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MK10, Projectiles should trade

Do you think Projectiles should trade each other

  • Yes, it would balance Zoning a bit

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • No, MK should stay MK

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I know its a tradition in MK that projectiles are phantom to each other, however with zoning implemented as a serious offense mechanic, i suggest that in the next MK Installment projectiles should trade with other projectiles.

This would avoid a lot of red tape, it would somewhat balance a few zoning characters, and we wouldn't have more Kabal like Matchups like we had in MK9. Where some characters have to play they heart out to avoid projectiles.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
yes if it works and they can make it, and projectile should be slower.
and back to block system if they can make it legitable, slow teleport that people can react, etc...
fuck that "mk must be mk", yeah, with that logic, mk is not mk since mkda, no run button, system changed,... even mk9 is not mk cuz it has special cancelling, ex / xray are sf wannabe, and no corner pushback,... sorry but i say fuck that logic.


Ya'll stingy
game's barely begun being made and already you guys are trying to ruin it! stop trying to make everything into sf. it's boring as hell when you're trying to zone your opponent and they just throw out a fireball the same time you do, they trade, and both players are back at square one. i'm glad nrs are taking less suggestions from tym with every game. you already ruined mk9 was that not enough?

Vulcan Hades

I'm not for or against either.

But I hope you guys realize that making projectiles cancel each other out would be a pretty significant nerf to characters with capture type projectiles (Sub-Zero, Reptile, Cyrax).

They will lose one of their only major advantage in zoning wars: trading projectiles.


game's barely begun being made and already you guys are trying to ruin it! stop trying to make everything into sf. it's boring as hell when you're trying to zone your opponent and they just throw out a fireball the same time you do, they trade, and both players are back at square one. i'm glad nrs are taking less suggestions from tym with every game. you already ruined mk9 was that not enough?


Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
game's barely begun being made and already you guys are trying to ruin it! stop trying to make everything into sf. it's boring as hell when you're trying to zone your opponent and they just throw out a fireball the same time you do, they trade, and both players are back at square one. i'm glad nrs are taking less suggestions from tym with every game. you already ruined mk9 was that not enough?
lul wut?
as an mk purist i find your post funny lol? mk9 is ruined? best mk since trilogy bruh.


bad at things
yes i mean now that mk10 has been out awhile, well i mean since its about to be released, err i mean since the demo is out, well actually i mean now that we have seen some gameplay footage, uhh you know since NRS has released new systems and changes from mk9, err uhh well i mean now that not a single god damn frame of the game has even been rendered.... i think its time we take a hard look at the core gameplay and consider some major changes


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
I think projectiles not trading is way more interesting. It leads to more creative zoning and does not change the balance in a negative way. When projectiles trade, the most important properties of them become startup and recovery, and maybe the speed of the projectile. By allowing them to not trade, you can get more interesting properties like higher damaging projectiles that matter, or projectiles that combo like reptile's force ball. If reptile force ball traded it would much less stronger.

Projectile trading also unnecessarily lengthens some matches. It can stall as both players continuously trade projectiles, without any damage happening, until one gives ground. The Sagat vs Ryu matchup shows this perfectly as one can shoot five volleys of projectiles just to return to the neutral game. MK to me has a very interesting zoning game, even though the game has tons of counter-zong tools like teleports. Freddy and Kenshi remain viable with their unique zoning tools and it would be boring to return that to the traditional hadouken trading game.


... I don't think people understand this kind of suggestion has to be made while the game is still being developed.

Now that I'm thinking of it, it'd be interesting if there were projectiles that were specifically designed to cancel other projectiles out.

Vulcan Hades

... I don't think people understand this kind of suggestion that has to be made while the game is still being developed.
Yes, people don't think straight when they're on drugs.

If you wait until the game is in alpha/beta stage it's going to be too late to drastically change things like the system, netcode, features and modes. You can only try and improve them at that point.

So if people really want projectiles to trade they have to talk about it now.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I do not think this is a good idea and it just makes it more like other games. It would not change zoning for the better. If we take MK9 as an example Kabal would just instant air and since he has more than one projectile he would outzone the other player still. In fact, this means that he kould kounter zone with just the projectile on reaction..

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I'm not for or against either.

But I hope you guys realize that making projectiles cancel each other out would be a pretty significant nerf to characters with capture type projectiles (Sub-Zero, Reptile, Cyrax).

They will lose one of their only major advantage in zoning wars: trading projectiles.


I kompletely forgot about this too.

This affects Sektor and Cyrax as well. Since Sektor's causes a knockdown which makes it win vs faster projectiles..

This is a good mechanic that's unique to MK and needs to stay. I don't understand why people want to make MK like other games.


Ya'll stingy
lul wut?
as an mk purist i find your post funny lol? mk9 is ruined? best mk since trilogy bruh.
lol of course you think it's the best because it's now the way you want it. in terms of balance, mk9 is probably the worst game out right now, and you guys are the ones who made it that way. if you were really a mk purist, you would stop trying to make is like sf. if you want fireball trades, go play sf. oh wait, no one want to because it's boring.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
its a discussion guys, lets get going, having different POV from everyone is what i'm aiming at initially. So far i'm liking what i'm seen it.

And pls lets keep the back to block out of this thread pls, though i really don't agree with it, lets discuss this in another thread.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
lol of course you think it's the best because it's now the way you want it. in terms of balance, mk9 is probably the worst game out right now, and you guys are the ones who made it that way. if you were really a mk purist, you would stop trying to make is like sf. if you want fireball trades, go play sf. oh wait, no one want to because it's boring.
Oh dude pls, if you have woken up with a bad mood, just don't post up here pointing fingers saying stuff like "You guys are the ones who made it that way" MK9 is incredibly awesome, aside from Kabal superiority.


Ya'll stingy
Oh dude pls, if you have woken up with a bad mood, just don't post up here pointing fingers saying stuff like "You guys are the ones who made it that way" MK9 is incredibly awesome, aside from Kabal superiority.
well just keeping it real. it's common knowledge i'm not lying. sorry if you don't like it but this community has the mentality of "i don't like it so let's change it!" and it stinks. next i'm going to see a thread that you guys want links and shoryukens in mk too.


fuck that, its a defining characteristic of mortal kombat. the only way to balance the game is not to just say hurr durr other games projectiles trade so we should too - no, we should look at keeping mk to its roots while improving and expanding on the mechanics the game is renowned for. unless it is impossible to balance untrading projectiles [but how could it be impossible cmon use your brains and think of something] we should explore other avenues of change.

ps since when did zoning actually become a problem? zoning was no problem in MK and i dont recall there ever being outcry about it like injustice. and while injustice zoning is pretty viable i don't think it is op. some characters are OP because they CAN zone but they CAN also beat your ass close range. other characters have one or the other and are the more balanced characters.

you guys should suck it up and stop trying to change shit to suit you. there are already a million games with trading projectiles and here we have the one that doesnt and you want to change it.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
well just keeping it real. it's common knowledge i'm not lying. sorry if you don't like it but this community has the mentality of "i don't like it so let's change it!" and it stinks. next i'm going to see a thread that you guys want links and shoryukens in mk too.
Yeah, according to your cristal ball yes...

sorry dude, having a discussion about it doesn't hurt a limb.

though i agree with some of the things you said, though i don't point my fingers to anyone and say "you guys this, you guys that" that is not being educated as much as real as you can be.