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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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The red hood fans are butt hurt but seriously this character is so dry. What part of his story doesn't scream batman reject?

He's uninteresting, just another non powered nut case.

Thank you.

What argument? I simply stated my opinion after reading 60+ pages of red hood snore fest. I asked a question to which no one has directly replied to yet either.

Red hood is boring; he wouldn't really last as long as characters like the big 3 (bats supes wowo) or any other me too able characters in the DCU.
How do these lameos come to a Red Hood Request thread and say we're butt hurt??? Really? their mad as hell nobody here wants their obscure characters lmao, or for the fact people want Red Hood, because he's popular and everywhere they go someone asks for Red Hood.

Face it though Red Hood is getting love and you can't stop it he's even getting his own Zero hour arc in November you can hate him all you want that's your lame ass problem.

Bigger than the Big 3? anyone here name someone in the DCU bigger than them your argument is as pointless as your sorry excuse for opinions.

Hell! since I'm at it, every Robin is more important than every secondary character in DC, bigger than the Superboys, the WonderGirls, the Kid flashes. Every group a Robin is in their the leader. You know why? because they are POPULAR!!!

so If your "butt hurt" that we defend ours over here.. Leave!
See, Dr. Fate (much like MMH) is one of those characters I see a lot of hype for as a DLC option, but I just don't understand why. I just get this feeling of "Why should I even care about this character exactly?", which leads me to my friends who know more about the DCU than I do, because deep down, I know I'm a Marvel-guy and just will never understand it all. And hopefully they can explain it to me in a way that could possibly get me excited about seeing the character.

But, this also leads me to understanding the "I just don't like him/her" argument of any DLC character because popularity is what's going to help the DLC selections. At the end of the day, while we may love or hate them WB, DC, and NRS are all businesses and need to make money off of these sales to keep doing what they do and even giving us more of it.

But to the point of too many Bat characters, I will admit, I am personally biased as I do prefer many of the characters from the Batman universe it's self over the rest of the DCU (I tend to find the writing as a whole to be better and the characters just feel more real to me. Seriously, no other series has made me want to just hug a giant crocodile that would jsut kill me because I feel so damn bad for it/him). But then there were character choices already that had me scratching my head (Killer Frost for example. Seriously, I had to look up what she was even from, and the comic she's from is more obscure than she is...). Or how before the game came out, my friend who is the biggest Allen Moore fanboy I know kept trying to tell me why Swamp Thing NEEDED to totally be in the game. But then we also go back to "They still need to sell the DLC", and it kind of reminds me why another bat character isn't THAT bad of an idea when honestly, I want to see NRS do well financially so that they can acquire more resources to give us more and better games.

But hey, no need to apologize for the long post because I personally prefer longer, well-thought out posts like the one you made that actually vocalize an opinion and do so in enough detail that you can actually understand the argument/point of view as opposed to "no ur wrong nd just butthurt". And dude, I hear the "He's a Robin, so just make him a Nightwing skin" and it is sooooo much worse....
There are great characters being written at DC, outside of the Batman Universe. Read Wonder Woman. Or Aquaman (no, this is not a joke). They're awesome. Just throwing that out there.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
There are great characters being written at DC, outside of the Batman Universe. Read Wonder Woman. Or Aquaman (no, this is not a joke). They're awesome. Just throwing that out there.

I'm not saying there are none. Hell, Aquaman's wife (and in the comics Aquaman himself is actually pretty awesome too) is so badass I'd say she should have her own comic if I had any faith in DC's ability to write a female character well (seriously, they have suuuch a bad track record with that).

But as far as the majority of my comic reading experience is concerned, that's where most of it ends up.
I do have a lot of comics reading to catch up on though to be honest. I have plenty of time with my insomnia, but none of the motivation because I'm still tired when I finally get home...

ALSO! I'd like to point out DC does own Vertigo and Image, and I think there could be some interesting choiced for what I suppose would be "Guest Characters" from those off-shoot companies.

And I would love to see DC start work on an MK comic since WB owns both DC and NRS.... Just throwin that out there...


I think Red Hood will be in the game :)

Maybe possible even be DLC in Batman Arkham Orgins....well maybe not since it takes place before Jason Todd was Robin :/

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
To be honest, it won't kill me if he's not in the game. I just REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want him in.

I already have a stupid long list of characters I use and only two of them would I consider myself to play well and he'll end up being another character for me to try to get good with because, let's face it... He's Red Fuckin' Hood....

I want it, I may even NEED it... But I already need to cut down on the characters I use for a while... So at least give me maybe like... 3-4 weeks after Zatanna drops for him if he's in, because she looks like she's going on the list too...
To be honest, it won't kill me if he's not in the game. I just REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want him in.

I already have a stupid long list of characters I use and only two of them would I consider myself to play well and he'll end up being another character for me to try to get good with because, let's face it... He's Red Fuckin' Hood....

I want it, I may even NEED it... But I already need to cut down on the characters I use for a while... So at least give me maybe like... 3-4 weeks after Zatanna drops for him if he's in, because she looks like she's going on the list too...
My favorite hero is Flash but I hate how limited his moves are in this game it's really all special moves with this guy no good combos no nothing...... That's why I main Nightwing.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
My favorite hero is Flash but I hate how limited his moves are in this game it's really all special moves with this guy no good combos no nothing...... That's why I main Nightwing.

Well, for me, my main and secondary are based totally on the fact that they are two of my all-time favorite DCU characters as well as I love their gameplay thankfully (Deathstroke and Batman respectively). But then I have a ton of other characters I play for some MUs that sometimes I just don't have the mental ability to handle at the time (so I'll use Supes, BA, Doomsday, MMH [who'm I am liking his gameplay more and more and may become a full-blown secondary], Scorpion [was a secondary until he got nerfed to hell, but I played him for my love of Scorpion and MK as a whole], Cyborg [I want to be good with him, it's just so much work for not enjoying him all that much], Zod, and.... I think that's it...).

HOWEVER, I do love Red Hood as a character, so he'd go straight on the list, and if I liked him enough based on gameplay, he could easily become my new main or a full-fledged secondary for me.


Could of been but everybody wanna restart batman these days. Deathstroke stole again what could of been Red Hoods spot lol

Would be nice if Red Hood was in. Im a bit more of a fan of Deathstroke but would be nice to have Red Hood as some sort of DLC even if it some non canon type of thing like a challenge type mode or something.

Well I want the announcements ASAP so I can get back to my life.

I hate waiting.

Better prepare for Boon's clue tweets again...
I'm not saying there are none. Hell, Aquaman's wife (and in the comics Aquaman himself is actually pretty awesome too) is so badass I'd say she should have her own comic if I had any faith in DC's ability to write a female character well (seriously, they have suuuch a bad track record with that).

But as far as the majority of my comic reading experience is concerned, that's where most of it ends up.
I do have a lot of comics reading to catch up on though to be honest. I have plenty of time with my insomnia, but none of the motivation because I'm still tired when I finally get home...

ALSO! I'd like to point out DC does own Vertigo and Image, and I think there could be some interesting choiced for what I suppose would be "Guest Characters" from those off-shoot companies.

And I would love to see DC start work on an MK comic since WB owns both DC and NRS.... Just throwin that out there...
I'm telling you... Azzarello writes a great Wonder Woman. She's fierce, strong, and determined while still managing to be caring, gentle, and above all loving. The art, action, and other supporting characters are awesome too. Great series. And yes, Mera plays a major part in Aquaman's current on-going, and she is still a highlight of the book (not that Arthur himself isn't awesome here either though).

Also, I feel ya on the insomnia my friend.


Face it, you're done.
See? The first people to throw insults at anyone are red hood fans themselves. I'm not butthurt about ANY of my characters. With the inclusion of Zatanna, every single one of my favorite heroes made it into the game (ww, flash, raven, Zatanna ) so I have no other motive than to state my opinion.

The same way you guys are adamantly advocating for this boring excuse for a character is the same I'd argue against it. Red hood may not in fact be a Deathstroke/batman clone (which i OBVIOUSLY exaggerated but his fighting style is literally the same.

He doesn't have anything (wow gadgets) that would set him apart from anyone. Look at the big 3, batman, superman, and wonder woman's play styles are so different it's not even funny.

I mean look at the kryptonians in the game. Their moves are completely different but adding another would literally be a snore fest of kryptonians strength. Same with these underpowered batman heroes.

There are so many different options of guest chars that red good would literally blend into the batman/batgirl/Nightwing mess they have going on.


See? The first people to throw insults at anyone are red hood fans themselves. I'm not butthurt about ANY of my characters. With the inclusion of Zatanna, every single one of my favorite heroes made it into the game (ww, flash, raven, Zatanna ) so I have no other motive than to state my opinion.

The same way you guys are adamantly advocating for this boring excuse for a character is the same I'd argue against it. Red hood may not in fact be a Deathstroke/batman clone (which i OBVIOUSLY exaggerated but his fighting style is literally the same.

He doesn't have anything (wow gadgets) that would set him apart from anyone. Look at the big 3, batman, superman, and wonder woman's play styles are so different it's not even funny.

I mean look at the kryptonians in the game. Their moves are completely different but adding another would literally be a snore fest of kryptonians strength. Same with these underpowered batman heroes.

There are so many different options of guest chars that red good would literally blend into the batman/batgirl/Nightwing mess they have going on.
the funny part is that you "zatanna lovers" everytime someone would say zatanna is a boring escuse for a Fighting game character and she has no place in a fighting game you guys where the first to come up and go like "oh hold up hold up zatanna rules, cause of this and that and that reason" but most people often questioned why you guys found zatanna so desirable to be in this game since she doesnt have any WOW stuff... and" you" as well more often then not replied in a less then friendly way... Opinions are not meant to be discussed since they are personal, i wont discuss yours so dont come in here all puffy discussing ours...

now that zatanna got announced you are pardon the expression backing your warm ass in the sun, since you got your character, you go around saying you dont want this that or the other character other ppl seem to enjoy, simply out of spite... if you have your character let other ppl hope their favorites make it in the game 2... your post only shows how selfish Zatanna fans are cause its always Zatanna fans that come in here trying to bring Red Hood Fans to question...

and to point it out red Hood fighting style its OBVIOUSLY and literally not the same, if you knew anything about him you would know that. Proving that this posts are meant to be spitefull and not in the least argumental enouth to carry any weight here or anywhere else....


Red Hood Army if Jason is not DLC in this game, take solace in the fact that you guys have probably guaranteed him a slot in the next game. :)
I sure hope so, but considering the point that each character is 5 bucks a pop and 2 missing, if those 2 in my personal take are not Red Hood or Atrocitus i will stop supporting this game maybe even play it... and this is not mean out of spite for my character not being in the game but for the cheer fact that in terms of fan service me as a fan of red Hood i dont feel represented, and as much as i support NRs games (always did all my life) i cant bare to spend 10 more bucks on characters i have less then interest on...

i hope ppl dont see this as a reaction on being contradicted and not having my character but simply in the fact that i dont feel like spending 5 to 10 bucks on characters i dont like or want... if they where 2 bucks i would be all up in those dlcs... but as it stands im septic about it...

Niko Mar

Founding Member of the Fate Army
I'm pretty confident that Red Hood will be in guys. If you didn't notice, the second character in this new set is based off the poll results, meaning they probably weren't working on different characters before that poll (besides Manhunter, knowing people want him). That means, the next two should be based off of the poll too (since they said this new set is all fan-requested). If I'm right, that means Red Hood and Static should be next (I'm not sure in which order though because of Boon post).

TJ Casters

I don't really like their poll things. I didn't get to vote. It wasn't heavily spread around, so I never knew about it until after it was over.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
I'm pretty confident that Red Hood will be in guys. If you didn't notice, the second character in this new set is based off the poll results, meaning they probably weren't working on different characters before that poll (besides Manhunter, knowing people want him). That means, the next two should be based off of the poll too (since they said this new set is all fan-requested). If I'm right, that means Red Hood and Static should be next (I'm not sure in which order though because of Boon post).
I hope so, Red Hood is one of my favourite DC characters and despite the hate he gets, I'd really like to see what they will do with him.


I hope so, Red Hood is one of my favourite DC characters and despite the hate he gets, I'd really like to see what they will do with him.

But i think its stupid that ppl hate on red hood, or anyother character, i get "you" dont like the character but to the point of actually hating on it just seems like a waste of nerve and time =S but its just me talking