now i get NRS is probably tired of complaints and so are the people. but what the hell is up with almost every character with the exception for certain characters like catwoman, wonderwwoman,flash,solomonG,bane,etc can zone. like do you guys think before giving these characters certain abilities. like do you guys know how hard it for certain characters to get in when you have majority of the online players running away and zoning. like what the hell do you guys expect us non zoners to do. like you have raven that has full screen grabs, sinestro whos zoning is hard to get by. deathstroke(no words) and the rest of the cast. if you have non zoning characters they should be able to stay in your face like an annoying bitch. for an example. Wonderwoman has no real safe way to get in so what the fuck can she do against zoners, and her d1 is negative so thats a pain. you guys need to change this now. zoning is to dominant in this game.