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Injustice Post Evo Question: Numbers after Evo


3 appearances of Kabal and 2 appearances of Kung Lao in EVO Top 8.
Injustice had 3 Supermen.

What's the difference, exactly? A good player beats another good player after having years to work on the match-up?
Versus Injustice's handful of months and many people(including myself) still learning the best punish methods for every match up?

Take off the rose-colored glasses and be REAL.

The level of execution required to do it. Characters in Injustice require about an hour in the lab to make them decent. Characters in MK required days or weeks in the lab.
Also lets look at those players, The kabal and Lao players also played other characters. This is also the first year somone really showed their dominance over Kabal.

If you think its easy to pick up Kabal or Lao please go to training and do the things they have done. Then you will see the level skill it takes to play those characters, unlike superman.


Pew pew pew
I blame NRS and their cheap marketing tactics. For every 1 person who watched man of steel because superman was great in the game, 10 people stopped playing injustice because of balance issues.
For shame NRS... for shame...


Hopefully people sit down with a character and attempt to learn it. Top tiers = Entry level characters, They will soon be exposed. It's best to pick up a character you like and learn the MATCH UP, and the game in general i.e Frame data. Disect the game, following in someone else's footsteps isn't going to get you very far.
Do you guys think that better balance can be achieved by toning down the top, or giving the bottom equally dirty stuff? Or both? The top tier seems to fight against each other pretty well. Superman seems to have too many tools, yes, but I sort of like the place that BA, GL, Aquaman, and KF are at now.

Like Dizzy said, a lot of the top character have either great footsies tools or foosties-nullifying tools. It seems like you can give this to other characters by tweaking frame data. What if Catwoman's Dash was not punishable? Or Lex's charge/vacuum was safe? If Bane's b2/f2 had significantly faster startup/less recovery? Those may be poor examples, just thinking off the top of my head, but you get the idea.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
If Bane's b2/f2 had significantly faster startup/less recovery? Those may be poor examples, just thinking off the top of my head, but you get the idea.
Don't get me wrong, you are nice and all but that would be terrible. b.2 on hit is like +16, if it had faster start-up it'd be like b.1, only with faster start-up. We can already chain 5-frame b.1s on block over and over again, adding b.2 to the mix just means we'd be able to do a b.21 b.1 b.21 block infinite, just about. f.2 doesn't need faster start-up, it needs to not be -14 with no pushback or stagger.

If you want to improve Bane, you need to think beyond his start-up frames. The moves are slow but when you are getting +17 off of an 11 frame d.1, +16/12 off of b.1, and the like then you tend to not notice after a while. Give Ring Toss some benefit outside of being a novelty, make some moves safer, and make venom armor scale with level.

If he have just those things then we can be set to go.

YOMI Reno_Racks

I have a dream...
Why Batman and not Raven? IMO with the d.2 buff Batman has become a decent amount less relevant while Raven has gained more than lost and is a monster as is. Hell, I'd even put Hawkgirl above Batman at this point in the game.[/quote
Batman came out better than every character with the D2 buff. He was given a fast and effective AA while his jump2 still beats most d2s with proper spacing. His trait is the main reason he got off easy though. You see it doesn't matter wether you a D2 like AM or Grundy, a good Bruce will only be jumping on you with a trait bat out and that nullifies all D2s.

Raven and Hawkgirl are both very good though.However I would say Hawkgirl is significantly below both Batman and Raven.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
AK Pig Of The Hut

Tema Yardley is still liking it. I myself am working hard because I want to prove myself, and I am so fed up with the AM forums I want to fix it. OZZYGUITAR is finally getting it together and working hard, and it is paying off. HGTV Ermacio likes the game but he cannot find a character. HGTV DrFlash44 broke his xbox so he can't practice but his flash is just as average as ever. We are planning on attending Summer Jam for sure.


Dojo Trainee
Pre-Evo we were playing IGAU about 3-5 times a week with locals. After EVO we haven't played it as a group yet.

However, Evo was a long weekend and we all got together, watched 3 streams at once while playing IGAU at the same time... I think we might just be burnt out for the moment, and may come back into the game in the coming week or two.

Of course, the other possibility is that everyone goes back to UMVC3 again, which I have seen some indication of.
Don't get me wrong, you are nice and all but that would be terrible. b.2 on hit is like +16, if it had faster start-up it'd be like b.1, only with faster start-up. We can already chain 5-frame b.1s on block over and over again, adding b.2 to the mix just means we'd be able to do a b.21 b.1 b.21 block infinite, just about. f.2 doesn't need faster start-up, it needs to not be -14 with no pushback or stagger.
I meant faster startup for b2 since [I think] it has more range than b1, and less recovery for f2, for the purpose of making them better footsies tools. But yeah, you'd know more about this than I do. The point is that tweaking frame data and stuff like pushback/stagger on existing moves can make them more viable in the footsies game and give them some answers to characters that give them trouble.


missiles are coming
Philly is finally starting to play the game with a more serious tone. That said I couldn't agree more with AK Pig Of The Hut when he says that it's a game of top 5 at the moment. I'd stretch it of to around top 8-9 though.

I was pumped to play my favorite comic book character, sinestro; but I think without a shadow of a doubt he doesn't stand a chance against the best of the best. It feels like Sektor all over again; a good character, but good gets bopped by great. I think injustice suffers from the same shit MK does in terms of tier list. If you're not playing the top 5ish, you're not winning a tournament.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Batman came out better than every character with the D2 buff. He was given a fast and effective AA while his jump2 still beats most d2s with proper spacing. His trait is the main reason he got off easy though. You see it doesn't matter wether you a D2 like AM or Grundy, a good Bruce will only be jumping on you with a trait bat out and that nullifies all D2s.

Raven and Hawkgirl are both very good though.However I would say Hawkgirl is significantly below both Batman and Raven.
Not at all, Bane came out better than him. 12f of start-up, hella reach. BA also did, having an actual reliable AA now.
Proper spacing is irrelevant in a match since your opponent isn't likely to just sit there and let you set up.
You only have bats every so often, and it'll take at least 2 bats to make you not die from a d.2.

Hawkgirl has pressure that makes even Superman and Flash sweat, so I'd put her above Batman and GL. Batman is nice and all, but I don't see him being a dominant force any more.


I like this game, I just don't like how easy it is to be good at. I've gone down a tier with every new character I pick up. I'm tired of fighting Green Lantern and Superman that arguably takes no skill to play.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I meant faster startup for b2 since [I think] it has more range than b1, and less recovery for f2, for the purpose of making them better footsies tools. But yeah, you'd know more about this than I do. The point is that tweaking frame data and stuff like pushback/stagger on existing moves can make them more viable in the footsies game and give them some answers to characters that give them trouble.
Our b.2 is fine honestly, links into command grab on block, in total b.23 goes as far as Superman f.23 so it'll cover tech rolls and most backdashes. Its really fine. What needs tweaking is our f.1 imo. Its an awesome move but I shouldn't be waiting 21 frames to unleash a 7-damage uncancelable push.


TYM White Knight
Philly is finally starting to play the game with a more serious tone. That said I couldn't agree more with AK Pig Of The Hut when he says that it's a game of top 5 at the moment. I'd stretch it of to around top 8-9 though.

I was pumped to play my favorite comic book character, sinestro; but I think without a shadow of a doubt he doesn't stand a chance against the best of the best. It feels like Sektor all over again; a good character, but good gets bopped by great. I think injustice suffers from the same shit MK does in terms of tier list. If you're not playing the top 5ish, you're not winning a tournament.

NW has the same problem. All you can do is just try to find ways to make it more manageable, and pick up a secondary (a top 5 or batgirl) that can deal with them better.


Mid Tier


huge damage should come with risk,

retard 50/50s should come with risk,

Lets superman and GL have insane fast far reaching normals, but if I bait and block that shit, let me fuck him up.

Let Black Adam have a sick dive kick that gets awesome damage if he makes a great read and hits me with it, but if I bait that shit and block, let me fuck him up.

you make more of the powerful shit in the game punishable and the game opens right up,

That and a universal walk speed buff.

The game would become 100% more fun to watch,

I still have fun because people still get fucked up by d1~arrow,
Yea I agree w this whole-heartedely

If u nerf superman, then there's GL, then there's Aquaman , then.....etc

I agree it's an issue underneath the surface of the game's design

For this reason alone it's hard to balance, Still though superman seems pretty Dominate

Does anyone else get really Sick of hearing "Duperman is dominate w cause he's supposed to be, he's SUPERman"?

That statement makes me extremely annoyed
In that case I demand raiden to be s++ tier in mk10. I hate that logic

also I feel like there are too many 50/50s in this game. street fighter has guessing games on knockdowns and doesnt really have overheads that lead to big damage. adding so many safe overhead and lows into the game on top of ambiguous crossups is just too much.

YOMI Reno_Racks

I have a dream...
Not at all, Bane came out better than him. 12f of start-up, hella reach. BA also did, having an actual reliable AA now.
Proper spacing is irrelevant in a match since your opponent isn't likely to just sit there and let you set up.
You only have bats every so often, and it'll take at least 2 bats to make you not die from a d.2.

Hawkgirl has pressure that makes even Superman and Flash sweat, so I'd put her above Batman and GL. Batman is nice and all, but I don't see him being a dominant force any more.
Batman's D2 is 7frms with a great hitbox and he also didn't have a reliable anti air prior to the patch.

J2 is still one the best jump attacks in the game.

Great Batmans always have bats out and it only takes 1 bat to stop a D2.