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Players to pick for suggestions for the next patch?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
that's why we have to restrict patch conversion to top players, or players who give good input and don't argue like idiots and players who are knowledgeable with their characters. just ignore the trolls, people looking for arguments. if we elect representatives we take their final decisions once discussion for the characters has finished.
And who are these people that will have a right to vote?

I'm not comfortable w 13 year old Baraka player or 16 year old jade player voting or anyone not attended a real major


And who are these people that will have a right to vote?

I'm not comfortable w 13 year old Baraka player or 16 year old jade player voting or anyone not attended a real major
i mean by now we should have an idea of who should have a say. let's say we restrict to 2 people (3 for more popular chars). i mean Baraka I can think of SomeCubanGuy and Zoidberg. Jade I can say RunwayMafia and Thead. Those are just examples. These guys have enough knowledge on their character (and honesty) to put down some reasonable character balances don't you think?
we have to elect representatives imo and one player can get a max of two characters e.g. if people think that Pig can do both Cyber Sub and Kenshi for example (although only in scenarios where character representation is scarce). As I said earlier, I'm happy to do Sektor and put Sub Zero on the side for other players.
How should we go about electing representatives? Should we just make a thread in each sub-forum asking their most knowledgeable members to wake up and get cracking? Having a public thread may have discussions deteriorate if there are still plenty of less knowledgeable members going 'round, so perhaps PM councils of each character should be done between the "wise players"?
Real talk
When has the TYM online community ever come to an agreement w anything
Where has a topic in debate ever ended w "so we agree now and have worked out our opinions?" "Yes"
When has the TYM online community ever come to an agreement with anything? Sure as fuck we never did.

With the TYM online community, we may be more divided than America is now, but with the smaller communities of each character? It is much easier to come to an agreement. Example: the leaders of the state of Arizona decides how shit should be run, rather than some Congressmen from Washington.
I was not referring to the TYM online community as a whole, but the sub-divisions of each MK9 character.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
i mean by now we should have an idea of who should have a say. let's say we restrict to 2 people (3 for more popular chars). i mean Baraka I can think of SomeCubanGuy and Zoidberg. Jade I can say RunwayMafia and Thead. Those are just examples. These guys have enough knowledge on their character (and honesty) to put down some reasonable character balances don't you think?
Ok you're missing a huge part of my point

Say these Barakas come up w these changes, but all the other character representatives disagree w them

Now multiply that times 32.....
I don't think character representatives are best


How should we go about electing representatives? Should we just make a thread in each sub-forum asking their most knowledgeable members to wake up and get cracking? Having a public thread may have discussions deteriorate if there are still plenty of less knowledgeable members going 'round, so perhaps PM councils of each character should be done between the "wise players"?
Well it needs to be in each sub forum for sure. Then I don't know how the representatives are chosen. That's the hard part. Then once discussion is going in each sub forum everyone has a right to post their balance suggestions but only the two/three representatives of each character can choose what is good and what isn't. all of this must fit within your parameters suggested earlier (max of 5 priority changes and 3 lower priority changes).


Ok you're missing a huge part of my point

Say these Barakas come up w these changes, but all the other character representatives disagree w them

Now multiply that times 32.....
I don't think character representatives are best
we'll cross that bridge when we get there. that stage will come afterwards but one thing is for sure. within each forum, nobody can argue with the character representatives. at the end of it all i'll make a thread with all the proposed changes and we'll go from there.

if people take this seriously and make logical suggestions I'm sure there won't be much to argue about. but this is TYM lol...


yo didn't we try this character representatives thing before? I forgot what it was for but I remember we had like a stickied thread in each character forum then they all got deleted or something lol

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Combofiend: We collected feedback from two different groups: the English speaking audience, and the audience over in Japan. We had Capcom Japan send out surveys asking what players would like to see in an update, and they got back over 12,000 responses. We did the same thing here in the States and ended up with approximately 20,000 responses. We combed through all the results and looked for consistency in requests. We used those results as a starting point for the changes going into this new update. We also consulted top players from both East and West for deeper insight because they play on a higher competitive level and may notice things that average players aren’t aware of. We put all those factors together, attempting to achieve the best character balance we possibly can.

Copy from an article. I know our community isn't nearly as big but couldn't it work somewhat like this? on a much smaller scale?
Ok you're missing a huge part of my point
Say these Barakas come up w these changes, but all the other character representatives disagree w them
Now multiply that times 32.....
I don't think character representatives are best
That's why we should follow a basic format of three-to-five priority changes, and one-to-three low-priority/optional changes. So it doesn't get too out of hand for us and NRS.

Speaking of the inter-character disagreements, why should everyone disagree about a character they probably don't play at a high level? I'm sure there will be reasons, but who's to say we can't eventually come to an agreement?

If no character representatives, then how would all characters get their fair patching treatment? I am sure we can all get this done, in everyones' own little councils.
Well it needs to be in each sub forum for sure. Then I don't know how the representatives are chosen. That's the hard part. Then once discussion is going in each sub forum everyone has a right to post their balance suggestions but only the two/three representatives of each character can choose what is good and what isn't. all of this must fit within your parameters suggested earlier (max of 5 priority changes and 3 lower priority changes).
I'm sure we'll find a way to elect these representatives. There is always a way.

No one said it'll be easy, but I can say it will likely be worth the trouble, if it is for the good of MK9's lifespan.
yo didn't we try this character representatives thing before? I forgot what it was for but I remember we had like a stickied thread in each character forum then they all got deleted or something lol
I have no idea.

This is for a good purpose.


yo didn't we try this character representatives thing before? I forgot what it was for but I remember we had like a stickied thread in each character forum then they all got deleted or something lol
yeah that was for tier lists i think though and MU discussion.


This couldn't work people who know there characters will try to give them the edge, or something that happens a lot everyone will cry the character got to strong!

On a side note can we please have the bomb mini game Hector was talking about on stream that would be hilarious.


I think the only way to get balanced changes for the game and even this wont complete do it, is to study all the MK matches and just take notes on who needs what, or does not need.

From listening to Hector on Stream something tells me NRS already has an idea what they want to fix.


Coward Character User
Ok you're missing a huge part of my point

Say these Barakas come up w these changes, but all the other character representatives disagree w them

Now multiply that times 32.....
I don't think character representatives are best
This ^^^

Not all changes will be agreed upon, I can guarantee that. You're gonna have people disagreeing with one another and feeling that x character is going to be patched unfairly (too many buffs). If this were to happen, they would need to be pick 5-10 elite players who not only play the game at a high level but understand the game and it's intricate balancing to a high degree. People with diverse character rosters and good knowledge of the game should be chosen as a) they don't have one sole character so they're less likely to bias towards that one character and b) they actually understand all of the characters their changing lol. People imo that should be considered:

REO - Kabal, the entire cast pretty much as he plays most of it.
Detroit - Kabal, Shang Tsung, Smoke, Reptile.
CDjr - Jax, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, etc.
Maxter - Cyrax, Johnny Cage, etc.
Tom Brady - Sub Zero, Raiden
Perfect Legend - Kung Lao, Raiden
Pig of the Hut - Kenshi, Freddy, etc.
Wafflez - Smoke, Sonya

Main issue is, nobody really uses the low tiers out of the "elite" players, so some people may feel uneasy about these players balancing them, which is understandable because they don't main them but realistically they're probably your best bet. Even if they don't suggest changes for said low tiers, but at least player test them.

EDIT: I'd love to include people like Dizzy, Tyrant, Etc but as far as I know they only really use their main, I have no idea who else they practice with.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
If you guys are fine with the illuminati controlling the fate of your game, which they are destined to doom, that's your opinion. I however would prefer proper representation that isn't detroitballin.


100% no bullshit answer? Just consult GGA Dizzy. I would feel utterly confident that MK would be an even better game as a result. He strikes me as the most level headed of the top players, and the most bias-free. Never mind the fact that his knowledge of the game is unparalleled.

In reality though, there won't be a patch IMO, unfortunately. I just wish the community would rally behind this game some more (they really dropped the ball at EVO, despite the awesome performances of those who participated), because it's still a pretty damn good game with the potential to be flat out incredible with the right changes.
Reo made a thread a while back showing all of the patches he'd make and it was pretty solid. Much better than the current state of MK imo


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Sort of related to AK Pig Of The Hut 's post, you guys are missing the bigger problem.

Having "character reps" to decide which buffs/nerfs to throw at a character simply can't be trusted and it has more to do with human nature than anything else. The people you need are people who are objective, knowledgeable, and capable of putting aside any bias towards or against any specific character(s) in order to see the bigger picture of how the entire cast measures up to eachother on specific key variables (tools, damage, safety) and how those variables allow them to compete with every other character.

You don't need character reps. That's a bad path for balancing a game. You need a VERY SMALL group of people who meet the above criteria who can look at the game on a holistic as well as individual-fighter level. The fewer people who are in charge of making the final decisions should be 3 at the very most, preferably 2, ideally 1. This isn't to say they can't get feedback from other people, but other people should not be in charge of making any decisions.

This is potentially a relatively simple process to undertake (the balancing of MK9). However, it can be made quite complex if we start trying to feed our ego's and go down the "every character needs 13 reps and they all agree, put in their votes for buffs, and then fight with every other group's proposed buffs" path.

Sidenote, some characters need nerfs. The degree of these nerfs should be as modest as the buffs certain characters get. This again is the reason for objectivity. You can't have someone who's going to get butthurt in any way shape or form in charge of nerfing their main that they put up on a pedestal and write about in their dream journal. A Reptile main would nerf him by making his slow forceball explode 50% sooner (the "nerf") in a giant AOE bubble that OTG's into a reset.