My pussy, my rules
The tourney starts today! Get in touch with your opponent and get to fightin'!
Remember the rules, everyone:
1). No bans.
2). Sets run first to 3(best of 5).
3). Stage-picking is random-random.
Post the results of your sets here, and I'll adjust the bracket accordingly. If you see that your next opponent is free, hit 'em up and run that set, too. And feel free to exchange some good words with your opponent if you enjoyed your matches.
1). @Lexithanius (Lexithanius)
2). @SoundsLikePAUSE (NRF_SoundsLikeII)
3). @PANDA (CaliburPANDA)
4). @SidTheHaze (boyfromheaven)
5). @Cossner (Cossner)
7). @Li1mightymouse (super-squishii)
8). @-LD50- (a_kaplan)
9). @Impractical Joker (O_O-_-_-_-_-_-3)
10). @thecure13 (rollingandy13)
11). @Zatoichi (Ketsueki_Wolf)
12). @Mistah iiCeMan (ADTR115)
13). @Dr Morganstien (Dr_Morganstien)
14). @rurounikenshin (seas_of_the_sun)
15). @imblackjames (imblackjames)
16). @Chongo (Hi_Im_Free)
17). @xRozayMcTang187x (xRozayMcTang187x)
Update: Mr. Zatoichi just informed me that he, unfortunately, will be unable to participate in the tourney. As such, Mr. @rurounikenshin gets a by for the round, and moves on to face thecure13.
Good luck, everyone!
DragonPick Killphil
Remember the rules, everyone:
1). No bans.
2). Sets run first to 3(best of 5).
3). Stage-picking is random-random.
Post the results of your sets here, and I'll adjust the bracket accordingly. If you see that your next opponent is free, hit 'em up and run that set, too. And feel free to exchange some good words with your opponent if you enjoyed your matches.

1). @Lexithanius (Lexithanius)
2). @SoundsLikePAUSE (NRF_SoundsLikeII)
3). @PANDA (CaliburPANDA)
4). @SidTheHaze (boyfromheaven)
5). @Cossner (Cossner)
7). @Li1mightymouse (super-squishii)
8). @-LD50- (a_kaplan)
9). @Impractical Joker (O_O-_-_-_-_-_-3)
10). @thecure13 (rollingandy13)
12). @Mistah iiCeMan (ADTR115)
13). @Dr Morganstien (Dr_Morganstien)
14). @rurounikenshin (seas_of_the_sun)
15). @imblackjames (imblackjames)
16). @Chongo (Hi_Im_Free)
17). @xRozayMcTang187x (xRozayMcTang187x)
Update: Mr. Zatoichi just informed me that he, unfortunately, will be unable to participate in the tourney. As such, Mr. @rurounikenshin gets a by for the round, and moves on to face thecure13.

Good luck, everyone!
DragonPick Killphil