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KDZ Claims the reason GF weren't hype was "Major skill gap"

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Vulcan Hades

Everyone who watched EVO can see that they are both equally skilled. I respect KDZ but come on. He almost lost to Doomsday in the last game (5-5 according to Noobe, 6-4 Supes according to others). If there was any real skill gap then KDZ would have beaten his DD convincingly but it was a close match.

Infiltration making Justin Wong look like a total newbie in SFxT: That's a true skill gap and a very apparent one. They were both equally skilled in footsies but Infiltration just had more knowledge, more patience and more tech.

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Any character can be considered broken yet they tell you, do this and beat him. If the human factor isn't playing that meta role well, than its the players fault...not the character.

Example: Aquaman's d1 then timed into a f13 is considered unsafe but if they player can't react fast enough...well, then its the player. Not bashing djt but the tournament speaks for itself. He's number 2 for the time being

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All of the people saying superman is braindead and requires no execution are stupid. Try doing his corner combos consistently during tournament play and come back and say that. I played KDZ in Winner Finals for my pool, it looked like this guy hits every input at least 3 times just to make sure the wonky NRS controls don't fuck up. KDZ's execution was so tight I could very rarely hit him out of f2 with Flash's d2 which is a huge deal in that matchup. Every other superman I've ever played gets stuffed by Flash d2. If your execution isn't on point with "braindead f23" you're getting hit.

Anyone who hasn't played this guy and is calling him trash or taking credit from him by saying his character is OP/broken is a fucking noob and needs to sit down. Denzell is an amazing player, but he was dropping his shit and KDZ wasn't. Simple as that.
IM sorry to say but GF did show that Kdz WAS clearly better than djt by aa mile.
DJT did play lame in all the games i saw of him.
he showed good defence in general but was beating chris g on gimmicks.
chris g didn't know how to deal with the rocket pressure set up and djt sure exploited it.
so what is all this about superman and f23 pressure wasn't DJT doing the same thing with b1 rockets all day.
going by this logic chrisg's ceo and ufgt were both fraud wins because he d1 arrowed himself to victory. exploiting your opponents weakness is a big part of fighting games
This is starting to remind me of PL winning EVO with "broken 24 low hat Kung Lao," where everyone discredited the win and attributed it to the character, and said stuff like "we'll see what happens after Lao gets nerfed" only for him to win it again the subsequent year with Lao.

Obviously, Superman is the best character in the game and he's quite fucked up, but could it be that people can still level up and improve at the match-up? Hell, DJT himself put the entire MK community on blast by murdering one Kabal after the other after 2 years of bitching about that character. My point is? Respect a player who just won EVO, and don't turn it into the usual naive "player vs. character" nonsense.
the problem is the comment he made about the skill gap.


You don't go on the internet after winning the #1 fighting game tournament because of a major skill gap. How much more disrespectful can you get? Kicking your opponent while he's down, and probably is still incredibly upset at not winning. You don't do that. Congratulate your opponent for all the effort it took for him to get to the final 2.
But what if you think it's true? He basically told all the other injustice players "come at me bro" so maybe it's time to accept his offer and step up your game so you can beat him?


Grundy don't stop
First of all he has no meterless BnBs that go over 30% which characters like Black Adam do.
His midscreen damage is around 40% which again is normal and say hello to Grundy (50%+ 1 bar combos) even with F23 hit confirmed into trait his damage doesn't go over 45% midscreen without burning another bar. His low starter corner combos in the corner cap at about 50% damage.
And apart from that the only thing to get his combos off is a slow overhead and a straight forward mid hitting string (pro tip you can block it by either holding down or back) and even with that if you get hit by a F23 in the corner it's pretty much on you. Sure you can take about 50% damage off of his mix-ups but that's neither unheard of in other chars nor that unusual.

There are a lot of valid complaints such as the rate at which he builds and meter and such but yours are retarded.
Ok so your point is that he can't do his damage without meter and that grundy does 50% with 1 bar. I'm not even going to go into a big explanation, I'll just tell you this.

If those characters can do his damage for less meter and they are so good, why was he a large majority of the picks at Evo and not Grundy or BA. The only time I even see BA is to fight Superman and not just because that person mains him.

Alexandru Pascu

Ok so your point is that he can't do his damage without meter and that grundy does 50% with 1 bar. I'm not even going to go into a big explanation, I'll just tell you this.

If those characters can do his damage for less meter and they are so good, why was he a large majority of the picks at Evo and not Grundy or BA. The only time I even see BA is to fight Superman and not just because that person mains him.
Way to miss the point!


You think you bad? You aint bad.
LOL...yes DJT trying to zone was why it wasn't hype. Of course trying to get away from a character with the best rushdown in the game makes you a pussy. 8 frame f2 3 and a 2 frame super....no problem right? Hell...in MK9 when Reo played against DJT in Grand Finals I don't know why Reo was trying to zone. Zoning's for pussies. Reo was obviously afraid. What's there to be afraid of....90% Cyrax combos? What a wimp! Only pussies zone...all you people trying to run away from Flash, Supes and Doomsday are scrubby pussies.

Seriously WTF kind of comment is that? DJT won MK9 and KDZ still says there was a skill gap...wow. You know where the gap was? The characters.

Great player + good character = DJT's GL
Great player + broken character = KDZ's Superman
Preach it Pastor, Preach On


Saiyan Prince
I'm seeing good points from both sides. I have my own opinions about this as well but I won't add to this war so to speak. I will think with a different mindset. I'm well aware that I have only recently begun to put time into this game alongside my other game and am "nobody" right now. It is a frustrating and taxing journey but it boils down to this:
Regardless of the character and their strengths and weaknesses, or what KDZ did or did not say in the end he still won the tournament and we cannot change that. I also don't like to rely on another party (NRS) possibly "nerfing" or "buffing" characters. It's never a guarantee that it will work out or even happen anyway. The ONLY thing we can rely on, no matter how tough it is, is our own skills. We are in control of the outcomes. So I'm just going to go into the lab and spend as much time in there as I need to figure every possible advantage out that I can get against all these matchups and use that to win. It's truly all we have. We can't change the past, just our future. Anyone offended by what he said, only ONE way to truly change that around.


I will spit on your tomb!
The more time I spend here, the more time I come to realize how fucked up some of the NRS community is. Same can be said about any community, how ever even that shithole SRK doesn't spend all its time cannibalizing its own game and the people attached to it.

KDZ is a fool. His lack of decorum has left a festering wound in the community. The speed of the the implosion going on in this game (from everyone) is truly staggering.


1 2 3 drink
The more time I spend here, the more time I come to realize how fucked up some of the NRS community is. Same can be said about any community, how ever even that shithole SRK doesn't spend all its time cannibalizing its own game and the people attached to it.

KDZ is a fool. His lack of decorum has left a festering wound in the community. The speed of the the implosion going on in this game (from everyone) is truly staggering.
Thats kinda ironical, saying how fucked up the NRS community is but then adding that KDZ is a fool because his lack of decorum?
Stop it already lol just sign off and dont come back


I'll be back 3ing
Slide should be +1 on block. -4 is not good enough when other characters unfairly have d1s with more range and that hit low


I will spit on your tomb!
Thats kinda ironical, saying how fucked up the NRS community is but then adding that KDZ is a fool because his lack of decorum?
Stop it already lol just sign off and dont come back
Maybe you should look up what ironic means.

Might make you more relevant when grasping to try and use it.


1 2 3 drink
I see where it is, why are you telling me?

Ohhh, silly me, you're trying to be clever...

Isn't that cute.
Lol the only one trying to come over clever here is u, using words as decorum and shit trying to be some sort of poet. lol
So whats next, grammar faults?


I will spit on your tomb!
Lol the only one trying to come over clever here is u, using words as decorum and shit trying to be some sort of poet. lol
So whats next, grammar faults?

Why would I care about your grammar faults? Decorum is a fancy-pants word and equates to poetry and being clever? I thought it was just simple English. Ah well, guess I am all brainy or something... while you're struggling harder than a a cat trying to bury a turd on a marble floor to scratch up some point.


1 2 3 drink
Why would I care about your grammar faults? Decorum is a fancy-pants word and equates to poetry and being clever? I thought it was just simple English. Ah well, guess I am all brainy or something... while you're struggling harder than a a cat trying to bury a turd on a marble floor to scratch up some point.
lmao allright mr poet


That Yung Big Body
Alright a laaaaaaaaaaaaaarge amount of you need to hold that shit so Ill be the first one to just out and say this, and give my reasoning.

KDZ is 99% correct(except for MAYBE the running away thing, thats going to far), he played at a higher level than anyone else in that tourney and I could have predicted him taking evo by watching pools alone. DJT played a very patient whiff punishing GL, thats how he made it to GF(that and that chris had no idea how to get around that missile cancel, had he know I feel chris would have been in GF tbh). KDZ played amazingly spacing wise, he kept himself safe 80% of the time, and he knew how to combat everything that was put before him. DJT just didnt. He waited for whiffs that didnt come, got flustered and threw yolo LM, and never punished supermans zoning. As long as GL has meter you cant just blindly zone from full screen. Read that continuous lazer and meter burn a turbine smash, if you know its going to hit you have time to dash into the gold LM range. You can do this in air or on the ground beating either projectile. Superman does have better footsies, but GL has imo a better punishing tool. There were many thing DJT could have done, but didnt do. There were not many things that KDZ could have done, but didnt do. Thats because he is just on a higher level atm. Its a 6-4 MU at the most, but both characters have the options against each other. KDZ has found the next level of superman, and that is something that has yet to be achieved by anyone else with any other character.

Also can we all shut up about scorps. Arguing that he was or wasnt broke is beside the point now because now most of the cast can punish brain dead play(the only real problem that scorps provided, It wasnt hard to block his shit, its was just impossible to punish. No risk begets brain dead play, thats the only reason you could ask for superman to be nerfed right now as well)and eat him up.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

The most rational thing I've read in this thread.

Agree or Disagree?

Agreed 100%.

Props for becoming the Champ, amigo. Superman or no Superman, the 16 Lbs Of Gold is what it is.

Smack-talk threads = hype = rivalry = interest = $$$.

But fuck popcorn. I've got Cheez-Its. BECAUSE I AM A MAN.
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