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Putting the FGC On Blast.


TBH FPS gamers playing different games shit on each other as well, just not as much as in the FGC.


bad at things
FPS elitism chart:

1) quake/ut/warsow -- "all other games are inferior both in tactical and execution requirements. quake3 is the most balanced game of all time"
2) tribes -- "tribes is harder than quake"
2) counterstrike -- "all other tactical shooooooters are watered down versions of cs"
3) TF2 -- "tf2 is a valid competitive platform but valve just wants to sell hats"
4) all other PC shooters -- "at least we dont play console"
5) console shooters -- "FPS as a genre sure has come a long way since CoD4 started it all back in 2008"
This guy cares way too much about the people in the scene and what they're saying, as opposed to playing the game. If someone is hating on you because you are playing an anime game, that's on them. A game is a game is a game. Winning is winning, competition is competition. If someone throws a quarter at your, stop playing and go beat some fucking ass. I've never seen that personally and I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but don't whine about it, do something about it.

PS: Smash Bros didn't out do every game in views at EVO.

Talking about getting in people's faces --something I rarely see in the FGC btw-- try watching a real COD/Halo tournament. It's 100 times worse than anything in the FGC has produced and they are much more high profile.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
He makes some good (albeit obvious) points, but the FPS comparison is a little off. I used to follow competitive Halo, 9 times out of 10, every time another FPS was mentioned that wasn't Halo, it was completely shit on by everyone.

I do agree though, when I was at Evo I was talking to some people while watching Divekick and when I mentioned I was there for MK9, there was a certain... "huh... ok". Then immediately start talking about how UMVC3 (or insert other game) is a better game etc etc, a pity more people can't just enjoy multiple games without feeling the need to crap on others.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
I like this guy, I couldn't agree with him more, however the same issues apply to other genres like fps and mmos.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
It's not about respecting the game, it's about respecting the players.

I like this..

I think Battlefield is boring as shit but Snipers in that game take more skill than Snipers in any other game I kan think of..

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
FPS elitism chart:

1) quake/ut/warsow -- "all other games are inferior both in tactical and execution requirements. quake3 is the most balanced game of all time"
2) tribes -- "tribes is harder than quake"
2) counterstrike -- "all other tactical shooooooters are watered down versions of cs"
3) TF2 -- "tf2 is a valid competitive platform but valve just wants to sell hats"
4) all other PC shooters -- "at least we dont play console"
5) console shooters -- "FPS as a genre sure has come a long way since CoD4 started it all back in 2008"

Man.. I love Counter-Strike.....


My GT: UncappedWheel82
He says that like the FPS community is any better. 70% of the YT comments on either Halo , CoD or BF about said 3 games' fanboys keyboard warrioring the place.
That may be true...but why acknowledge our faults by looking at someone else and saying, "they do it too!"...?

You know...not everyone is gonna RESPECT your game. There's this thing we all have...its called an opinion.
If you don't respect a game, the least you can do is still respect the player. You don't have to like everything, but your opinion doesn't give you the right to shit on other peoples opinions, their likes and dislikes, and degrade them as a person.

Glass Sword

Moral of the story.
"It's up to you to prevent the FGC from looking bad." Black Preon
Well, all we can do is be mature-ish (we can only be so mature we play video games like its serious business after all).


A prop on the stage of life.
I'm not really disagreeing with the video. He's basically just putting in video form what appears to be on everyone's mind. So the obvious question is: If its what everyone will (probably) agree on, then why the discord?

And lets not even lie: We self-cannibalize too. A lot of people thought it was so awesome how CORN just blew up everyone they played and screamed nonsensical bullshit about other players from the same game. Don't turn into care bears now, because I seemed to be in the minority when I said it was ratchet as fuck.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i agree and i disagree as well. the point he made can be said about all gaming communities TRUST me, i was part of the hal2/3 community since 06 through 10'. i don't think once you are in the FGC you can place your own opinion from the outside looking in. you have to get someone who has never seen or heard of FGC and their fighting game tournaments to watch multiple events of each game to see. LoL and FPS community is also team based, actions done by one individual is also some what together with the whole team, with Fighting games its me, my self and i, so if one person goes off its only his consequence for the most part. on top of that i agree with almost everything he said, a lot of top players have ego's and fee like their opinion matters, especially when talking about other fighting games. not all people in the FGC is like this as stated in the video, but we have a lot of stream monstering and forums people, and anything done on the internet has to be sort of filtered tbh. when someone say some bullshit online, its because they know it won't really matter because its not like they can do anything to you, unless they are really salty and hack you and find your home and shit lol. i think from the outside looking in you should see what people think of gamers in general really, they don't differentiate from communities, FPS, FGC, MOBA's, we are all just nerds who get salty over little shit, have no lives, and all those stereotypes. being competitive in nature is what brings out all these moments + ego's + pride and craziness that we have comes out all the time and gives gamers, competitive or not a bad name.


Administrator and Community Engineer
So the thought which I've had ruminating around is this:

I truly believe that right now, we are at a major crossroads. This is probably the most critical juncture in the history of the fighting game community. The reason why is that the FGC, like some other game communities, is built on the local culture of gaming. It has it's roots in arcades, bars, pizza shops, barber shops, and other places where you could just walk in and be yourself. Anything goes, say what you want, maybe fight about it if somebody gets mad.

And it was this way for a loooong time. But now, Twitch TV + World of Warcraft has changed the game. With Twitch TV, for the first time, millions of people around the world gained the opportunity to tune in live and watch gaming events as they happen, in an easy/friendly way. And with World of Warcraft, for the first time ever, the kind of gaming that requires a bit of thought (not a ton, but more knowledge than Super Mario) became popular at such a level that it is now a household name even among people who hardly play games.

So that's the chain reaction: WoW -> Twitch making viewing accessible -> LoL/SC2 attracting the new huge gaming audience -> Millions of people joining twitch. And now that all these people are comfortable with the idea of tuning into gaming broadcasts and shows.. Enter, the fighting game.

But we're faced with the fact that even an event as large as EVO is still, in some way, just an extension of guys hanging out and cussing each other out at the local arcade. Thousands of them.

So where do we go from here? Which side of the culture do we want more? Would we rather have guys like PerfectLegend be able to earn a solid and reliable living as a 'professional gamer', or is it more important to us to say whatever the heck we want onstream? Would we like to have $200,000 prizes for getting 1st at a fighting game, or is it more important to people to watch CORN and Fanatiq get into a fistfight onstream? Do we want Stream monsters, or paying customers that can be advertised to?

I don't know which way it's going to go; but it's clear we can no longer ignore the elephant in the room, and decisions will have to be made.

AK Black Preon

Pointing out the obvious was to give a broad scope of the issue. Not because this video goes straight to the FGC, but from the outside looking in on top players, local tournaments, the drama, etc. etc. What is the actual benefit to joining the FGC? From the outside looking in, people tell me they don't know how I do it given all the stuff they see on the regular. As far as FPS elitism, there is quite the difference from being "I don't like this game" or "This game to me isn't that great its trash" keep in mind the FPS community is SEVERAL times larger than the FGC. The key difference with what I'm bringing up here is, when you're at a COD tournament. Do you see HALO or BATTLEFIELD fans in the crowd chanting "THIS IS TRASH" and yeah they have their pop offs they do. But so do REAL SPORTS, like the NFL and yeah they get in each other's faces. However does this turn into bullying? Does it turn into LIFE LONG GRUDGES? Does it turn into a whole community saying "FUCK THIS GUY HE'S A FUCKING JOKE". Do we all jump up in the FPS community going "EXPOSED, SCRUB, CRY" and act like we rolled right up out of WORLDSTARHIPHOP.COM? I'm just pointing this out from an outside looking in perspective. Also

Collusion, FGC Hold dat.