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[Reboot] Final Patch Mortal Kombat 9 Petition

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Digimon does this shit all the time. Wasnt long ago he backed out of streaming espios online tournament for no reason. Kids a headcase


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Just signed the petition, but @Astrocytic I feel as though you should change the opening "note" that insults the "previous author" as it brings down the entire petition in to a realm of pettiness. When people read that, I think they should realize they are reading a serious petition for a real purpose, not a petition that is meant to slight someone due to whatever issue the new author has with the old.


Just signed the petition, but @Astrocytic I feel as though you should change the opening "note" that insults the "previous author" as it brings down the entire petition in to a realm of pettiness. When people read that, I think they should realize they are reading a serious petition for a real purpose, not a petition that is meant to slight someone due to whatever issue the new author has with the old.
Not only THIS ^^^

But EVERYTHING in that petition I wrote. This was a copy and paste.

Rewrite the whole thing from scratch. -__-


100% false. There was reason. Same reason the petition got pulled.

But I'm not giving that reason an opportunity to present itself again.
Digimon, what you did was just absolutely, unjustifiably cruel. The day you opened that petition, you became a symbol of hope for the individuals of this community. You, a person who was once frowned upon by the people here, took the initiative we did not during the days of turmoil that Injustice had brought upon us. You gave us the faith we once lost. Many instantly pondered, "if this individual, who has always bashed our game is now fighting for its rejuvenation, why can't we?" We joined you in open arms, but in the end, you betrayed us. Whether MK9 means anything to you or not, you should consider that it is the game that has bounded us all together as a community. And most importantly, what has created our bond as friends--no, as a family. From every game onward, we will always remember MK9 for one reason or another, whether that being the people we met because of it; the fighting game foundations and fundamentals we attained as we entered the game as beginners, but exited as seasoned gamers; or just the single player experience that enthralled us with its magic.

Digimon, do you consider yourself proud at this moment in time? Are you happy for what you have done to us? You've made many feel demoralized. Many people now think to themselves, "how can we possibly get as many signatures again?" or "why should I bother signing? Digimon betrayed me." Digimon, please look into a mirror. What do you see? A man proud for his devious actions? A man indifferent towards the scorn he has created? Or perhaps a man now regretting or questioning his decisions? Regardless of what you see in front of you, please be aware that reflections alter over the course of time, but the emotions in your heart may remain fixed, haunting you for all eternity.

As for all the fellow TYM members affected by this huggable devil, please, don't give up hope in the world. One day, technology will allow us to persevere beyond the obstacles that restrict us from moving forward. The starving children will become full-fed adults. The sick will be the healthy doctors curing others. And MK9 will live again, whether as a new patched entity, or from the affects of its inevitable successor.

Everyone, please take a moment of silence to remember the happy moments this benevolent game has brought to you. Cherish these minutes.

Amen. Praise the lord.


Digimon, what you did was just absolutely, unjustifiably cruel. The day you opened that petition, you became a symbol of hope for the individuals of this community. You, a person who was once frowned upon by the people here, took the initiative we did not during the days of turmoil that Injustice had brought upon us. You gave us the faith we once lost. Many instantly pondered, "if this individual, who has always bashed our game is now fighting for its rejuvenation, why can't we?" We joined you in open arms, but in the end, you betrayed us. Whether MK9 means anything to you or not, you should consider that it is the game that has bounded us all together as a community. And most importantly, what has created our bond as friends--no, as a family. From every game onward, we will always remember MK9 for one reason or another, whether that being the people we met because of it; the fighting game foundations and fundamentals we attained as we entered the game as beginners, but exited as seasoned gamers; or just the single player experience that enthralled us with its magic.

Digimon, do you consider yourself proud at this moment in time? Are you happy for what you have done to us? You've made many feel demoralized. Many people now think to themselves, "how can we possibly get as many signatures again?" or "why should I bother signing? Digimon betrayed me." Digimon, please look into a mirror. What do you see? A man proud for his devious actions? A man indifferent towards the scorn he has created? Or perhaps a man now regretting or questioning his decisions? Regardless of what you see in front of you, please be aware that reflections alter over the course of time, but the emotions in your heart may remain fixed, haunting you for all eternity.

As for all the fellow TYM members affected by this devil, please, don't give up hope in the world. One day, technology will allow us to persevere beyond the obstacles that restrict us from moving forward. The starving children will become full-fed adults. The sick will be the healthy doctors curing others. And MK9 will live again, whether as a new patched entity, or from the affects of its inevitable successor.

Everyone, please take a moment of silence to remember the happy moments this benevolent game has brought to you. Cherish these minutes.

Amen. Praise the lord.
Lets see who in the MKC defends me here?

I'll wait...

Mt Mutombo

Why people take digimon seriously in this community baffles me.

Troll or not he got put in his place on the On Blast Show for trying to justify this patch.

This simply can't be done guys, even with M$ ditching the DLC base fee, it still costs NRS money. I'd love this to happen but it's not.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
I'm really just laughing at how petty some people can be. So much shit going on in the world and people are getting emotional over mk9 patch petitions. LOL we are fucked.

Now I have to sign this fucking thing 2 times...


My GT: UncappedWheel82
@AntMan I was with you until the half way point where I think you went off the deep end. I think calling Digi a "devil" is uncalled for, and that you may need to take a step back a bit (if you were being completely serious).

@AU_IM_DIGIMON, I don't know you, but having seen/heard the wake of MK9/NRS/Injustice hatred that you have spewed over the last span of months or so that I've actually been paying attention to the goings on around here, I know that you weren't trying to make any friends around the MKC. That being said, recently I heard you on the On blast Show, and I heard you talking about your personal life and the issues you were going though, and I think you deserve some leeway.

I think anyone can see that despite what you were saying, that it was coming from a place of passion even though it was very hard for some/most people to hear. Regardless though, I do think that that passion should count for something, and me being the type of person I am, knowing that life isn't just all about games, I can believe that if you canceled the petition for a reason, and it might not be a reason you care to share. I do think however, and I hope you can agree, that you could have at least passed the torch so to speak, instead of just closing up shop and dropping the petition / many persons "hopes" for the community.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
AU_IM_DIGIMON : I will try to keep this clean and civil on all accounts!
It is one thing to troll people online, by flaming and complaining about a game. It is another to rally an entire community just to pull a stunt for attention to further your ego. Many of us on here put our credibility on the line for you and many were true believers in this movement to try and get what we wanted, we were ready to give you all the glory as being a savior of the community. Your selfish little stunt hurt an entire community and has made it difficult for others to not look at us as a joke. I know you care not what a group of us in the online world think about you. I am not going to call you any names, nor am I going to outright send insults in your direction, for that is stooping to your level. I will however, speak my mind. Many of us went out of our way to get people's attention within not just the FGC, but the entire gaming community, we had family members sign just to please us. I had went as far as having official journalists cover your petition to get the word out, how do you think these journalists see me now. I was once an analyst in the Navy and as an analyst your credibility is the most valuable thing you can have, if you lose that you are nothing and considered untrustworthy. In those military days, if I had trusted information that came from someone like you that was pulling a sick joke, it could have even cost lives, because all it takes is one informant to tell me there is nothing at said base, then I report it and the blood of dead service members would be on your hands and mine, think about that for a few minutes, imagine if it was a situation of that nature. The worst part of this is that you return to apologize for your stunt and then still refuse to give any answer as to why you did what you did. No we don't know why and personally I speak for most when I say we don't care either, but to return and rub it in our faces is not only vain, but sadistic. It shows what kind of person you are outside of this site, it shows that you must be the center of attention at all times and when people consider you insignificant or treat you badly, you feel the need to prove your significance and then try to exact revenge, qualities I have seen within the many criminal cases I have had to study while obtaining my degree in Criminal Justice. These are qualities that are often found within dangerous people.

This is all I am going to say to you, IDC if you read it and I don't even want a response from you either, what I do want is that every time your name pops up on this site for a mod to ban you until you finally get the picture that we don't want you here. The FGC at large will hear of your antics and you stunts. I do no take kindly to having my credibility taken away as I do my best to be trustworthy.

Now someone please ban this guy and us all watch out for more accounts made by him.


Blue Blurs for Life!
That's enough, now. Do not feed the arguing here, just get to signing the petition and spreading the word on it. If this continues, I'm going to have to issue warnings.

@Astrocytic, @STORMS GamerBlake90 @and all who see this written :

had thought that the whole community of MK send a video to my email very short with your name (Nickname) and NRS sending a msg saying " I want the patch! " :) maybe a video is more viral and put the link also.

Well... is just an idea to contribute!

A video message to include with the petition? Sounds like a nice idea. :)