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Nightwing Fixes/Issues/Requests


Dead Kings Rise
As most of you know, NRS is preparing a huge balance patch soon that will buff/normalize/nerf most of the cast. I figured since other character subforums have already made threads like this, we might as well start. Feel free to post any more suggestions below, once we can all come to a conclusion I will update the OP and tag the devs.

1. Make MB Staff Spin hit on all crouching characters- As of right now 8 characters can duck MB Staff Spin in the corner (Solomon Grundy, Ares, Joker, Killer Frost, Catwoman, Batgirl, and Wonder Woman in shield stance only.) This is obviously a hitbox issue, so I request it be fixed. MB Staff Spin is a huge part of his corner game, it's not fair in whiffs on these characters.

2. Fix Escrima Fury against characters-

A plain glitch, it allows Shazam, Lantern, and others to not be launched by Escrima Fury even if it has hit him. Although in the video it only shows it whiffing if NW wakes up with it, it will whiff regardless if it was performed as a wakeup, or if you confirm it from any of his strings.


Buffs that we request.
Make B2 faster/better hitbox
F2 9 frames or Escrima d1 8 frames, one or the other
Slightly faster walk speed
Faster d2 in Escrima
Make Scatter Bombs a true mid
Skins, we need Disco Dick up in here


Dead Kings Rise
Give escrima B2 better frames and hitbox so Nightwing can contend in footsies with the Top 5

Give Escrima a wall jump like Guy from SSFIV

inb4 Nightwing is totally balanced and doesn't need buffs
inb4 adapt
inb4 too soon
inb4 level up fagot
level up fagot


TYM White Knight
Escrima fury whiffs on Lantern too.

Either make his escrima d1 faster than 9f, or make his F2 faster than 10f. He is too easily locked down in escrima.

If you think a 7 or 8f d1 would make him OP, than make his mid 8f. That way he can contend with poke pressure.

That's all I would ask for.


Dead Kings Rise
Escrima fury whiffs on Lantern too.

Either make his escrima d1 faster than 9f, or make his F2 faster than 10f. He is too easily locked down in escrima.

If you think a 7 or 8f d1 would make him OP, than make his mid 8f. That way he can contend with poke pressure.

That's all I would ask for.
I only mentioned Shazam because it's only happened to me when I fought him.

Thanks for the input.


Nightwing is a hard character to buff because one small thing can make him a fuck ton better.

Walk Speed and mb staff spin buff is reasonable

His staff stance should be left alone other than the hitbox on mb staff spin.

Escrima stance is what should be looked at

Edit: a faster d2 in escrima would be nice


Good shit Chongy..


- Give escrima B2 better frames and hitbox

- Make MB Staff Spin hit on all crouching characters

- Give back his damn +6 D1 <<< He needs it :)

- Make his crossovers/crossup game more viable, something a long the lines of batmans.


---- Give Flying Grayson armor at the cost of one bar.. I keed I keed,,,, but not really...


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
Nightwing is a hard character to buff because one small thing can make him a fuck ton better.
Agreed. I would say fix the MB Staff Spin hitbox and Escrima Fury Whiff issues only for this time around.

However, if every non-top-tier character is getting a buff, the Escrima B2 improved range would be nice. I would keep all his frames the same, however.

Also, a new Nightwing Skin would be fantastic in the Red Hood compatibility pack. :D


Nightwing In Retirement
Yeah, if they fix mb staff spin that would make me ridiculously happy. Playing Tyrant in tournament and eating 50% because it whiffs is hard to watch :(.

Also, I agree with a slight d1 buff in Escrima, or making f2 faster. If you get stuck in Escrima, then you are stuck. A 9f d1 is just way too slow. Those alone would make NW feel much better. B2 getting faster would also be nice, but probably too much. I'm skeptical about the buffs NW might get, because people still try and explain how hard it is to keep staff NW, since he can flying Grayson for free.

Yeah, that's not happening on anybody decent.


Dead Kings Rise
OP updated.

General thought seems to be fix the MB Staff Spin and Fury whiffing, better b2, and a faster d1/f2.


Former Divine Power Abuser
- Fix Escrima Fury Glitch
- Better B2 hitbox/frames or less recovery
- MB staff spin to hit all chars (IMO I don't think he needs but majority rules)
- Increase walk speed for Escrima
- Better startup for Scatterbombs (an AA move that can't be used)
- Better startup for D1 or F2
- Fix interactable usage in Staff
- Make Scatterbombs a true mid and less positive on block (this would be too great of a buff but whatever)
All of these, with the exception of the last, buff/normalize/nerf suggestions, IMO, would make for a better balanced NW that could better contend w/ the rest of the cast.


They love my Grayson
I agree about Staff, it's pretty lame Nightwing's air mobility is canceled out with staff doesn't allow him to grab interactables on the top of the screen and his back dash is probably the worst in the game in staff stance, Dick Grayson is a strong ass acrobatic and at the peak of human physical shape...I don't care if that staff is 80 pounds, Nightwing should hold it down with good control.

When I play Batman, I have to fight him in escrima because of his jump 2, back dash is better in Escrima than Staff...I always back dash out of that Batman J2 and punish him for a 30%

F2 in Escrima definitely needs to be faster.

I wish Nightwing's D3 was a LEG SWEEP instead of an escrima chop at the ankles. I feel like a leg sweep would cover more ground against taller characters like Black Adam.

I enjoy Nightwing how he is, with his strengths and weaknesses. Theres always room for improvement, but lets just hope he doesn't get taken away any of his cool abilities. I love his J3 in Escrima, 112 combo in Escrima, Staff Spin, Flying Grayson, Wingdings and all of his strings in staff stance...my favorite character n the game <3


I just want his d1 in escrima to be a low!!! That would help his game immensely! That and fix the fact that certain characters can duck MB staff spin.

Oh, and now that I think of it, I wouldn't mind his j2 in escrima having a better hitbox.


Honestly, you guys are asking a bit too much. Other than hitbox/glitch fixes, we only need slight adjustments like...

B3 being a couple pixels longer. Would give us more consistent meterless Escrima Fury conversions and would connect more often in general.

Make Scatter Bombs not suck.

Other than that he really has all he needs. Are you kidding with asking with b2 buffs? It's one of the best normals in the game. Its only fault is not being as ridiculous as Superman f2 or GL's b1.


I agree with his b2 already being good enough, but he needs more lows in escrima. His only low normal is a slow sweep! Either make his d1 faster or a low, and you already know which I'd much prefer. Honestly, I don't see how speeding up his d1 helps all that much if it remains a mid. 113 is still better.

Scatter bombs would needs a serious hitbox and startup overhaul in order to make it useful.


AUS FGC represent!
Escrima fury whiffs on Lantern too.

Either make his escrima d1 faster than 9f, or make his F2 faster than 10f. He is too easily locked down in escrima.

If you think a 7 or 8f d1 would make him OP, than make his mid 8f. That way he can contend with poke pressure.

That's all I would ask for.
Escrima has the slowest d1 because staff has the best d1. I understand your pain as a batgirl main getting locked out by d1s (ours is 8 frames) but you can at least push block and switch to staff (if only temporarily). I wouldn't be opposed to a 9frame f2 for Nightwing, but I can't see why he should get a faster d1.


Trust me, after playing with and against Dick enough, the lows he has are enough in Escrima. You rarely have to use them but they will annoy the crap out of the opponent expecting constant b2, f1 or b1 shenanigans. We're more pressure based than mixup based anyway. We just need that one KD to get that momentum.


I agree with his b2 already being good enough, but he needs more lows in escrima. His only low normal is a slow sweep! Either make his d1 faster or a low, and you already know which I'd much prefer. Honestly, I don't see how speeding up his d1 helps all that much if it remains a mid. 113 is still better.

Scatter bombs would needs a serious hitbox and startup overhaul in order to make it useful.

Why make it a low?
Do you not realize how big of a buff that would be?

I'd say only fix the hitbox issues: Escrima Fury actually hits and Flipkick actually cross-overs BA, Sinestro, Grundy and Doomsday when they are standing.
Other than that I see no changes are required, perhaps make B3 a little bit bigger like Saitsu said.

Before Escrima gets adjusted, make sure it's fully broken down. Because Staff was pretty obvious to break down, but Escrima is something that I think that can be really good. Just needs time and practice.

People block Escrima high while they will block Staff low, combine the two and you have a very scary NW.

Forgot about Staff Spin MB, should be on the number 1 spot for NW fixes.


Truth, justice and the American way.
Escrima has the slowest d1 because staff has the best d1.

No. My friend, I assure you - it's not. It doesn't buffer into specials. It doesn't start pressure. Just because the frame data of 1 move looks good doesn't mean the rest of the move set works to support that 1 move.

At best you'll trade d1s until the situation is reset. Against an opponent with a 6-7f d1 who recognizes you can do absolutely nothing after a d1 but another d1 and you'll quickly realize how heavy of a nerf it really was.

b2 buffs? It's one of the best normals in the game. Its only fault is not being as ridiculous as Superman f2 or GL's b1.
Green Lantern has b1
Superman has f2
Aquaman has b1 and b2
Batman has trait. Negating footsies entirely.
Black Adam has the greatest mobility in the game, and b2

Outside of the Top 5 who is out winning or taking top 8 at majors?
Doomsday with MB Shoulder charge and trait

These are the most popular tournament characters for a reason. 9frame or better advancing combo starting strings or the ability to get in at +9frames by pressing the MB button. They bully a solid majority of the cast into playing their game.

I'm not saying that it has to be b2. Make standing 3 or b1 8-10frames with more priority. I don't care. Nightwing needs something, anything to make footsies possible against the Top 5 and friends.

You show me how to play footsies with the top 5 without taking an exorbitant amount of risk, and I'll be so very glad to hold that shit.