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Kryptonite Council Episode 5 Feat: GGA 16 Bit + Claude Von Stroke + Perfect Legend

Your avatar is gdlk. best album ever
Wow, first person to ever notice that. Yeah, I am a huge fan of theirs. I've listened to that album easily 100 times. They came and played a show about 2 blocks from my house last year and after the show I sat and talked to Travis for like 30 minutes. Dude is so cool and down to earth. Got the entire show on my youtube channel.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Chef man that's not what I meant

I felt like I was agreeing w you about the problems in the game by what I said. Let me clarify what I said and did I not say this......?

Chris g has more fundamentals than u and me combined, however this game rewards scrubby ness meaning u and I could pick up black Adam and a week and destroy a 3 month main. You told me u were apologizing mid match vs bit, I tried to convey all your negative feelings into that segment and use it to discuss how it's an overall problem on injustice

I didn't try to blow u up, think about it, I used that as an example as I thought we had talked about as a problem w the game
It's impossible to misinterpret what you were saying.

I mean:

"Well if Wonder Chef can beat him with Green Lantern I could probably beat him with Green Lantern!"

There is no way to say you weren't blowing me (and DJT) up with that statement.

And just because two GLs beat Chris G means he's free to the matchup? 99% of his tournament losses are to Superman and Black Adam, does that mean he's free to those matchups too? It's impossible that me and DJT might have just outplayed him in one game? (2 for DJT)

I understand the 16 bit thing, I really do think that was a stupid match that I won because of a problem in the game, so I don't care if that match gets blown up, but don't go discrediting all of my wins just because of one game.
Pig: "Shouldn't Superman have like 150-160% health instead of 200% because of all the tools and damage output he has?"

PL: "No."

Pig: "Why?"

PL: "Because HE'S SUPERMAN."

gtfo with that shit lol. We're talking about game design and balance not stupid DC portrayal accuracy. Otherwise you can say: Hey, he's Superman. So you know what he should be the only character in the game with 100% combos and a third life bar. lol no.

Also let's get something clear: Akuma has low health in SF because he's so strong HE HAS TO HOLD HIMSELF BACK to have any challenge at all. Doesn't that remind you guys of a super hero? Just saying lol.

That said, I disagree with Pig when he says "all the top tiers" should get health reduction. If you reduce the health of a character like Killer Frost, she's going to have problems because she already has bad mobility, few options in general and deals weak damage. So having low health in addition to those already existing weaknesses wouldn't make sense. Black Adam and Superman having lower health would make sense because of their superior mobility and overall lack of weaknesses. So I definitely agree that it could be a solution but not a perfect solution.

At the same time, I feel like Pig is on to something just because his solution would keep the characters metagame intact and dumb, but they just wouldn't be AS DUMB and as dominating.

Like m2dave pointed out, Akuma, Yun and Seth have low health but they're still top tier characters because of the superior tools/options, mobility and vortexes they have. BUT, imagine Akuma, Yun and Seth with 1100 health? We also can't say starting with lower health doesn't matter because it does. If Akuma or Seth had 1100 starting health they would be ban worthy lbsh. Them starting with 850-750 hp basically just makes them "reasonable top tiers" as opposed to ridiculous god tier.

But I also agree with 16-Bit and Claude when they say the top 6-7 characters in Injustice just have really dumb tools that they shouldn't really have in the first place. I agree that all the exciting matches are during pools and when you get to top 8 it's just typical Superman, Black Adam, Batman, Green Lantern and they're some of the easiest to play and most boring to watch characters in the game. I mean you know a top 8 sucks when you're rooting for Chris G LOL.

I don't know, it's a tough call. I personally don't know how to really balance Injustice the right way. I don't know what they could change to make the matches more hype and make some of the top characters less boring/irritating to fight against. I honestly have no clue. But yes in general I agree that the top 6-7 characters could use either a health or damage nerf at the very least and some tweaks to frame data to at least be negative enough on block if not punishable on some things.
I know my last thread got poked and laugh at, but I like I said in it, this game is based on comic book characters and NRS, to a certain degree, has to stay with what the character is based on. Superman having the worst health in the game would just seem silly from that perspective. The Marvel characters in MVC can get away with this aspect more because there is a team of characters you play with. But Boon has already stated in an interview that he doesn't believe in changing the health of characters to balance out being overpowered, because he said he thinks you're not solving the issue of what makes the character unbalanced.

Sent from my Nexus 7


Zoning Master
They really shouldn't have nerfed them that bad. I really wanted to play Deathstroke too. Instead I play Raven and Flash. If Deathstroke was slightly better, I'd go back to him in a heartbeat.
I can tell you are a genuine Deathstroke player.

You are not one of these fake Deathstroke players like MITDJT who overrate Deathstroke in the forums and end up using Black Adam or Superman in tournaments.


Ermac player in training
I can tell you are a genuine Deathstroke player.

You are not one of these fake Deathstroke players like MITDJT who overrate Deathstroke in the forums and end up using Black Adam or Superman in tournaments.
Sorry to say I was a day 1 Deathstroke player, but after the "normalization" of the character, I couldn't play the character anymore. And after flash buffs, I REALLY struggled with that MU. So now I main flash. Basically, Flash=Cyrax of IGAU imo


Grundy don't stop
Sorry to say I was a day 1 Deathstroke player, but after the "normalization" of the character, I couldn't play the character anymore. And after flash buffs, I REALLY struggled with that MU. So now I main flash. Basically, Flash=Cyrax of IGAU imo
Wait, how is he like Cyrax? Just wondering.
general m2dave, still think I overrate DS huh? damn you must have an issue comprehending the things I say. I said that he is tourney viable and a good character. I didn't say "oh he is S tier and has no bad mus and beats half of the top tier characters". But hey who cares, I know my DS is way better than yours, so no worries.


Ermac player in training
Also Flash takes a lot of practice to master in the same vain as Cyrax. But once mastered, you've got crazy mix ups.


Death is my business
Good podcast , hotel shanenigans are the best things ever.

On the DS talk i can say that if the top tiers are toned down he will be competitive , tho his evolution as a character is probably going to be a vortex / safe jumps / 50/50 with a little zoning to control their movement every once in a while , before his low gunshot kept him competitive vs top tiers but murdered characters with poor mobility that it wasn't even funny.

Also the health bar thing is not going to work , first of all it doesn't change stupid matchups in a good way , it just means that if i can get on the other character and deal 60% / 70% whatever in the shortest amount of time i can win , it just dumbs down the game especially in Injustice where there are no real rounds and it's kinda fast paced.

There's no shame in nerfing a character that has braindead / OP aspects and there's no shame in buffing a character that has bad tools / risk reward as long the buffs don't give him anything stupid ( looking at you Flash players ).

Keep it up , really enjoying the podcast

Hated Greatness

Super Villain
A couple of things after listening to this. Firstly, it is really tiring listening to people complain about this game and comparing it to Mortal Kombat. Injustice is NOT MK. It is not supposed to be MK. It should be different. The game is still young and people are still learning it. Mortal Kombat was great to watch. Crazy DJT 88 was playing amazing. There were tons of great matches from Evo for Injustice off stream. Heck, even the Top eight had great fights (Chris G's vs. DJT was GREAT). Give the game time to develop and allow it to be its own game instead of comparing it to others games.

Secondly, I don't get the need to compare this game to Street Fighter/Capcom games either when discussing character balancing (Trust me, they don't have it right either, tons of weak characters in that game. I use Dee Jay for example...). The stamina system SF uses works for SF. Tons of more balanced fighting games have the same universal stamina system that Injustice does (Virtua Fighter, The King of Fighters 13, etc.). People complaining about Superman make me chuckle when I see the characters they use are also upper mid to top tier. I main Shazam, so I perhaps I am used to having an uphill climb in every fight. Characters on the low end need addressing, but that doesn't mean weakening the good characters in the game. Nerfing characters becomes a cycle that ruins the very balancing it claims to try and achieve ironically. Oh, and as good as Akuma is in SF, there are characters that are better and have more health (CAMMY!).

The Kenshi in Mortal Kombat discussion was flawed when comparing him to Superman in Injustice. First, Kenshi was a DLC character. Superman was there at launch. Secondly, the dynamic is different because the game had matured and people know characters before Kenshi was added and changed things. Again, Superman was there from the beginning. Of course Superman can get top 8s faster. He was there from the start. Lets talk about how Kung Lao get top 8s early...and still does...

PerfectLegend is hilarious...that is all about that. The dynamic between him and 16 bit and Pig of the Hut is great entertainment, yet informative.

Thank you Pig of the Hut for giving NRS the kudos they deserve for what they do with/for the community. They get so much hate all the time from "fans" it is disgusting. These dudes are in streams for Injustice/MK and go to tournaments to support/play/interact.

Sorry for the long post, it was a long show I suppose.

Best quotes from the show -
16 Bit: "Aren't you European, don't you use a Bidet?"
Pig of the Hut: "That's racist."
I freaky died laughing. That entire Bidet segment was pure comedy.

16 Bit: "He Babied a blind man...HE CAN'T SEE Anything!"
*dead* But you know what, I respect that move. Treat him like everyone else.