the problem with the bracket argument is, if you look at it like that the whole list would change.
PL not meeting any cage at evo or other tournaments where he did well might be one of the reasons he won, but same could be said for tom brady, why did he have to meet all these kabals/kitanas and not all these cage players?
same thing for matxer, there were a few tournaments where maxter only lost to reo, had reo been eliminated by PL, cd jr, 16 bit, detroit or whatever player would maxter have been the nec and mlg champ?
Imo it is not possible to compare evo's to mlg's, especially evo 2012 which was imo the highest level of competition in mk history. what puts reo above PL is his grassroots wins and consistency. Had PL traveled more after evo2011 he might have been nr1, but that is not the case. so reo nr 1 basically imo.