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The Wharf ATTN: All Online TYM Users!

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
very ggs to FrogGirth, CaliJokerStyle, Hotsauce2888, Gamma-is-back, Kamikaze_player, Niggly-Puff, aj1701, vVv-Krazie, Cossner, and anyone else I missed. Lots of learning opportunities! You guys are all way awesome at this game!


Plays too much Civ
All I can say is last night was great. The room was open for a while and the matches were close. Wish I could have stayed longer.


Makes women fap
Wharf will be up in like 20 mins guys. I need to cram matches in order to get better before Devistation. Help me out fellow wharfers!! Any input on what I meed to change or predictable tactics I use will be greatly appreciated!


Let's go green!!!!
GGs to everyone who picked on my stryker last night lol

IKizzLE - talk about a bad ass sektor. The best Ive seen man. hmm anyone reading this post..DO NOT let this guy near you when you are in the corner. I guarantee you that you will not get out without losing at least 50+ of you life lol. VGGs man..I want a second session against that sektor

BronzeUnicorn - Only played your raiden once but cant really comment on our match. Our match was in space but I can see your raiden's potential

RunawayMafia - I think we should name this guy the anti-pmarc lol. He mains the characters that i have most trouble against :) and the sad part is that he's freaking good with them. I hate being outzoned by your sindel man lol. I must admit tho, I would rather play you any day than play SINH3LL lol..jk

Kamika_player WTH man talk about abusing a guy's main lol. Although, it feels like I have a fighting chance against your ermac and jade, that noob of yours will forever be a PITA. Best noob ever man. First noob player have seen who doesnt rely on zoning

Admiral_Augustus First Quan chi and now jax!! When are you going to stop being a pain in my ass lol our session was full of surprises. Very nice jax man...EPIC battle all the way

Zeroeffect317 - even though we only played one match, it was fun playing your Mileena again. It's been a while, we should get some session going :)

And good games to everyone I watched and played. Forgive me if I forgot to mention your name :)


Let's go green!!!!
GGs to

KamikazeJoten - Your Ermac is freaking sick man. One of these days man I willl successfully get out of that crazy reset :-P I always find myself sitting there watching him charge the unblockable hit lol

MinotaurLord - Nice Reptile and Kenshi. Reptile is such a pain to deal with :-(

Blid-slash - nice sektor and cage. a bit laggy on my end, so dealing with cage frame traps with my limited tool on a sporadic laggy connection can be a bit overwhelming lol. As for you sektor, hats off lol. You blew me away so fast with him that after the match I was like "WTH just happened" lol

GGS again guys. It's nice to be able to face so many decent players :)


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I always have so much fun in this room. My 20 win streak last night was a lot of fun! hehe :) GGs to :
Kamikaze_player: You are always so much fun to play and talk shit to on the mic...and always a good choice of music too! Your noob CAN be frustrating and props to you for trying to learn Jade!

KamikazeJoten: I didn't get to play you last night but we had some awesome matches the other night! Great Ermac!

Pmarc: Very good Stryker man! Sindel can seriously dominate Stryker so def. think about strategies against her! I was shocked my Sheeva beat you....I'm working on her...

GuamoKun: Awesome CSZ and Kitana. I enjoy our matches!