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ECT3 Shoutouts


The weekend was fierce... let's just say that. I went in to the tournament with a lot of objective and plans really changed as the tournament went on - from the hour and a half long power-outage we had to taking the initiative to get out my phone and try streaming some MK for the "MK" community... let's just say that I got some work done as although I didn;t get done exactly what I set out to do... I didn't "stand around"... I really appreciate all of the work all of the staff does, especially Phil's brother Rob who was beyond helpful... put it this way... we would've been up shit creek without a paddle with him. Shock... well, there is no need to even mention what all he did as he has been doing it so long and it's so deep in his heart that it is just natural.

Anyway, I'll start with the shoutouts here by whatever name comes to me first...

GuyInGreen: Probably the guy that made me laugh harder than I have in a while. At first I wasn't sure what to think of him, but he is definitely the kind of guy who is awesome to hang out with. He's very comical, witty, but yet and very polite and mature... and he's got a beefy Jax and he definitely knows what he's talking about when it comes to MK. It was an honor to meet you and chill... fuckin great times. lmao at that, "Bo'Rai Cho? God Damnit!" lmao... (obviously, you had to be there)... I couldn't stand or walk due to how hard I was laughing.

DanCock: Serious, serious, serious.... serious dedication... 6 hr drive? Works extra days and hrs JUST to come out to these tournaments. Awesome Sindel player although he complains about her 2,1, scream :) but yeah, known you for so long now... this is all just crazy still and I am very happy you came out. You're one of those faces that completes the experiences for me.

Phil: You and your brother... holy crapola... I know for a fact that maybe 15% of the community that does NOT come out to a tournament, knows how much you are involved with it.... I mean, Wow.... you are a true fucking Elder God of this community. Mad props to you also for contacting PDP_Candace about getting us a PDP stick to giveaway at the tournament... without you doing that, there would've been no giveaway.

Dark Rob: You seem to truly level up your game every time you play... it's like watching a "live" tutuorial... like "This is how you play Sub-Zero" and yes, props to Mr. Tom Brady for all of his help and strats and I know his traning is what got you to your level, but damn, did it pay off. A hand shake and a "next time, brotha" *Summer Jam*

BattleBear: for your first tournament, I truly hope it made an ever-lasting impact in your tournament and competitive life... I didn't get a chance to talk to you, but don't think that I didn't appreciate you coming out... seeing you out was awesome and I hope to see you again in the future.

Michaelangelo: Thank you for letting me stay in your room and holy shit, dude... you made me laugh, especially when you almost threw your pants out the window, lmao. It was also pretty cool to see your Dad there cheering you on... he even asked me if I was from a magazine since I was running around taking photos, haha. Also, thank you for the interview.. gonna try to have it up very soon.

Voo: Keeping this short and sweet, you were hilarious, especially when you guys shared the same bed and Mike pointed out that you two were the only two sharing a bed together and you were also the only two in boxers! LMAO Nice to meet you, dude.

16 Bit: It was very nice to meet you, walk to the diner, chill and see that sick Kitana of yours... and also the jokes Mike was throwing at you for how fast you ate your burger.. lmao. Good shit dude.

Ezail (SZ2): What can I say? We'll be seeing each other soon at Xanadu and thanks for coming along to ECT3, bro.

Shock, Arturo, Summoning, LIJoe, SJCage, AC, Tom, REO, Chris G, Crazy Dominican and everyone else...

Bottom line, thank you and I hope you guys all had a great time. We only get to see each other like this every so many months or even years, so thanks for coming out and... until next time.

*sorry, getting lazy with the shoutouts.. just so much typing!*

Lastly, shoutouts to Zaq, McNasty, Konqrr, DarkNatas, Teef, 1557noob16557(?)... for all of you spreading the word of the mobile stream and just being positive about the stream and its quality. I had my phone plugged in to Phil's charger (Thank you, Phil!) and was standing, streaming for 6+ hrs straight what you guys seriously kept me going... all of your "thanks" and "props" shouts... very appreciated and when you guys commented on a match it made me feel good as well because I knew the stream what at least "tolerable".

Again, thank you everyone and expect some video footage as well as pics from the tournament coming soon.


Thanks a ton storms, for all the hard work. And shoutouts to everyone storms mentioned plus a few other cool guys including, Ike, Phoenix, Ed, 16 y/o Mike (Thanks for the converter), Whispering Eye (Thanks for giving the tournament scene a shot despite some of the heckling you got for being a girl), KittyCommander, DarthArma, Riu48 (Thanks for biting the bullet on the apology ;D), and Nick. Sorry if I messed up any of your gamertags or names, or happened to forget to mention you. It was nice to see everyone so accepting of a scrub who happens to love playing mk.

Lets keep growing the community.

And second shoutouts to Rob (hope you enjoyed the Coronas more then running the brackets), Michelangelo (thanks for the pointers you gave to whispering eye), and Shock (thanks for the tips on how to start expanding the scene in Jersey).

All in all, thanks to everyone I encountered yesterday.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Good shit to spencer for making top 8 in mk9, great showing on his part. Also good shit to reo taking 3rd.

Storms I thought you were just recording matches on your cellphone cam untill red saleen told me you were actually streaming all of them live. I had no idea man, good shit.
I had a ton of fun, looking forward to the next event. Nice meeting all you guys btw.


Yeah, had a lot of fun at the event! Thanks to 16bit, Subzero2, Dan Cock, Michaelangelo, and anyone I missed for the matches, tips, and discussions. Thanks for streaming some of the pool matches, Storms--we met briefly, but you looked pretty busy most of the time =) This is like my fourth tournament for MK9--looking forward to seeing everyone again at another one.


AU_Michaelangelo is the #1 player in the world! CONGRATS BRO!!

OMG AU_Michaelangelo!!! you are seriously the #1 MK player in the world!! Great job on all of your victories brother!

AU_KIDDING_ME? you have won 1st place in the last 3 tourneys!! Holy Crap!!!!!

killer job Mike!!

you are #1 player in world!!

for you to win both west coast tourneys and then come out to the east coast and take out their victor is just BAD ASS!!!

sumday, sum1 will eventually be better- for now DAMN GREAT JOB MIKE!

btw, you have got to be the most humble person I know. I had to post this thread man cuz you should be proud of yourself and what you have accomplished!!! I want to help give you the credit you deserve for all you have been doing. All without a full sponsor. The fact that you saved up $10,000 and sponsored yourself is so PIMP!

I just set up the donation fund account that way the people from TYM, MKU, & SRK can help you out on your travels by donating minimum $5 one time or even $5 monthly. This will definitely help out for expensive airfare and lodging.

AU will continue to sponsor you and help raise more $$ for you. We are just an online/offline klan of gamers too so we r doing our best bro. Thanks for repping AU on the road too!!

I don't want to put the cart before the horse here, but I hope to have the site partially functional in the next few days to help generate some $$ for you.

Madddd props and hats off to you sir!

BEAST MODE [on] off



Had a lot of fun this weekend in my first tournament experience. GGs to all who I played. Big thanks to Storms for getting me out there, thanks dude and Mike for letting me stay in his room. Shout outs to Voo, 16 bit, Error Macro, Dan, Reo, Tom, Guyingreen, Riu48, Reythegreat, Maxter and who ever I forgot for the good times.


NJ Jobber
Alright im going to give some quick shoutouts as this was a great tournament and a great experience. I do regret not talking to people a little bit more and just watching, but then again i really didn't think shooting the breeze in such competition would have been well mannered.

Storms: Mad props to you dude. Your a really nice person. You were running around all day during pools recording matches and getting shit together. It was an honor meeting you and you definitely get points for the hair. Also its a shame i didn't get to see your Ermac more. I only saw 1 match in which you beat another Ermac. Go figure.

Phil(995) and Rob: Holy shit. You guys worked your asses off for the 14 hours of pools and setting everything up. You guys kept the MK booth on lockdown. MAD props to both of you. AND on top of that the guy doing Pools C and D for AE wasn't there and you(Phil) filled in...for a community that isn't really even your own. and for that i have the utmost respect for you guys. And good shit with hyping MK up(2,U3 and 9), i saw you running from MK setup to the stage, just to update Joe and SJC for all things MK.

Shock:The man, the myth, the legacy. Besides making sure everything was in check, you were also a real friendly guy and was basically the go to guy for any concerns and for that i thank you.

Organelle: It was cool meeting you and i laughed a little bit everytime they called you as "Organelli".

Michaelangelo: Really didn't talk to you much besides asking where casuals were, but even then you invited me to play in your room and you were just a really nice guy. Next time perhaps I can talk a little longer.

Tom Brady: The damned best. You straight up bodied me in casuals this morning with KL. I was kind of hoping to play your sub, but i realized you were feelin yourself a bit with Kung. Overall great guy great player. And you vs Dominican was pretty hype as I have played him before at guard crush and he is on point.

RIU48: It was cool seeing you at ECT3. After meeting you at Guard Crush, it was nice to see a familiar face. Nice and friendly guy.

quick shoutouts to Summoning, Dark_Rob and AC. Watching AC1984 vs LIJOE salty runback in UMK3 was godlike. And Simon won which was crazy. Exact opposite as last year good shit

and also to MagnetoHalfway. I was talking to this guy all weekend. He was a really cool guy and me and him were discussing things from matchups to strats and just smalltalk between matches. Good shit man and its awesome you did that well.


that is so awesome that everyone had such a great time!!!

it is so bad ass to meet up with people who share the same passion for MK!!!


Alright im going to give some quick shoutouts as this was a great tournament and a great experience. I do regret not talking to people a little bit more and just watching, but then again i really didn't think shooting the breeze in such competition would have been good mannered.

Storms: Mad props to you dude. Your a really nice person. You were running around all day during pools recording matches and getting shit together. It was an honor meeting you and you definitely get points for the hair. Also its a shame i didn't get to see your Ermac more. I only saw 1 match in which you beat another Ermac. Go figure.

Phil(995) and Rob: Holy shit. You guys worked your asses off for the 14 hours of pools and setting everything up. You guys kept the MK booth on lockdown. MAD props to both of you. AND on top of that the guy doing Pools C and D for AE wasn't there and you(Phil) filled in...for a community that isn't really even your own. and for that i have the utmost respect for you guys. And good shit with hyping MK up(2,U3 and 9), i saw you running from MK setup to the stage, just to update Joe and SJC for all things MK.

Shock:The man, the myth, the legacy. Besides making sure everything was in check, you were also a real friendly guy and was basically the go to guy for any concerns and for that i thank you.

Organelle: It was cool meeting you and i laughed a little bit everytime they called you as "Organelli".

Michaelangelo: Really didn't talk to you much besides asking where casuals were, but even then you invited me to play in your room and you were just a really nice guy. Next time perhaps I can talk a little longer.

Tom Brady: The damned best. You straight up bodied me in casuals this morning with KL. I was kind of hoping to play your sub, but i realized you were feelin yourself a bit with Kung. Overall great guy great player. And you vs Dominican was pretty hype as I have played him before at guard crush and he is on point.

RIU48: It was cool seeing you at ECT3. After meeting you at Guard Crush, it was nice to see a familiar face. Nice and friendly guy.
Lol, yeah I almost missed one of my matches because it was pronounced (Orje - nellie) ... God I wish I would have picked a better gamertag in junior high. Haha.


GGs everyone. Props to all players who came to play MK9, UMK3 and MK2!!! I had a great time as usual and tons of fun with MK. Special thanks to Li Joe and Sweet Johny Cage for the great event. As the wise man says, "Great tournament, great experience."

Congratulations to Michaelangelo for taking MK9. You my friend are top of the top and you deserved to win!!! looking forward to hangout with you again.... P.S He's one of the nicest guys I've ever met, period!!!

Congrats to REO and Mike on their victories in UMK3 and MK2...great stuff guys...mad respect.

Extra special thanks to Phil, Phil's brother and Shock for holding together all MK tournaments and brackets...without you guys, this great tournament would not have happened at all. Mad respect and love ya (no homo)

Again, mad props to all who came to play and support MK. Huge respect to all of you guys!!!


shouting of outs

shout outs to:

finally getting home and feeling like I'm hungover on a million substances (but did nothing but play and talk fighting games

Jim Coastin for provided A GREAT room with monitors and ps3s
For that sir you are uber godlike than you already are!

Guy in green who was funny as FAAK!

Rui48 I wouldnt have gone as far as I did if it werent for all the things (although I still need more) that you have taught me.

Nick for introducing me to pretty much everyone there.

Phil and his bro for calling out brakets under such craziness! And being crazy good at throwing and catching random things behind tournament set ups.

Chris G for beating me in winners of our pool (why are you godlike at everything?) ggs

Magneto halfway for knocking me out. Ggs

Michaelangelo for bodying me AND being the most modest and chillest down to earth top player I have ever met in any game...ANY! Congrats on your win and that money!

Organelle and friends, Wish you guys came back the 2nd day for the hype. It was good meeting you all and we def gotta put together some Nothern NJ casuals together.

Spencer for being a 7th placer buddy with me :-P

K hunter for thinking you suck and then beating REO and ARTURO

Mario for saying the CRAZIEST fucking things between 2 and 4 am I was cracking up so hard inside I didnt know how to feel!

Sorry if I forgot anyone. Looking forward to more events!


shout outs to:

finally getting home and feeling like I'm hungover on a million substances (but did nothing but play and talk fighting games

Jim Coastin for provided A GREAT room with monitors and ps3s
For that sir you are uber godlike than you already are!

Guy in green who was funny as FAAK!

Rui48 I wouldnt have gone as far as I did if it werent for all the things (although I still need more) that you have taught me.

Nick for introducing me to pretty much everyone there.

Phil and his bro for calling out brakets under such craziness! And being crazy good at throwing and catching random things behind tournament set ups.

Chris G for beating me in winners of our pool (why are you godlike at everything?) ggs

Magneto halfway for knocking me out. Ggs

Michaelangelo for bodying me AND being the most modest and chillest down to earth top player I have ever met in any game...ANY! Congrats on your win and that money!

Organelle and friends, Wish you guys came back the 2nd day for the hype. It was good meeting you all and we def gotta put together some Nothern NJ casuals together.

Spencer for being a 7th placer buddy with me :-P

K hunter for thinking you suck and then beating REO and ARTURO

Mario for saying the CRAZIEST fucking things between 2 and 4 am I was cracking up so hard inside I didnt know how to feel!

Sorry if I forgot anyone. Looking forward to more events!
Thanks man. Was awesome meeting you too. And we need to set some training up this week. I have A LOT to learn ;D. haha


TYMCP 1 and 2 Creator
Wish I could have made it out to this. Car took a turn for the worse and all of my travel savings went to fixing it, so I had to skip out on ECT, and will not be attending EVO as well.

Did any casuals get recorded?


Man is the MK community the best bunch of guys or what. amirite?
Ive done a bunch of these now so Im gonna keep it short and sweet and get it out before sleep takes me.

First, this tournament happened and finished because of Phil,Rob,Shock,LI Joe and Sweet Johnny Cage. It couldnt have happened without them.
What you guys do for the community is so far and above the call of duty I cant even put it into words.

Shoutouts to all my boys, whether old friends or new friends, I love you all.
Summoning,Reo,Tom Brady,Big Eric,Crazy Dominican,Storms,Maxter,JamesMK(O.G.),Jim Coastin,AC1984,Hitoshura(Mario),Spencer,Bluenine, Riu48,Rey the great,Battlebear,Guy in green,Scoot Magee,Arturo"Sabin"Sanchez,Kona,Michaelangelo,Red Saleen,Chris G,Steve H(sorry for poking you in the face lol total accident),Dan Cock(dammit I never got my Sindel vs Subzero matches with you lol) and a ton of other people Im sure im forgetting since my brain has long since turned to mush, all my love and respect to all of you.


So many players to thank and recognize, I could just copy paste from what I see here, but I'll try to post some tomorrow when I'm awake. For now, I sleep.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Dude, I met so many people I couldn't even keep track of everyone's name.

Shoutout to everyone who talked/listened to me, the loud ass white kid.

Minus all the damn waiting it was one helluva time.
Had a Great time at ECT3!!! Definitely one to remember!

Shoutouts to LI Joe and Sweet Johnny Cage for running the event. Cant wait for the next one.

Shoutouts to Storms for recording the matches and just holding it down in general for the MK community.

Shoutouts to Khunter, Good Friend and Rival of mine, for taking 5th place.

Shoutouts to Jim Coastin, Awsome MK setup you had, it was definitely the spot to practice. You're the man.

Shoutouts to Shock for putting a hit out on somebody, and asking me to do it. It was a Great Honor.

Shoutouts to Michaelangelo for hangin out and taking 1st place. Sick Kabal man.

Shoutouts to the 24 hr. Dunkin Donuts because apparently the Moorestown Diner doesn't acknowlege 8 people sitting at a fucking table.

Shoutouts to everyone I played and met at the event. Im sure we'll meet again soon. Peace and love to everybody.
Shoutouts to MikeMetroid for performing a Babality in a tournament match. Didn't get a chance to say anything at the time so I'm saying it now: that shit was hilarious bro, haha.


big congratulation to all the winners and a shoutout to everybody who make it and whoever did not make it but try his best to make it.

dartharma i do not think i ever screen after seen someone win a match like i did when you won the match that place you on the top 8 it was great to see you make it.


This weeken was amazing. My first mk9 tournament and I'm hooked. I thought I wasn't going to get far at all but I did. Met a lot of great people and learned so much. This community is amazing. Big shoutouts to storms, this guy dedication is on another level. Streaming live from his phone, answering tons of questions, moving around, doing other stuff, man this guy needs a trophy lol. Also everyone that I met, guyingreen, crazy Dominican and his brother(who has a sick cyrax, I think his name is master la peel? Lol), rui48, Dan cock, Tom Brady, reo, dark rob, michaelangelo, shock, rob and everyone I forgot sorry, I will probably remember after I post this lol, but shoutouts to everyone I met! I had tons of fun.


This weeken was amazing. My first mk9 tournament and I'm hooked. I thought I wasn't going to get far at all but I did. Met a lot of great people and learned so much. This community is amazing. Big shoutouts to storms, this guy dedication is on another level. Streaming live from his phone, answering tons of questions, moving around, doing other stuff, man this guy needs a trophy lol. Also everyone that I met, guyingreen, crazy Dominican and his brother(who has a sick cyrax, I think his name is master la peel? Lol), rui48, Dan cock, Tom Brady, reo, dark rob, michaelangelo, shock, rob and everyone I forgot sorry, I will probably remember after I post this lol, but shoutouts to everyone I met! I had tons of fun.
You need to come to Summer Jam in August bro. :)

I'll give you a ride if you like as well. Gonna see if I can get Ezail (SZ2) to come again as well.

It was fuckin great to see you come out, props bro.
Hey guys this is rob 9.95 brother. Thanks everyone for the shout outs. This was only my second tournament that I ran brackets. Talk about training under fire. I want to give a shout out to all the players that stood by and waited while we dealt with the electrical issue and then being patient while we got everything together. Organelle the beer was one of the best I ever had just cause of how bad I needed it. I thought that your girl showed some balls coming out and playing knowing what she may have had to deal with. Storms it was great meeting you. Lastly I want to say thanks to shock for helping me with the brackets. Without him I would have been screwed


Thank you so much Rob, you did more than well and without you, Phil and Matt it wasnt gonna go so well.