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Video/Tutorial Flash Video Thread


lol Flash executions are fucked up online ^^
Dropping the LK chain, doing for no reason the dd2 while trying to do 1, 2, df1 lol (the opponent mostly freeze on that one coz it doesn't now wtf is happening lol)


Here is a video of me using Flash in a local tourney...It was my first one so i was a little nervous and dropped some crucial stuff, but at least I got a win with him.


Why are you using b3 armored in corner whereas it is the best flash spot ? :/ This aquaman could punish you 30 times ^^

AK Harold

Good stuff, but you should avoid switching chars if you want to be better at dealing with tourny nerves. Now you will not know for sure if you can take a match thats on the line with Flash.


Saw this while watching the EVO stream. I thought it was fun to watch even though both fights lasted around a minute total haha. Props to aya, anyone know if he's on tym?

lol that fucking dude STILL spelled my name wrong after I spelled it and literally wrote it out for him in giant bold letters. I could go by the letter A and people would still fuck my name up lmao


I'm THAT fast
I'm really glad that somebody actually represented Flash well at EVO. It drives me nuts that nobody seems to know anything about him, even at the biggest tournaments. Way to make that Nightwing look bad AYSAMO


sick fucking flash.. just picked him up. really likedsome of your setups

lol all I really did was steamroll poor SRD with f21 sonic pound.

Yo aren't you from AZ though? I swear you were at one of our tourneys and you're friends with Skiba right?


lol all I really did was steamroll poor SRD with f21 sonic pound.

Yo aren't you from AZ though? I swear you were at one of our tourneys and you're friends with Skiba right?
oh yea man i went to one earlier this year i think or late last year.. and yea from tucson

AK Harold

shoot forgot to post we were streaming Tue night for Atlanta kombat. the tournament is archived check it out and help me out with my game if you guys got time.
Hey, guys! I just wanted to post some matches of me and a friend. Lemme know what you think. He seems to be having trouble with the Flash matchup, and if you guys have any info to offer on the matchup, please do! I feel like this is a 7-3 matchup in the Flash's favor (depending on the stage).


AK Harold

Some of my matches from BnB 8/1/13 a lot of my matches that were great were offstream though. Lost my Second match and had to grind through losers bracket and play like every player lol.


Sorry BoricuaHeat I had not practiced your setups enough to feel comfortable using them yet.

random_x2 some good matchplay you got a great Flash. The Deathstroke needs to learn some basic bnbs to equalize the matchups damage wise. Also, he should definitely not be fighting Flash on that stage. Gotham Rooftop, or a spot with multiple gadget reuseable is best.


Some of my matches from BnB 8/1/13 a lot of my matches that were great were offstream though. Lost my Second match and had to grind through losers bracket and play like every player lol.


Sorry BoricuaHeat I had not practiced your setups enough to feel comfortable using them yet.

random_x2 some good matchplay you got a great Flash. The Deathstroke needs to learn some basic bnbs to equalize the matchups damage wise. Also, he should definitely not be fighting Flash on that stage. Gotham Rooftop, or a spot with multiple gadget reuseable is best.
Hey don't lose sleep over it! I am still practicing 1 bar connection matches online with Flash, it is brutal can't even get one pressure string/combo/mix up/or setup going. I will become the Flash online King tho!