobo is ending your combos with good Oki. Command throw, low space hook, and 12 1+3 are what I like to end my combos with unless I'm going for super ham damage.