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Players to pick for suggestions for the next patch?

Thank you for your input on this matter.
Now which people should this very small group be comprised of?

And are these people willing to do this for us and their beloved game? Let's ask.
You don't need character reps. That's a bad path for balancing a game. You need a VERY SMALL group of people who meet the above criteria who can look at the game on a holistic as well as individual-fighter level. The fewer people who are in charge of making the final decisions should be 3 at the very most, preferably 2, ideally 1. This isn't to say they can't get feedback from other people, but other people should not be in charge of making any decisions.
exactly! and glue should be one of those!!
actually it is an insult to not take glue in consideration.
Alien Substance
AK Pig Of The Hut


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Thank you for your input on this matter.
Now which people should this very small group be comprised of?

And are these people willing to do this for us and their beloved game? Let's ask.

Well that's a good question, but I think there's a question that has to be answered first.

Primarily, the process needs to be agreed upon. Here's the way I see it:

Phase 1: Determine the people (preferably programmers or experienced modders) who can delve into the config/ini files of the game and allow them to get a sense of what can and what can't be modded in the game.

Phase 2: Determine the 2-3 people who meet the criteria set forth in order to get the best possible outcome on determinations of buffs/nerfs.

Phase 3: Allow for the change makers to discuss, in private, questionable changes that they aren't 100% certain are in the best interests of the character in question

Phase 4: Implement changes. Make the modded version extremely public and visible and create a dedicated thread/area to discuss the changes. Step 4 is where the the character reps get involved and their input is truly needed and desired so that the change makers can get a sense of how the changes are being perceived and used.

Note: Each phase involves a series of steps in order to achieve the goal outlined for each phase.

Skkra general m2dave REO Tom Brady UsedForGlue PND_Mustard PND_Ketchup Under_The_Mayo Check
AK Pig Of The Hut thoughts?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
FTR if i had any say so this is around the realm of what i think and open to discussion

kenshi ex sc should be zero on block
sc should be a high

cyrax no resets

smoke no resets

jax no corner resets

sonya -5 ex CW

Cage more negative on f33b3

mileena armor on a special

kit is fine

Rain needs raiden teleport or a 15 frame RH
for god sakes give his d3 + or better pokes in genral

quan chi armor on teleport blocked allows him to fall in for free and not be blocked and full combo'ed

kabal one fireball on screen at a time
saw is a projectile and can be telecutted by sektor's teleport (hit box fix)
remove +9 on his string (111? its been a minute)

sheeva ex stomp launches into combo
faster startup on teleport

Baraka spin launches like lao (yes im serious) or atleast his ex spin does

stryker ex guns overhead
no holes in strings
less negative on ex roll

Kano faster strings
less negative on ball
no holes in strings
choke is a frame trap like shang f4 gs with shang tsung

Skarlet IAD needs to have same buffer input window as does liu kang and mileena IAF

Raiden faster projectile

CSZ - bombs always freeze, armor on ex DK just like jax's armor on ex overhead
normal pokes like everyone else in the game

Input bug gone
Meter drain glitch gone

Freddy more recover on straight claw to remove his reflect glitch

Noobs far less recovery on shadows and armor on a move

jade (i have no idea what to do with this fish)

Kratos make legal

Scorpion ex tele needs armor
pokes need same frame adv on hit as most cast

Thats just off top of my head
Goddamn, Pigs list was legit. It didn't cover every char, but his suggestions are great and if they do go to patch something like that would be a good starting point.

Only thing I am worried about is when they will actually patch mk9. If they aren't going to patch it before next gen consoles arrive then I highly doubt they will patch it at all